

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mother's Prayer

My prayer as a mom is very different
for my oldest son than it is for my
triplets with autism.
For the triplets, it is things like
asking for a miracle in their
recovery, letting them be
able to talk, giving us wisdom
in how we can help them in
the best ways possible,
and for financial provisions to
afford treatments.
But for a "normal" 16 year old guy,
it is things like keeping him safe
as he drives,
keeping him healthy,
asking for a hedge
of protection around him
~ protection from anything that
would hurt him spiritually, physically
or emotionally. I ask daily that he
would grow up to be a fine young man
that loves God and wants
to please him. And~~~I pray
that I would be a good mom. :)


  1. oh, have i mentioned what an amazing mom you must be and what an incredible blog buddy you have become!!??

    ps...thank you for your tag game...it was fun...i am so neurotic...i couldn't stop thinking about six word memoir possibilities!! it helped me laugh! i appreciate all your kind words, thoughts, and prayers...and your son is so handsome! take care!!

  2. I know people who are in a similar situation, with the challenge of ensuring their older boy (non-autistic) gets the attention he needs too, and that they address his concerns about ultimately being the one who will look after his siblings.

    Your love and strength is very evident in your words and hopes for your oldest. :)

  3. What a blessing you must be to those boys!

  4. What a fine young man he must be... your firstborn. I have no doubt that God is using his special and unique place in your family to make him into a very special and unique man.

  5. Awww...those pictures are priceless. Where did the time go? I'm glad you posted that new photo...he's so handsome. I agree, your boys are incredibly lucky to have you for a mom. :)

  6. Becky.. you are a beautiful Mother ...you have a heart so large that everybody's grief and everybody's joy is found welcome in it.. You are the woman of Proverbs 31... Her children arise and call her blessed..

    I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. l Samuel...

  7. What a beautiful prayer for your son! He is so handsome ~ your family is so blessed to have you as their matriarch. I have different prayer for each (3) of my children...they each have such different strengths & weaknesses. May God bless you & your family!

  8. I firmly believe that the prayers of mother take first precedence in heaven. Like all mothers, we pray for our children first. Before ourselves or anyone else. We do our best to protect them but the rest is up to God. Oh Lord, hear a mother's prayer and safeguard my children's lives, health, and well being.

    Your son is growing up into a handsome young man...you have alot to be proud of.

  9. Wow...he is pretty special and has a great set of parents!!
    I have been commenting on your blog but must have been doing it incorrectly. Hopefully, you are getting my comments about your "Beautiful" Blog!!

  10. Sometimes I wonder if my parenting would be different if my autistic son had been born second, instead of firstborn.

    And then I remember that I have been a praying woman for most of my life and realize that I would probably have done it all exactly the same.

    Your son has a good example in you to learn parenting skills when he becomes a father. No better legacy.

  11. My prayers for my oldest son, now 14, are very similar. I feel it's a glorious spiritual heritage to have been prayed for as a child (and even now) by my own parents, and to pray over my kids. God bless you as you lift each of your kids up with the heart of a mother. That's a blessing to them beyond compare.


  12. All good thoughts everyone ~ thanks for the kinds words and empathy! :)


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