

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Random Thoughts

Today was a weird day.  

We all overslept a little.  Not enough to cause a dramatic panic, 
but enough that I didn't sit in bed to drink my coffee and 
I did hurry a bit to get the boys ready for the bus.

I noticed right away I had some itchy bites on me.
Spiders?  Six of them...on my arm and on my waist.
It is fall, when the spiders all come out and with the house
torn up, we may have displaced them from
their usual corners.  I asked The Mister why
he didn't have any!  I told him it was because I was sweeter. ha.
I don't feel sick, but tired..and a little down.
Can spider bites do that...or just kitchen renos?  lol....

I couldn't find the boys jackets anywhere.  Of course this house
is in a total upheaval! But still, they weren't in all the normal places.
The bus arrived and they had to go without them.
Later one of their teachers emailed to say that they forgot to inform
 me Friday that the boys left their jackets there over the weekend.

Our contractor came late and left early.  He can't seal in our new
sink or hook up the plumbing until the stone counter tops are
in place, so instead of having us without water any longer, he put in
 the old sink and hooked us back up.  And he hooked up the stove/oven
...so at least there is water and something to cook on, right?
Tomorrow he promises upper cabinet installation.

I ran out of bananas so sent in some canned peaches for the boys
in their lunches.  Not their favorite, but they eat them alright.
After lunch I got an email saying Spencer gagged on the peaches
and threw up on his clothes.  I guess I won't be sending the peaches
any longer. ha.  They also said that I should know that Alex throws
his grapes away every day.  Why is that?  He eats them here just fine!

Since I was feeling like I had lost control of most everything,
I decided to clean out one side of my closet.
Now all of those bins are orderly and my socks are not 
cohabitating with my panties, etc. lol....
I even filled a bag to take to the thrift store.

If things are still feeling out of control tomorrow, 
maybe I'll organize the other side! 


  1. I can't see the pink wellies anywhere

    1. Did you take them to the charity shop, or thrift store as you call it in the colonies?

    2. I be first I be!, Everbody else is asleep it seems.

    3. They're on the other side! No, I'm keeping them! But you can see my new grey ones there!
      Look at you being nimble and quick...commenting first!

  2. A spider bit the top of my right foot last week and I could not believe the redness and the itchiness! A little better now. Keep a close eye on yours, my dear.

    1. They are terrible! This one really munched on me! :( I hate spiders.

  3. Oh Betsy...I feel for you♥️
    My boyfriend gets Spider bites a lot...me...never!
    Love your leopard shoes....very sexy!
    I will never do renos...never...ever...ever!
    At least you have some water and the stove...
    Perhaps some headway tomorrow...
    Try and enjoy your evening...
    Cheers my friend...
    Linda :o)

    1. The thing about renos is that nobody is in a hurry as much as the homeowner. ha.
      I am thankful for running water and a stove, though. You'd think I'd be in there dying to cook
      but I'm not in the mood. lol.....

  4. ╔═══════╗
    Hi, Miss Ohio
    ╚════.♥. ═╝
    Apparently we now have "brown widow" spiders in this country. Obviously came in on the Banana Boats, and they are proli . . .prilifor . . . .multiplying after we had a warm summer, but they are still in the south of England thank goodness. The don't give a deadly bite like the black Widow spider, but they ban give you a nasty suck!

    1. Sounds like our wolf spiders, but they are very poisonous. I don't think my bites are poisonous, but they sure are painful and itchy. And they probably didn't make me sad....I think that just has to do with other things on my mind.

    2. Is that a cat or a jack-o-lantern? :)

  5. Oh dear...they are all small things but they ALL add up to a big KINK in the whole day yes?? UGH. Monday. Boo.

  6. Omy what a day Betsy!
    All begin bad when you cannot drink your coffe I know!
    Hope tomorrow will be better!
    And what happens that Alex doesnt it his grapes????omy!
    BTW I have problems with my laundry
    All the clothes are wet doesnt squeeze!

    1. Oh no....your washer! Yuck! That is a terrible problem!

    2. What's the prognosis on the washer? Do you have to get a new one? When our washer stopped wringing out the clothes, we had to get a new one....that was a few years ago.

  7. I hate days like that! Clearing out is always good isn't it, makes you feel as though you are in charge and although the horrible things are still there at least you have achieved something in the meantime. I hope that tomorrow is a better day. xx

    1. Yes, the closet was a good thing to do. I need to make something look orderly and keep me busy!

  8. Been there! Done that! Kids were young when we tour out our kitchen . We cooked in a electric frying pan on the dining room table.

    1. Well, now, that is being resourceful! Our dining room table is full of kitchen stuff...but at least the microwave is on there and it works! ha.

  9. Your socks e-mailed me and said they were so thankful...They were tired of walking around with blinders on. :D

    Poor you! Poor boys. Poor Mister. I really dislike reno's. I trip around like I'm drunk. You wonder how all that stuff finds its way under your feet even though you know you moved it 5-mins ago for the 100th. time. Kitchens are the worst.
    Odd thing about the grapes. Maybe because they're warmish and not just out of the fridge. Oh and the peaches. :( Poor sweetie.

    Now go make us something good to eat. ;)

    1. Don't know why this part didn't post. hmmm....

      If you guys were close I'd cook you dinner.

    2. When I first read your comment I was thinking Socks, our cat. hahahaha.....but I figured it out, even with my mushy mind today. lol....

  10. I'd say it was weird.
    From lost coats, upchucked peaches to a organized closet.
    You must be in the middle of a kitchen redo! lol

    1. And the spiders! Don't forget the spiders! lol....

      I'll live, really I will. It could be so much worse. Just feeling a little pouty, I think.

    2. Today is better. :)
      Even though it poured rain all day....I got out with a long list of errands...some fun shopping included and took myself out to lunch.
      I'm back now, soggy and a little cold, but feeling pretty good. :)

  11. Poor baby! It must be today... or something in the air... maybe all better TOMORROW! I've kinda had one of those days myself. So let's all hang in there together!!

    1. I'm all for that! Sorry your day was like that, too! It's so unlike me to be apathetic and down....tomorrow has to be better!

  12. yikes...cleaning is not how i find inner peace...ha....
    dont you hate that...when you oversleep nothing is where it needs to be
    and only compounds things....

    1. haha...well, the weird thing is, there is no place to just relax here....the kitchen is gutted, along with the dining room. My desk is gone. The living room is full of all the stuff from the other rooms. The contents of the hall closet is on the floor in our bedroom and some stuff spilled over into my studio. On top of that, everything has a layer of construction dust on it....there are no floors in part of the house...just plywood with old grout all over it...and we didn't have water in the kitchen for 6 days. Oh dear.

      At least the jackets came home....and I know not to put peaches in their lunches! lol....

  13. What a day, from start to finish! At least you made something good come of it. It always makes me feel better to look at nicely organized cupboards or closets. I like your leopard shoes and those red heels!

    1. Over the weekend I cleaned the bathrooms...they look very nice! The only rooms in the house. lol.... Yes, organizing even a small thing can add a little order to a chaotic world. haha.

  14. Sorry the day was a bit of a downer . . . . a sequence of things going wrong.
    But at least you got water back and the stove. . .
    Shame about Spencer being ill and Alex and the grapes . . . .
    Glad you stopped your socks cohabiting with your 'smalls' as we call them in Britland.
    I don't think any spider bite will do much good and maybe any could drag you down a bit. The bite is after all poisonous to it's prey.
    Hope tomorrow bodes much better . . . . :)

  15. Yikes! Be on the lookout. I got a spider bite last May and by July I had big bullseyes in about 4-5 places and achy joints. Not cool! Then I heard other people in the area say they contacted Lymes through spider bites as well. Hopefully these are just 'friendly bites'!

    1. Friendly bites...lol....maybe it was Charlotte. ;)

    2. Ha, but then you'd have to be living in the barn!

    3. lol....there was a time when that movie was the boys' favorite and it played here daily. I should see if they are interesting in revisiting it! They love the music...

  16. Oh, Betsy, hang in there. You've got a lot goin' on.

    1. I'm escaping tomorrow....I have a list of errands and some fun shopping to do, too. I think it will do me some good! :)

  17. Renovations are exhausting, which is probably why I'm not in a big hurry to have my kitchen torn apart. There is no way to keep any room of the house completely dust free when the kitchen is torn to bits. I think maybe my bathroom redos are all I am going to hope for for now. (They were done five years ago and I still love them.) Well, I'll wait at least until I recover my sanity, which might be never since I feel half crazy most days. ha ha!

    1. I'm already talking about redoing our two bathrooms next year and the mister keeps looking at me like I'm crazy. Port-a-john on the back porch? Oh dear. Maybe not....at least not in the winter.

    2. One bathroom/powder room at a time. It's really the shower that's hard to be without. We did our in the winter and then James' father died and we had to leave it half done and go to California.
      I really love to have my kitchen redone but I'm bot sure we can afford to pay the contractor... Actually, the contractor is going to be working on outside jobs soon. He's already ordered the materials so I hope it doesn't snow anytime soon.

    3. The way I want to do out two little bathrooms is to knock one into the other and make the other expand into a spare bedroom next door. So, both would be torn up together. I said we could take a family vacation while it was being done...a long, slow train ride through the mountains somewhere. The Mister thinks I've lost my mind. :)

      Hope the weather cooperates for the outside fixing up! How exciting! Take before and afters!

    4. I'm not sure there will be much to show as far as the roof and trim goes, but if he tackles the patio/garden area, I'll definitely take pictures.
      I think a slow train ride through the mountains sounds wonderful. You can take me.

  18. Only time I had spider bites was on my butt
    And already ranted about that at my hut haha
    You can get much through the damn bite though
    One persons leg puffed up the size of a balloon that I know
    Those socks lost their thrill lol
    The battle every day seems to be up hill

    1. I did a recount and I have eight!
      I might kick the bucket at this rate.
      If they really do me in,
      can my cats come live with Orlin?

    2. damn, that is nasty as can be
      Orlin can be a bit bossy
      They may not like that
      But they'd be fine with Cassie cat lol

    3. A have a few that are bossy, too.
      My they would be a crazy crew! haha.

  19. Laughing at Keith's little figures. But NOT laughing at your Monday. Yuck. Maybe you had everything happen in one day so that the rest of the week will be smooth sailing! Fingers crossed. Keep an eye on those bites, though - they can certainly make one feel out of sorts and tired. I have had a few spider bites this fall too. Only one last night on my waist. Can't compete with you!

    And trust me, the last thing I would do on a day like you had would be to organise a closet. No way. But each to his own. :-) Here's to a better Tuesday!

    1. Why do spiders like to nibble on our waists? lol....

      I got another one on my leg last night....the sheets are going in the wash today and I'm vacuuming that mattress. Geesh!

      Yes, today will be better...it has to be! haha....

    2. Because our waists are delectable!

    3. LOL! yes, yes....that's got to be the reason...how can they resist? hahaha.....

  20. Oh my what a day! And may the rest of the week look brighter Betsy! Hmm..wonder why your son throws away the grapes. My son surprises me with things like that too. If only we could figure them out:)

    1. Yes, if only we could figure them out! haha. Oh my, that would make life easier, wouldn't it? I'm sure he'll be surprised today when he tries to throw them away and the aides say he has to eat them just like at home! What? haha....oh my.

  21. I can imagine that you're at that point in the reno where you just want it to be over, and it still feels like the end is a long way off. Hopefully you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel before too long. I see you're escaping the chaos today, which I think is just the right thing. See if you can fit a long drive into the countryside in addition to your errands. And take your camera with you! :)

    1. Sounds like a plan...too bad it's grey and raining...but a drive might still be nice! I'm going to take my time and enjoy the day.

  22. Spiders...yikes. Can you spray the perimeter of your rooms with Raid? The spiders at the lake come in as soon as it cools.

    Organizing makes us feel we have control. I am loving your closet. Mine is so small I have to turn sideways to get into.

    Surgery went well, trying to get used to just one hand. Sore but happy it's over. Just pecking away to say thanks dear!

    Jane xx

    1. Good idea...I do that in the spring for ants.

      Yes, organizing makes me feel in control and at least I was in control of my closet yesterday...well, at least one half of it. ha. I don't have a walk in...just sliding doors.

      So glad to hear you're doing ok....even just using one hand. :)

  23. The red heels caught my eye, I am guessing you wear them, they look so tall, glamorous and painful :)

    1. haha...they aren't painful... I do have one rule...shoes must be comfortable. The height doesn't bother me...of course I wouldn't wear them all day or wear I had to walk a mile. But out to dinner or to church is good. :)

  24. Spiders, huh? Not a good thing! Hope you don't get any further visits!

    1. Nope...10 bites in all, but I feel better this evening...

  25. Monday's can be totally crazy sometimes. We worked all day at a golf tournament fundraiser yesterday.
    Raised a lot of money for our Mexico Mission Trip this Easter vacation time.
    Hope your bites go away without any problems and the reno keeps moving forward.
    Glad you have water and a place to cook too.
    Keep plugging along the good thing is you are getting closets straightened and some order to the daily chaos. (:0)

    1. Your fund raiser and upcoming trip sound very cool!

  26. Oh Betsy, I hope that things are in control tomorrow and you feel better. We seem to go into these kinds of things knowing but it is always
    harder than it seemed it was going to be. It is going to be a beautiful kitchen. Just remember that. I think your mister should maybe take
    you out soon so you can wear those gorgeous heels! You need something to look forward to. Taria

  27. Hi Betsy - oh dear ... the sickies are never easy to deal with .. poor boys. Well the contractor is being kind and thoughtful ..

    Fantastic red stilettos and then those kitten shoes (I wrote kittchen!!) shoes .. fun .. carry on carrying on .. cheers Hilary


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