- Watched the rain drip off the crab apples. And of course it was raining. It was the day I planned to be out and about! Sigh.
- At the grocery, had this hanging plant jump into my cart and ask me to take it home. How could I refuse? :) I know, I know. This happens to me a lot. ha.
- Did the weekly grocery shopping. I felt like I bought out the store. ha.
- Dropped 2 bags of stuff off to the thrift store. Always nice to purge the unwanted stuff! In this case it was Christmas lights we haven't used in years.
- Bought myself a set of acrylic paints and some brushes. I have a project in mind. :)
- Caught this sweet Song Sparrow outside my window.
- Enjoyed some Starbucks Caramel coffee that was in my Christmas stocking.
- Noticed Socks, perched on a fence post, also watching the sweet Song Sparrow!
- Ms. Ladybug continues to live on the poinsettia. Thanks, Birdie, for all of your information about them. Did you know that they come into your house to hibernate but usually die of dehydration? I gave her a drink and she looks fine so far. ( the bug, not Birdie! ha.) One brings good luck. An infestation, not so much. I hope she doesn't invite any girlfriends to join her. ha.
- Stopped at Lowe's Home Improvement and bought some things for a major home decoration project. It was The Mister's idea, actually. He saw something on HGTV that he thought was 'gorgeous' so before he could change his mind, I bought all the supplies we need to do it. I need his help on this one, so had to act quickly before he looses interest. lol. More to come on this later.
- One more pretty plant that came home with me. I love it when the stores start putting out a fresh supply of houseplants this time of year. I need a little color in January. :)
How about you? What did you do today?
Hope it was a wonderful day.
Like always you make a lot dear I made a lot but you always talk more beautiful that you made:)
ReplyDeleteFirst (lol)ha!
ReplyDeleteYay, Gloria. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I did quite a few un-beautiful things today, too. They just didn't make the post. hahaha.
This was actually a slow day for you... according to what we know from the "unbeautiful" things you skipped, anyway.
ReplyDeleteYes when I read you I think how I was tell my things;(
ReplyDeleteIt has been a wonderful day for me too, should have kept track of everything like you did! Love pic #8...such a cute cat! :D
ReplyDeleteVery true, Silver. I was out and about most of the day! I didn't even do laundry! ha.
ReplyDeleteI was out too Betsy part of the day!
ReplyDeleteDid it rain on you, Gloria? I got soaked!
ReplyDeleteNo betsy I would like some rain here was hot again:(
ReplyDeleteLove rain Betsy, where Im from rain a lot
ReplyDeleteOur temperatures are too warm for January! Our rain really should be snow!
ReplyDeleteI didn't have to make dinner, though. The Mister and Taylor weren't home so I just fixed something for the triplets. So that was a nice break. I ate granola and yogurt. Nice and easy.
Well if the weatherman is right we should have snow tomorrow night. oh boy.....Thanks for stopping over at my blog.
ReplyDeleteSaun ~ I wouldn't mind a little snow! Especially since my errands are done for the week! ha.
ReplyDeleteSocks looks to be eyes wide open
ReplyDeleteCertaintly not mopin'
That bird is going to be lunch
With a good crunch
And coffee too you say
Hmmm I never would have guessed such a thing from your bay..haha
A do it yourself project too
Can be fun creating something new
Unless one does it wrong
Then we sing another song
Pat ~
ReplyDeleteCoffee. Yes, maybe I've never mentioned it?
Without it I'd throw a fit.
Hopefully the project will go fine.
A disaster is not what I have in mind.
But this one is pretty easy to do
so I think it will be a success, too
But I need muscles that are bigger than mine
So The Mister must help at least 10 times or nine. ha.
My, you did get a lot done today... About that lovely hanging plant. How do you water it in the house....? Do you take it down each time??
ReplyDeleteHave you ever heard of Fried Apples in a can? Found a can in Aunt Trula's cupboard this morning, and made a pie...we'll see tonight what "southern fried apples" taste like in a pie.
Always love your Wed.
Wanda ~ yes, I set it in the kitchen sink and give it a good soak and let it drain before putting it back up. Once a week should be enough I would think.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of fried apples but didn't know you could buy them canned. I've seen them fried in a skillet with sausage. I bet they will make a good pie! If it isn't good, add a little drizzle. hahah.
I held the baby, did laundry, held the baby, cleaned up the kitchen, held the baby, worked on my blog, and held the baby. :) (he's teething)
ReplyDeleteBetsy, I'm going to sneak very quietly into your house tonight and steal that beautiful house plant. :)
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ aw, poor little one! I remember when the triplets were teething..they chewed the arm off our couch! ha.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving the hanging plant, too! It's called a "Fig Dorty" hahaha...what a name!
Hee hee, did you take a picture of that--the couch arm being chewed off?
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of a Fig Dorty, but I think I have seen a plant similar to that one. Anything green looks so good this time of year.
Rebecca you make me laugh!! yes you held the baby and soon he need the same again;) With the tweens and Betsy with the triplets we nevers stop, oh dear:)
ReplyDeleteGloria, He just follows me around and sobs. :) I can't even go to the bathroom by myself. LOL
ReplyDeleteYes, and I think I posted it on my blog one time. I'll try to find it. :)
ReplyDeleteyou had a much more productive day than me, but i just learned to water ladybugs. score:)
ReplyDeleteHere it is...
oh, those were the days~ ha.
aha I remember this but are sooooo cute! rebecca I love babies:)
ReplyDeleteEd ~ See? Now arne't you glad you stopped by? :)
ReplyDeleteDo you think Rebecca spent much time holding the baby?
What no muscles gained from all the laundry you do?
Carry backloads of that stuff must have given you a few
Rebecca ~ I'm assuming you've tried some of that numbing cream or infant tylenol? Hope he's sleeping at least!
ReplyDeleteI love betsy they look soo cute!! I have similars but I have to scan some day:(
ReplyDeleteI remember these payamas Betsy, remember my twins and your triplets have the same age (lol) used the same baby fashion, ha,ha
ReplyDeleteAwwww, they are such cute little guys Betsy. Yes, I use tylenol, and oragel, but he just gets kind of anxious when he is teething. He's quite a momma's baby anyway....I don't really mind. :)
ReplyDeletePat ~ oh I have muscles, that is true.
ReplyDeleteI even lift my girlie weights, too!
This involves lifting all the doors of the house off their hinges. It's heavier
than I can do right now.
see..I have a hurt wrist some how!
Do you still life weights? I think I remember that.
And also you play volleyball, or at least used to at your mat.
Yes, those little footie sleepers were my very favorite. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteI ran to the bank, paid my Kohl's bill, and had lunch with a friend. Then, because the house was quiet, I took a nice nap. (The phone only rang twice.)
ReplyDeleteI like your number 5. :)
All the doors in the house Betsy? Now you have me curious! Looking forward to seeing your project. :)
ReplyDeleteso was socks noticeably bigger later in the day? smiles...
ReplyDeleteMartha ~ lunch with a friend is always nice! I hate it when the phone rings if I take a nap! I rarely nap, but if I do I take the phone off the hook!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited about the paints, too!
Yes, all the doors~ haha. more to come for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteSocks just thinks he's a big bad bird hunter. :)
ReplyDeletehaha all the doors the kitties will like
ReplyDeleteThen they can run in and go on a parekeet hunting hike
Yep still do both of those my way
In between my rhyme play
Spent my day with a class of 7 yr olds! Graded papers, cooked supper, and have completed 5 loads of laundry so far. Also took out trash and did a 30 minute speed walk. Am tired.
ReplyDeletePat ~ no, just the doors inside.
ReplyDeletethe cats can't come in and hide.
You're just a busy bee.
on the workout spree!
Whoa, Michelle! You need a nap! ha.
ReplyDeletedon't envy the class of 7 year olds...cute as that age is, of course. :)
did chores lol and dreamed about beautiful things lol
ReplyDeleteLady ~ that sounds like a lovely day!
ReplyDeleteBetsy...thanks, I've never tried a large hanging plant, as I wasn't sure how to care for it.
ReplyDeleteAnd....the fried apple pie was really good. The small can was just enough for a little pie for dinner tonight...I opted for a small scoop of ice cream instead of drizzle.... This can looked pretty old....never seen them in a store..the company label was "LUCK"
I'm dying to hear more about your mysterious projects!
ReplyDeleteWanda ~ LUCK? Aw, that's cute.
ReplyDeleteIf you have a hanging plant that's really heavy, I'd just set a mixing bowl underneath to catch the drips. Thay way you wouldn't have to move the plant.
Glad the pie was yum. :)
Poor kitties get the shaft
ReplyDeleteHave to board your zucchini raft haha
Kitties had a stressful day.
ReplyDeleteA mean cat came to their bay.
Now there are territorial lines being drawn
and cat screams in the yard that will probably last til dawn! ha.
LOL another one
ReplyDeleteGeez lots of kitty fun
hahaha Betsy! made me laugh out loud :-) glad your new pet is happy ;-)
ReplyDeletelove the picture of the kitten ... isn't it amazing how the plants can jump into our shopping baskets? it happens to me all the time as well ;-)
Awwww you can never have enough hanging plants! Yay!! Lovely shots of the sparrow and Socks!! Take care
Love these posts of yours, you always get so much done in one day.;) Socks looks so much like my Sammy and that coffee sounds delicious.,)
ReplyDeleteLove that image of you on the sidebar, blowing kisses.;)
hmmm i forgot to say you made me laugh with the drink ... not with your busy day! ... just making sure :-) i didn't have my coffee when i first commented :-)have a lovely day Betsy!
ReplyDeletezuzana ~ everyone needs a kiss, right? Just spreading some love... :)
ReplyDeleteBirdie ~ oh, I knew what you meant. Need to see if Ms. Lady is still around this morning!
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny how you keep adding animals and pink to your home.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing this project of the Mister's.
Look forward to seeing what number 10 will be! blessings ~ tanna
ReplyDeleteGood morninh betsy, love kisses too specially from my kids!!
ReplyDeleteChristine ~ you're going to laugh, but I want to get my aquarium up and running again...and there are some beautiful little pink fish that I'd love to have. ha.
ReplyDeleteMorning, Gloria! Are you havaing your coffee, too?
ReplyDeleteI need urgent a coffe dear (lol)
ReplyDeleteI dont feel well today:(
Gloria ~ oh, I'm sorry. :( Take it easy today....hope you feel better.
ReplyDeleteYes I will try Betsy thanks, sorrows and other you know:(
ReplyDeleteSorry...hope things are better even today. Look on the bright side, dear and make the best of it. xo
ReplyDeleteI ll try Betsy:)
ReplyDeleteGood...hope it's a good day for you. Maybe some tea and a nap. xo
ReplyDeleteI love the variety of houseplants too...with the gray days some color and GREEN is so welcome.
ReplyDeleteI ran errands in the rain as well...yuk.
Oh Betsy, you should set up your aquarium! I have one too, and I was just trying to think of a place to put it that little hands couldn't reach it. :) There is something so peaceful about an aquarium!
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ mine has been empty for a couple of year...I miss it! It's so relaxing! (until it's time to clean it! ha)
ReplyDeletelooks like a great day
ReplyDeletepaint brushes and starbucks!
Betsy, my neighbor lady got a good filtering system that kept up so well she only cleaned hers about twice a year. I can't remember what brand it was tho. I was always happy if I could get away with cleaning it every other month. :)
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ mine would be green in a month. I think I need a lesson on treating the water before I do it again. What kind of fish do you have?
ReplyDeleteI didn't do nearly as much as you! I;m in a cleaning/organizing mood. Framing new photos from both kids weddings and of course, just a few of our new little grandson. The house seems fresher...ready for the new year. looking forward to your HGTV inspired pictures!
ReplyDeleteWell, I've tried tropical fish without much sucess. Most of the time we just had goldfish, and some molly's. We had a goldfish that started out about two inches long and grew to be almost eight inches long. We gave him to a friend to put in their garden pond. :)
ReplyDeleteAnita ~ me, too...my whole house needs organizing. It'll take me months to go through every room, closet and drawer! And the carpets need shampooing, too! ha.
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ do you mean saltwater fish without much success? We had a saltwater tank before kids...when we had more money to blow. ha.
ReplyDeleteI thought goldfish, guppies, etc were tropical fish, right?
goldfish are so hearty. I always have the best success with them. I've had Cichlids before. They're pretty.
Actually, what I meant was fish that needed a heated tank. I've never had saltwater fish. :)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...I get it. Yes, I forgot that I actually didn't use the heater when I had goldfish! Geesh...it's been so long! ha.
ReplyDeleteI need more creatures to take care of, you know? lol....
It's free therapy. That's what I say about my chickens. Hey! Maybe that's what you need--some chickens. :)
ReplyDeleteChickens! Oh yeah...I'll add that to the list! lol... although I'd love the eggs!
ReplyDeleteHi Betsy,
ReplyDeleteYou are lucky your Goodwill takes electrical items, ours does not. Very frustrating at times. But I guess it is their loss.
Well I did take 10 year old grandson to Karate class Wed nite. We are going on five years now. He is a Jr. Black Belt. They want to start training him to get his adult black belt. Not sure if I want that but he can only test three more times then he has to go for it. Lots of time, work and effort has gone into this and I tell him when he is an adult he will be glad.
I love how things jump into your cart, I too turn my back and things have done that. Or something speaks to me and says "Take me home" and I am hypnotized and have no choice.
Can't wait to see your new project, you leave us wanting more.
God bless.
Wish you lived close Betsy---I've been getting 24-30 eggs a day, and I'm having a hard time finding customers for them. :(
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ you should put an ad on Craigslist...organic eggs? You'd have customers for sure.
ReplyDeleteGood idea, maybe I'll do that! Are you getting any snow? It's just starting here. :)
ReplyDeleteNo snow here...but lots of rain! It's been raining since yesterday morning! If it was colder, we'd have quite a few inches I think! But it's in the low 40's.
ReplyDeleteI'd look online...even on Craig's list and see what people are charging per dozen. Good luck! Could be a nice little 'mad money' business! :)
Just looked at your sidebar. I'm coming over for soup tonight ok? :) Hubby does not appreciate broccoli in it's cooked state, but I LOVE broccoli soup. Comfort food!!!!
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ I've never made it before, but I love it. This cold, damp, grey day is perfect for it! :)
ReplyDeleteHow's the little teething guy?
MrsU ~ how fun to have your grandson in that! My nephew got his adult black belt when he was about 11 or 12 years old!
ReplyDeleteHe's better today! I got quite a bit of work done, and he's been cruising around here playing like a little angel. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, good!
ReplyDeleteWow..I've gotten a lot done today! Glad it's been a good, productive day for you, too!
Rebecca ~ it's snowing! Huge fluffy flakes! Did you send that down here? :)