

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Weekly Chore List

...by an OCD, work from home, crazy, high energy girl. lol.
I had a photo on Instagram last week similar to the one
below and had a comment or two about what it was.
I thought I'd share it here in more detail. If you're a list
person you might appreciate this and I'd love to hear some
of your ideas, too, on how you keep your home/family/job
humming along while living a crazy busy life.

I keep this list stored on my computer and edit it for the season.
When I made up, I typed out what I'd like to get done around 
the house in an ideal world.  And I will tell you right now
that I rarely, if ever, get everything crossed off the list in
a week's time.  It's just a guideline, but I do manage to
get about 80% done.  On Sundays I print off a fresh list
for the week.   The right hand column is from my calendar
and I write out what will be happening on each day so I
can stay organized, remember appointments, etc.
The thing I like about it is that nothing is assigned a specific
day.  The goal is to have the things done by the weekend so
I can do what I'm in the mood to do and how it fits in
with what else is going on here.


There are things that I do daily 
that aren't on the list.  They are things 
such as making the beds, scooping the cat litter,
packing the boys' lunches, dinner and dishes, basic 
straightening of the house...and working in my studio.

So if you had any doubts that I'm a little crazy, I've
certainly removed all doubt now, right?  hahaha....
But with 5 adults living here (3 with special needs) a
couple of parakeets and a herd of cats, I need
 some kind of order to keep my sanity! :)

Any other crazies out there?
Or are you more of a laid back person that hates
lists and structure?  I envy you, sometimes! lol.
But this is the way I'm wired and accomplishing
things on my lists makes me happy. 

How do you keep your home running smoothly?


  1. Wow, I guess I am just plain lazy....With the family and animals you have living at home I can see your need for a system and organization. I think you would really get snowed under otherwise.
    things would probably go better at our home if I employed some of your weekly need to's.
    I think I am going to try!

    1. Exactly...if we were empty nesters and didn't have pets, it would be a completely different
      scenario! Add in there kids that still need help bathing and having their shoes tied and
      you just have to be ultra organized to survive! haha.

  2. It´s kind of funny, but I am also sitting here right now and making a to do-list for the upcoming week. It´s already 10:20 pm here (Germany), so monday is basically around the corner. I love doing lists, but I rarely get everything done, because I tend to write to much on my lists. I guess I still have to figure that out. :D

    1. I think a lot of it is just in the making of the list. It makes us feel like we have control and are at least attempting to be organized about it all! It's nice to know you're a list maker, too! :)

    2. This is so true. It totally makes me feel better. :)

    3. Me, too! Nice to see you commenting here, Sabrina! I do love to follow you on Instagram!

  3. I'm a list person but ...not perfect like you!! Even if I don't write a list for the week I like to have my week under control.
    Every Sunday evening I do my best to be ready to start the week.
    Every evening I prepare the moka, so in the mornig I have just to put it on the stove; I also set a tray with two cups so or I or OH (it depends on the one who wokes up before) can bring breakfast in bad.
    We have no time to waste in the mornig so all has to be ready!

  4. Great minds think alike (again!). I have a Filofax to organise my life. Being old and forgetful I put all my appointments, shopping days etc in it. I have a shopping list insert in the present week to which I add items as I think about them. I also designed a chore list that I insert every week on the Sunday page (not as long as yours though) but, like you, a lot doesn't get done and is forwarded to the following week. My life is organised, and I also keep a journal nearly every day of any important events that happen.

    1. One chore that always get forwarded to the following week, and never gets done, is to take down the Christmas decorations.

    2. You and Christmas decorations? You know I know better than to believe that. :)

      I attach an index card to my clipboard for my grocery list!

  5. oh I walk the walk of compulsive list maker,, I surely do,, I would say I tick maybe 70 percent of th list on a good week,,lol, less on a bad week but for me its a guideline,, I may not follow it to the tee but for me its the physical act of writing it down that feeds my need for organization,,I like things organized,, it makes me feel content. If you are crazy you are not alone my friend, not alone at all,,

    1. Yes...the physical act of writing it down. And it's the physical act of crossing things off that is
      so therapeutic for me. hahaha....and it's good to know I'm in such good company!

  6. Another list maker checking in! I love marking things off my list as it makes me feel that I have accomplished something for the day!!

    1. And I bet your list is extra long with the grands coming! :)

  7. Oh my. I grew up with a mama that judged your character by how clean your baseboards are. I keep a sort of clean house. Before mom passed I would do really big cleaning when she would be visiting. I have a friend that notices and appreciates a clean house so I try to have her over enough to keep me in check. She teases that she visits to see me not the house. I do like the idea of your list. Checking off is always a motivator. Since dh retired it is tougher to keep things in check. Good thing he isn't fussy and he does the vacuuming now! YOu have that to look forward to.

    1. I can relate to some of these things! Yes indeed.

      My mister vacuums, too! :)

    2. good man you have there, but you knew that. Have a great week.

  8. I am definitely not a lists and structure person... but I live on my own and don't have all the various responsibilities that you do. I admire people who are ultra organized. But I'm not one of them!
    I always hope that you add some time for yourself on that neverending list and I'm pleased to see when you take yourself shopping... or have a bubble bath... or have a jammie day. 'Cause you need to do that for your own self preservation... and for your family.
    What's the saying? If Mama's not happy, no one is happy! :-)

    1. Ah..one of those people I envy! lol....

      That was my resolution this year...take better care of myself. My stress level
      was through the roof. And happily, I'm doing pretty well at keeping to it and I
      can feel a huge difference, too. The quote that keeps impressing me is, "You can't
      pour from an empty cup." That one really speaks to me!

    2. Yes, I like that quote too. Very true. I think it applies to so many things, but particularly to busy women and busy Moms. I am so glad you are feeling the positive effects of your resolution. Yay!

    3. I do use the calendar on my smartphone to keep track of social events, appointments, etc. otherwise I would be lost. And when I worked I had task lists. But not now. It gets done when it gets done! But I do like the idea of a freezer lust... that would be helpful.

    4. Sheesh. Freezer "list" not "lust." Although...

  9. Super list! I am a list person too. I especially like my grocery list on the refrigerator that I add to as things get low so on whatever day I decide to go to the store I just check the refrigerator items and off I go. I also used to keep a list of what is in the freezer so I wouldn't have to open it all the time. I list a lot on the calendar like my hubby's work schedule, grandson's work schedule, appointments, fun events to attend and the like. I make lists when I'm going to yard sales and write down my purchases and of course my list for the auctions I go to. Lists are your friend!

    1. The freezer list is a great idea! I'm always digging in it to see what's there!

    2. We had a catalogue at the weekend for WiFi enables white goods. A fridge that takes photographs of what's inside and emails them to your phone or tablet so you don't have to open the door... or can simply check when you are out shopping. "Do we need milk?" I'll just check the recent fridge photos.
      I think I'll stick to opening the door and writing it down.

  10. haha you have quite the list
    Good the cat poop scoop is not missed lol
    Don't need a list at my sea
    As just 2 cats and me
    I keep things done
    And then my ocd can enjoy the sun

    1. Lucky you in the sun
      after your tiny bit of work is done.

  11. I'm also OCD and a list person but mainly because of my memory loss. I kept a journal for many years that listed what I did every day, places I'd gone, people I'd talked to, meds I'd taken ... pretty much everything about my daily life. I had to do this because I just couldn't remember the simple things. That probably seems really strange, doesn't it? Now I use lists for other reasons and, like you, I've found that crossing things off of them brings a great sense of accomplishment!


    1. I like the journal idea...no matter what the reason. It's something I probably should have done when all my boys were little. There are so many things I've forgotten because life was a blur with 4 babies 2 years old and under! I used to write down medicine times when they were sick because I'd forget who got what and when!

  12. I keep a running, "to do", list on my desk at work. Always easier to keep it all written down instead of carrying it around in the head all day long!

  13. It's truly a thing of beauty! I mean it. I love lists. I feel like I need to revamp some of mine...life has been a little out of control lately.

    1. Another list girl! Hey, how are you? Are you blogging? We need to catch up!

  14. Oh my! THAT list would drive me crazy all by itself! And I would not survive one day... I would be completely frustrated by all the things that did NOT get crossed off!! Good luck, oh crazy lady! LOL

    1. One day? Silly man...it's for the entire week! You couldn't possibly get it all done on Monday. haha.

  15. Nice subject matter, today. I really get into this kind of thing.

    Boy oh boy! That's some list! You must be related to the energizer bunny!

    Yes, I am a list maker, too. I make daily lists, though. Sort of a bullet journal type list. If I don't finish everything that day, I roll it over to the next. I keep a notebook handy for my lists....one at the lake and one at the beach. I, also, use an Erin Condren planner for quick entry journaling, to record my exercise stats and appointments on the monthly pages and I go into more detail as far as journal entries on the daily pages. I number every page and keep an index in the back and reference important things by page number. I, also, record Christmas gifts for the family and my Christmas card list and addresses in the back. I save these planners from year to year. I just love them and I love looking back through them from time to time. When I first started doing this back in the 80's, I used steno tablets. I still have them. Lol!! I'm currently working on some type of garden journal. It's a work in progress. This was a fun post, Betsy!

    1. Oooh...you are the Queen of Lists with that system! Wow! hahaha.... I have a sheet in my clipboard for Christmas lists, holiday menus, etc. And I put tick marks on my right hand column each day for the number of glasses of water I drink. :) I kinda figured you were a list maker! :)

  16. I've been desperately trying to make a serious list for months now. I make little lists that last a day or three, and keep up with the necessary things, but I rarely feel I'm making progress on the important things. When I was working I could handle a lot of tasks in a day, but now I have real difficulty thinking about more than one thing at a time. It feels like my brain is on vacation!

  17. I love making lists like that! I find I get a lot more done if I write it down, plus there is a great satisfaction in crossing something off!

  18. I am very lazy to plan things. Though i plan i am not able to keep doing the work according my plans. So i stopped planning and do the work as it come...

    1. I like that...simple! And if it works for you, that's the best thing.

    2. I like your list Betsy! I like organisation a lot! With so many people in the house and pets you do need a list and I think it must give you a pleasure to write it down, the planning part of it ... and then when you cross things done it must be a satisfaction as well.
      I don't do lists though mainly because I do not even have the time to make one. And I stopped making grocery lists (for most of the time) after reading that your brain gets lazy :-( it works for me this way. However when there is a visit coming or anything 'important' to happen I have my grocery list ready ... haha. I like the idea of having a list for your water intake. I think I may want to make one like that for me too!!

  19. Hi Betsy - with your Five Men workload - granted 4 now - + innumerable animoooools ... I admire you getting up - I'd have my head buried ... but no - we all have our own way of getting things done ... and I definitley need to be more organised and efficient ... have a good checking it off week .. cheers Hilary

    1. If I didn't have anyone depending on me, I'd bury my head! hahaha...

  20. Oh I love your list. I hope you won't mind if I copy your idea.

    1. Of course I don't mind...just tweak it to fit your needs.
      You'll have to let me know how you like it.

  21. I don't make lists because I don't have much of anything to do except get cleaned up, go to the bathroom, eat the meals or snacks my wife of 61 years fixes me/us to eat and look out the bay window at the people who walk or drive by our house. And get ready to go or going to the doctor. Our daughter now drives us to the out of town doctors so I have to have my oxygen generator ready to go all the time. Who would have thought how different life can be--it is a different world I live in nowadays. I keep a journal and have for years. I can usually look in there at a specific date and tell you everything from the temperature that morning to who visited, or what we did. I wonder, sometimes, how many daily journals you come across at the auctions?

    1. We really don't see too many journals! I'm sure that's because families want to keep them.
      We do see a lot of old ledgers....personal finance records, things like that. Some of the
      old ledgers are beautiful from the 20's and 30's.

  22. I used to write lists for daily chores and longer term projects but always made sure to have something on the list that I could cross off quickly. It's very satisfying just crossing stuff off.
    Not so many lists now as I am at work all day and the chef is supposed to do the housework. but guess what? It turns out he doesn't. The other day he threw half a huge tin of peanuts (bird food)on the garage floor. He tells me he won't have time to clear it up for about 3 weeks!
    By which time the local mouse population, or worse, rats, will have moved in I imagine.
    I guess I better start a list.

    1. hmmmm.....maybe a mouse in his underwear drawer will teach him a lesson. ..lol....

      I do agree that there is great satisfaction in crossing the things off. I like the psychology behind
      a quick cross off to inspire you!

  23. I just typed you a long comment ... where did it go?? will try to type it one more later on ... I hate when that happens!! :-(

    1. Ack! I do hate that! Next time try to back page and see if its still there...sometimes I can recover them like that.

  24. Hi Betsy! Second attempt :-) I love your list. I think that with a household full of people and animals you do have to keep super organised. I love organised! And it feels it must be relaxing to prepare the list actually and then very satisfying to cross out tasks that were done. So to me, this is not crazy at all. As for myself, I do not do lists. I try even not to do shopping lists since I like to train my brain ... haha. Yes, it can be frustrating especially in the beginning but one gets use to it :-) (but we are not 6 back home so it is different of course!) however when a visit has to come I will write down what I need because you don't want to forget anything for a visit right?! :-) happy day Betsy!!

    1. Ooh...you're better than me if you can keep it in your head and remember it! Once in a while I'll forget to take my shopping list with me to the grocery and I do pretty well remembering everything on it. But if we are having company I must have the list!!! haha...

  25. Sometimes I make lists too, because I need order the things :)
    Yes You know are two bunnies and two dogs and the little puppy is a crazy, sigh!
    And the twins go in the morning and Im have to put in order. Usually Monday is the more busy day.

  26. Yes. I'd be hopeless without a list.

    I've got another little list which I rather like . . :)

    1. Oh here is the URL

    2. The list of girls you haven't kissed??? lol.....

    3. Endless . . . lol
      Poor me . . haha

  27. I have lists but I rarely get everything ticked off before something else gets added. I use an app, synced on my phone, iPad and computer - so it is easy to add things and tick things off. It works for me!

    1. I've never thought of doing one on my phone! I've have to check that out. I wouldn't be able to physically cross things off, though...yes, I know I'm crazy...haha....

    2. I use my phone almost exclusively for appointments and mini-shopping lists. It's true that you can't cross off, but you can delete which is satisfying too! And, in fact you can cross off if you have strikethrough applications. I know... it's not the same thing. :-)

  28. I make lists for the day, sometimes.. and that's as far as I usually take it. I have made longer-reaching lists when certain factors don't come together for months, and I know that in advance.

    1. Not sure what that last part meant...you lost me! :)


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