

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Filling The Tank

I filled my SUV for $1.63/gallon today.
I'm pretty sure that's never happened before!
Gas prices are at $2.13 here in Ohio,
but I got an additional .50 off per gallon with my 
Kroger Fuel Points.  Nice!
And yeah, I run near empty before filling the tank. ha.


  1. Dang! I think gas prices here are still about 1.95, but we don't have a Kroger anywhere near. Walmart offers 3 cents off a gallon, and that's nothing.

    1. Yeah, but your overall price is still 18 cents better than ours!

  2. Replies
    1. I know! Wonder how long it will last! What are you paying down there?

  3. Oil prices are at a 6 year low and the major Supermarkets are having a price war. Your prices are much better than ours though because a large percentage goes in taxes. I think if you were charged as much tax there would be riots . . . . . lol
    Good idea to fill the tank . . . . :)

  4. It's still expensive to fill the tank but not nearly as expensive as it was.

    1. Just a few years ago I paid $75 to fill that tank!

  5. That is so excellent. We get our gas at Costco with a discount. But that price is way way good!!!! So thankful my little Nissan only holds 12 gal.

    1. I bet your gas mileage is better than mine, too. ha.

  6. Oh wow! Good for you!! We're heading back to the good ole days! lol

  7. My neighbour filled his car today, I was with him and I looked at the cut price board at the local Supermarket. The price of a litre was £1.14, so that translates to £4.30 a gallon (American) which is $6.15 in the USA! I think we are still being ripped off in Britain.

    1. Hmm...yes, that's quite a bit higher. But you don't have any of your own oil wells, so that might have something to do with it. Even though we do, we still rely on foreign oil, which I never will understand!

    2. We did have oil wells in the North Sea, but our Govt sold the oil rights to the USA. I suppose this is the "foreign oil" you mean.

    3. No, I wasn't referring to countries that are our allies....I was thinking of Middle Eastern countries that want to do harm to us and we still buy oil from them.

  8. Evan has been using our "points" on his gas and can't believe the prices! The downside is that there are layoffs started in the oil business. Always a trade off. Enjoy while it lasts. blessings ~ tanna

    1. Taylor and Lauren use our points, too, since I rarely, if ever, use all of mine. I did hear of the down sides that we are normal people don't think of. It won't last forever, though, I'm sure!

  9. NY State has one of the highest gasoline taxes in the US. It's around $2.45 a gallon right now around Rochester, which is looking pretty good to us. I have seen it down closer to $2.31 but that's a rarity where we live. Taxes, that's what really kills New Yorkers.

    1. Yeah, 2.45 is higher but still so much better than the $5 we were paying just a few years ago...or maybe you were paying closer to $6 then? ha.

    2. Oh, goodness! I don't even remember it getting higher than $4 something. Must have been the year I didn't dare go anywhere.

  10. So like having it down
    Gas bill doesn't make on frown
    Those points came in handy indeed
    It is 90 cents a litre(whatever that is in gallons) at our feed

    1. Hey Pat....
      We have had it as low as 84 cents a litre here in Southern Ontario....
      You are in the Maritimes, right?
      Did you see the Dollar today? Geesh.....

    2. One gallon is almost 4 liters, just so you know. Wow!

    3. damn, that is nice indeed
      Up there at your feed
      Always costs more here
      Yep, dollar is down i fear
      But I don't mind
      No shopping in the states anyway for my behind

  11. We do that in Florida....Winn Dixie, the grocery store, offers gas rebates....we usually only get gas a couple of times while there....save it up til we are heading home....great deal!
    Our gas is way down here...we pay by the litre....but....our Dollar SUCKS! Will be an extra expensive holiday this year....it went below 80 cents today!
    Enjoy your meal with the big kids....
    Linda :o)

    1. What a great idea to save on some fuel for your trip back.

      Meal with the big kids was fun...highlight of my week! :)

    2. I am sure they enjoy it just as much....

    3. Well, they keep coming back, so that's a good sign! Ha.

  12. Gas price here went up from $1.99 to $2.19 today, and "they" say that though there is plenty of oil, the refineries are processing less gas now in order to drive the price up! CRIMINAL!!!

    1. Ugh! I'm sure we'll see it climb back up in no time at all!

  13. Hope you buy yourself something nice with all the money you saved!

    1. ha...well, I didn't even think of that. It's just stay in the bank until needed. lol...

  14. Central Toronto is 96.9 cents per litre but in Cornwall, Ontario it has been as low as 74.9 cents. I don't drive, nor own a car (funnily enough!) but my friends are quite happy it is low. However it has other ramifications so who knows. I get around on foot, bus, streetcar, subway. Because I am having mobility issues I am thinking of getting a little scooter. Would be so nice to zip somewhere quickly rather than cane-hobbling all the time. Or perhaps I should just get four handsome men to carry me around in a litter like Cleopatra! That would be fun!

    1. Haha...I like the last idea best! How fun would that be!

  15. doesnt it feel great ....
    with my kroger discount i got it close to that
    i think $1.68

    i saw someone on FB got under a dollar...

  16. It just makes me smile to see those prices but you really scored with that Kroger discount, wow!

  17. Isn't it wonderful! Too bad it won't last!

  18. I paid $1.89 a gal. the other day. We have BI-LO fuel perks here in SC and Lowe's food offers the same. It's easy to rack up 15 to 20 cents off a gallon of gas. It's nice that the grocery stores do that.

    1. That is so true...and with all my men, we certainly go through a lot of groceries!

  19. Nice, Betsy! We're currently at $1.83-$1.95 here in Knoxville, TN. (depending on which side of the city one is on), before discounts. & given my current back-up of Kroger points, under a dollar is sounding good right about now :)

    1. Under a dollar would be shocking! Fun, but shocking! Enjoy it while it lasts!


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