

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See

After several weeks of non-stop grey, sleet, rain, wind and snow, we've had several days of warm weather, sunshine and blue skies! I even heard a bird singing today! What a tease of spring weather! But I'm not fooled! Here in Ohio, we are used to snow through March and we've even had ice storms in April. But until the next wave of cold comes through, we are enjoying leaving our mittens at home and even cracking the windows in our cars to let the extra heat out, just like you do during the summer months! Today I was out and about, and was enjoying the blue skies and temps in the 50's while I ran some errands. I don't live too far from Wright Patterson Air Force Base and it's a common sight to see some interesting military aircraft in the sky. I snapped these from my sunroof while waiting at various stop lights today.
Happy Weekend!
Taylor has invited 20 college students over for a Super Bowl party.
Our triplets love it when his friends come over. :)
And I'll make sure everyone is well fed.
Should be fun!


  1. blue skies and sunshine here as well. the children spotted a bald eagle today too. they have a nest not far from us. have a happy weekend!

  2. Bald Eagles are not common here in Ohio, but I did see one once! It swooped down in from of my car to get at some roadkill. I couldn't believe my eyes! How fun for your family to have one nesting so close! Enjoy the sun! :)

  3. beautiful photos, 20 teenagers, you'll be busy busy,

  4. Love blue skyes! OM 20 teens I know what is dear,dont work so much Betsy:)

  5. laurie ~ oh, it will be ok! They are mostly about 20 years old and older. And I don't have to entertain them! :)

    Gloria~ ha...I won't. Taylor wanted a big pot of chili, cornbread and nachos. And I thought maybe a fruit/veggie tray to round it all out. And desserts, of course. Not too much work...just easy things to prepare!

  6. this is the type of food I love and they love Im sure Betsy!

    <i love cornbread!

  7. the desserts are the most fun to make :) I saw a pic of some black forest brownie pizza with truffle topping today. got my mind rolling, thinking I might have to try it with red raspberries instead. who knows what tomorrow may bring. ha

  8. I don't envy you that huge crowd at all on Super Bowl Sunday. But as long as you enjoy it...!

  9. Martha ~ well, it's going to be peanut butter cupcakes and lemon bars. :) But yours sounds wonderful. I'm coming over! :)

    Gloria ~ we love cornbread, too! I lay a piece right on top of the chili in the bowl! ha.

    Silver ~ I'm looking foward to it, actually. Love to cook for a crowd!

  10. I'm sure the pb cupcakes and lemon bars will be delicious!

  11. I'm with Silver on the crowd
    Don't mind if they are loud
    But then my ocd would have to go and de-germ everything
    And lots of extra work that would bring..lol
    Nice shots too
    Hopefully you didn't get honked at when you peeked up to view
    For the light could go green
    And some road rage driver could make a scene

  12. Did everyone hear that?
    Party at Betsy's home!

    Isn't it great when your children feel free to have friends over?
    Good for you Betsy (and the Mister).

  13. Classic tune you're quoting from in your title, by the way. Wonder how many of these young'uns know it.

  14. I knew the Nothing But Blue Skies part of it
    But the Do I See never knew that bit

  15. @Pat: Yeah, the song's older than you and I put together!

  16. Pat ~

    I'll disenfect all surfaces
    when the crowded disperses.

    And if you want to come
    I'll serve chicken nuggets by the ton.


  17. Christine ~ yes, it should be fun! Always a great group of kids..polite and appreciative.

  18. Silver ~ it's a lemonade-making kind of song, right? :)

  19. It certainly can be. Bing Crosby's version was sung during a rainstorm in some movie, IIRC!

  20. Ancient? Yes it is! It was written in 1926, for a musical called... BETSY!!!

  21. omg! Are you serious? See...I was destined to be the lemonade maker that I am. lol...

  22. Yep, I guess you were! I was right, just checked Wikipedia: "The song was composed in 1926 as a last minute addition to the Rodgers and Hart musical, Betsy. Although the show only ran for 39 performances, "Blue Skies" was an instant success, with audiences on opening night demanding 24 encores of the piece from star, Belle Baker."

  23. Always loved that song, believe it or not. I mean, it doesn't exactly seem like "me," does it? Haha!

  24. wow someone is going to have a busy house tomorrow...have fun with it....and enjoy a break in the white stuff...they say we may finally get some tomorrow...

  25. We are thinking a little bit alike as far as the weather goes. Not sure how the Super Bowl will be played out here yet. Will we have television reception?

  26. Martha ~ you can probably watch it online!

  27. I once did barbecue (hamburgers and hot dogs) for 40 teenagers. Your group would be a breeze! Get everything done in advance, then enjoy the day.

  28. Kathy ~ that's exactly what I'm going to do....make everything I can tomorrow. The menu is very simple, too. I'm like you....depend on preplanning and organization and then I can relax. So nice that way!

  29. Wow, full house! Glad your triplets enjoy company. Hope everyone has a great time!

  30. Older than both of us as one
    That song surely had to be spun a ton
    haha the airfare there would break the bank
    Plus with no passport your airport guys would make me walk the plank..haha

  31. Pat ~ just have Orlin hiss and spit,
    then slip by the TSA guys without a hitch.

  32. What great shots from the sun roof!! you have such a good eye!!

    We are spending Super Bowl Sunday at our daughter Julie's and will be adding a Birthday celebration to the festivities, as Jon will be 10 on Sunday.

    Can't wait to see pictures of your big party...

  33. Wanda ~ how fun~ Hope you have a good time! Tel Jon happy birthday, too~ ten years old...I love that age in boys!

  34. Always feels great to get a break from the cold and drab of grey skies.

    I bet you had a spring in your step with blue skies.

  35. Betsy, enjoy the blue sky, we have got it as well only with freezing temperatures, but i don't mind, as long as the sky stays blue and clear it may freeze! :-)
    20 extra young men - you are becoming my hero!! lol ... may you all have fun!

  36. Hi Betsy - the weather has suddenly gone wintery here ... rather unexpected after our balmy days. Still we need a cold spell.

    You are going to have some busy weekend ..!! Enjoy the ball game - sounds great fun - and I can imagine the triplets enjoying the fun and games with friends around ..

    Happy Burgering ... cheers Hilary

  37. Nice shots, Betsy. We must be on the same wavelength, today.

  38. Enjoy your superbowl party! Yay! Take care

  39. Aren't blue skies wonderful? My daffodils are starting to come up! I hope your Super Bowl party is lots of fun.

  40. Well, Birdie ~ we have grey skies and sleet this morning! ha. And half of the 20 will be girls...which will be nice, too!

  41. A Superbowl party??? How fun!!! That's a lot of people, but it's sounds like a real good time. :)

  42. aha! there you go 10 girls, now that's smoothing things out :-) ...
    why did i assume they will be all boys anyway? ... lol

  43. haha, Birdie...maybe because there is usually only me here with the men. :) Wonder if the guys will be glued to the game or if they will notice there are young ladies among them? lol.

    Last year we had a group over like this and one young man was intent on impressing the ladies so much that we were in the next room laughing so hard...he was quite entertaining. lol...I don't think they were impressed, either. :)

  44. lol ... maybe you will have some funny stories to share soon ;-) ...
    and one day i may ask you for advice how to deal with so many young adults in the house but for now we have mumps :-( ... have fun Betsy :-)

  45. Mumps? Oh dear...no wonder you all weren't getting better! Oh yuck! Sorry!

  46. Twenty friends! Sounds like a lively bunch.

    I have given you a blog award. Please come over to my blog to see.

  47. yeah, yikes!! will be happy when it's over! enjoy the house full of people Betsy :-)

  48. I finally figured out Picasa to make collages. It took me forever to figure out the commands. Your tiled plane photos looks great.

  49. You get those big ole planes over your house too. Sometimes they are so low I can read what is wrote on them. Have fun tomorrow!

  50. Great pictures.;) I live close to a military base too and see Hercules planes on regular bases flying over the house.;)

  51. 20 young college students??
    Now how fun will that be!!


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