

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Our April showers started off with hail this afternoon!
Lots of thunder and rumbling and that unmistakable sound
of ice hitting the metal patio furniture!
So glad we don't have a metal roof! haha.
One nice thing....this winter girl got to feel ice on her toes
just one more time before the heat of the season kicks in!
It cooled the temperature down quite a bit, knocked
a lot of blooms from the trees and made cats gallop in from 
all their sleepy hiding spots around the yard.
I don't see any damage....last time we had hail, we got
a new roof and gutters out of it!  And now the rains are here...
looks like a couple of days worth, too!  The only 
irritating thing about the hard rain is that the satellite
doesn't work. haha. The good thing is that it's 
wonderful to fall asleep listening to it!


  1. It sounds like you had the same weather front as we did this afternoon (although I didn't see much hail after it was over).

    1. It was a beautiful morning while I ran errands! Glad it held off until later!

  2. "Oh Hail, nice feet!" . . . lol
    Fancy you getting hail stones . . . we did this morning, but your stones are bigger than ours and look more like diamonds compared to our opals . . lol . . . :)

    1. Are you sure yours wasn't sleet? haha.

    2. Yes, sleet ~ thought it was the same . . but hail must be heavier . . . poor feet! . . are they bruised? . . lol

    3. You thought hail and sleet were the same? Good job you aren't a weather man! haha....

    4. LOL . . . yes it is because I might struggle with tornadoes and hurricanes too . . . :)

  3. I had the exact same weather here. It was a nice day but then the clouds moved in late this afternoon and along with it came the thunder, lighting, rain and hail. Flooded the streets in my neighborhood. Wonder which one of us got it first?

    I'm off to an HOA mtg. this evening. Oh and before I forget ... I caved and had a Ritter's Wild Cherry Glacier earlier. Is there a Ritter's close to you? I hope so!

    Have a nice evening and stay dry!


    1. You're in Indiana, right? So you got it first! Beautiful here until about 3:00 then it blew in quickly! Pouring rain now...lots of thunder. Our streets aren't flooded, though, but if it rains for 3 days like they say, we'll get our 'lake' in the back yard. haha.

    2. Yeah, I am. It just sounded like it might've reached you first. It must've been a fast moving system. I know what you mean about a 'lake' - I have a few neighbors who end up in the same situation every time we have weather like this!

    3. Looks like it was moving west to east. And our lake has already started! It's just a little puddle at the moment. :)

  4. Eddies right, whilst you have bigger hailstones (why is everything bigger in America?) we have tiny ones with bits of the rainbow in them. Ha!

    1. We'll we're just plain bigger! haha. You're the size of the state of Alabama I read once! Amazing!

  5. Looks like diamonds strewn at your feet! We had big thunderstorms last night and slapping rain but I don't think there was hail. I am laughing at the thought of a traffic jam at the cat flap! Ha!

    1. Yeah, that was so funny....they didn't waste any time! We still have some missing though...probably further away than our yard and are hunkered down somewhere until the rain stops.

      If wishes were fishes and diamonds were hail
      I'd fish for more wishes and grab a big pail.

  6. Toes on the ground
    Is fine to be found
    Hail to the head
    That causes dread haha
    Cats knew that
    And away they did scat
    We just had snow
    Blah, as it just won't go

    1. That's what you get for living way up north.
      But you already knew that, of course.
      Did you shovel for nanny
      or were you lazy, making her profanity granny?

    2. With my back I'll shovel never
      But that isn't a needed endeavor
      Most has melted away
      Be gone by the end of the day

  7. So glad you did not have any damage Betsy!!

    1. Don't think we did...but I didn't go up on the roof! haha. I don't think they were big enough
      to do much of anything.

  8. Yikes!
    I saw on the news, the big storm moving East...we are not affected...
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

    1. Supposed to last a couple of days! Glad my errands are done and I get to stay home!

  9. Green....a cute pink flower....hailstones....and tootsies! HaHa! I've seen those tootsies a few times lately. HeHe!

    Our satellite goes out in hard rain, too. We have a tin roof over the Carolina room, at the beach, and sometimes it gets so noisy from the rain that you can't hear the t.v. or each other talk.

    1. My tootsies are out from their slippers after 6 months and they are having a barefoot party! haha.
      If you were your sister, you'd stop coming over by now. hahaha....

    2. HaHa! I was just thinking a couple of nights ago of what I'm going to do for her birthday this year. I was thinking about doing a foot collage, but decided to save that for when she turns 40 next year. So, I have to think of a good 'feet' picture for this year. I only have two months. Lol! Your hailstone picture would have been perfect.

    3. lol...you should do some kind of scavenger hunt having to do with feet.
      Maybe she has to solve clues to find all the parts of a foot. lol....
      Maybe you could find a rubber foot and cut it into parts. hahaha....

    4. Oh my gosh, that would be so funny. It would totally gross her out. LOL!!!

  10. Love spring showers in autumn are more strong but I love them too :)

    1. I don't like them any stronger! Just a nice rain is much better! haha.
      Storms bad, showers good. :)

  11. We had a huge hail storm last night. I plan to post on it this week. Your hail is much prettier than ours was. :)

    1. I can't wait to see yours! At least it didn't last long but it sure made a racket!

  12. Sometimes I have real difficulty sleeping - or staying asleep - so I got myself a CD of rain falling. But it's much more interesting than soothing. I lie away listening to the lovely sound of the rain. So that didn't work then.

    1. The Mister has trouble sleeping, too. We have to have a fan running in our room all year round because he likes the noise and if it's too quiet he can't fall asleep. I've thought about getting him a white noise maker...mainly so I don't freeze in the winter with that fan. haha.

    2. I love white noise and can't sleep without it. I use simplynoise.com. Brown noise is my favourite. I have a white noise machine as well, but I prefer the simplynoise on my phone. I used to use a fan but this is so much better... and you don't freeze!

  13. Could not reply to the orange squash comments on previous post (something wrong with my blogger but not sure what) orange squash: think an orange syrup and add water. Very sweet and probably lots of pretend flavour back in the 1960s. Not really very nice. I'm sure the modern version is better but I drink black currant flavour these days, and the Chef drinks raspberry syrup specially imported from Switzerland.

    1. Very interesting! So is it named for the vegetable or is it for something else? The game?

  14. Hi Betsy - looks glorious - love the one tiny pink blossom ...

    Orange squash is difficult to define! .. I've been trying ever since I started blogging - if you're English you know ... if not it's tres difficile to get over! Cheers Hilary

    1. Somehow, I don't think I'm missing anything in regards to the orange squash! haha.

      The sleet didn't last long after hitting the warm ground...glad I got a few photos!

  15. Wow! Two feet of hail. That's a lot. ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ☾ ☽ ❄ ☇ ☈ ⊙ ☉ ℃ ℉ ° ❅ ✺ ÏŸ

  16. So happy you didn't have any damage. And, I, too, love to fall asleep when it's raining.

    1. It is a soothing sound, isn't it? As long as there isn't thunder. haha.

  17. We do have a metal roof but no hail. We got about 2" of snow, enough to cover my budding flowers. Today is still cold but nice and sunny.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. Snow? haha....hope it melted soon...unless you love it. :)

  18. We have hail falling as I type. We had storms and rains since Monday and the forecast foresees more of it.
    Happy day Betsy!


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