For the first time, I called all four cats into the house tonight. I'm usually trying to prevent them from coming in! Mr. Skunk was on the porch with them, munching away on their food! I didn't want any of them to get sprayed! Interestingly enough, none of them seemed afraid of the skunk, nor did they mind him eating. It was if they had all met before and were friends.
Then the little kittens from that new litter showed up to eat. Obviously, they had all met before, too! But I'm not happy at all to have a skunk on the back porch making himself at home! There are limits to what this animal lover will tolerate. lol. But you know, if he stays and I have to name this skunk, he will be named Don. I knew he looked familiar. :) 
Don King, famous boxing manager.
Yes Mrs. DoLittle, the zoo is now full.
This is the best laugh I have had all are so skunks! Bet they do know each other for sure...good luck with Don! ;D
ReplyDeleteJulie ~ haha...I was laughing as I typed this post up! Oh gosh...what next??? The skunk is not welcome though, but how do you get rid of a skunk?
ReplyDeletecan we start on exotic animals now...elephants, giraffe....smiles.
ReplyDeleteBrian ~ did you see on the news last month the guy in Ohio that had all those exotic animals? Oh my.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but your skunk is MUCH better looking than Don King :-)
ReplyDeleteKathy ~ lol....
ReplyDeleteoooo, lets hope he stays friendly or she,,peee uuuuuu !!!
ReplyDeletelol - Funny, but kind of terrible. We have had our share of skunks on the farmette. I hope he stays friendly!
ReplyDeleteFriendly? I just want him to leave....without spraying!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh - I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry!! (If it happened to me, I'd cry...but since it's happening to you, I'm laughing!) Sorry...that's pretty mean, huh? I just think it's hilarious...and it's a GREAT shot of the skunk, by the way!!! Reminds me of that commercial where the lady (who clearly needs new glasses) calls for her kitty....a skunk comes toddling in, and she thinks it's the cat! LOL! (Have you seen that one?)
ReplyDeleteYes Betsy your Zoo is full! I have a friend have her house like yours and have Llamas,bunnies, and others,lol
ReplyDeleteVery funny but I sure wouldn't want him on my steps either! Good luck.
ReplyDeleteMarlene ~ oh, you can laugh...I'm laughing, too! It's crazy! Yes, I have seen that commercial. I think that's a raccoon, though. It's one of my favorites!
ReplyDeleteGloria ~ llamas? Oh, I'm so glad we don't have any here. ha.
ReplyDeleteWe've had trouble with skunks, and possums on our porch eating our cat food too. Usually if we bring the cat food in at night it discourages them. He is a sleek looking character tho. :)
ReplyDeleteSkunks, coons and cats and even dogs get along. They know who belongs in the yard.I sometimes think animals behave better than people. lol
ReplyDeleteSkunks are supposed to be better than cats. If you get them deskunked, they are clean and friendly and make good pets or so I hear. lol Pigs also are very smart and clean but not many keep them in the house.
A pig in the house...oh, that's all I need! ha. A deskunked skunk. I can see my Taylor having LOTS of fun with that pet...playing pranks on people. ha.
ReplyDeleteBetsy this friend of mine all animal she find everywhere she bring to home!! is amazing and a little crazy (LOL)
ReplyDeleteBetter keep some baking soda and peroxide on hand just in case that skunks gets nervous.
ReplyDeleteHow do you like being in charge of the zoo?
hahaha now I bet you wish for that baboon
ReplyDeleteI'd rather take the nasty raccoon
If that thing does a little diddy
Might have one smelly kitty
Nice they can all get along though
Let's just hope nothing scares it that is doesn't know
For then the smell would linger
And there would be no need for a "pull my finger"
A deskunked skunk would be so funny though
Could easily scare those unwanted people away from ones show..haha
LoL@ Don hahah.Betsy I dont like skunks at all.I see one every now and then across the street ewe they make me shiver.I also heard lots of them are rabid.Keep safe.LOL
ReplyDeleteThe cats were happy I called them inside
It's where they really want to abide.
They came in and lurked below the bird cage
and a lot of wing flapped did engage
While I watched those little kittens play nice
with the skunk in the night.
LOL! That is good, Betsy!! We have a whole little pack of racoons!! They are little vandals! Don't startle your newest addition! ;) blessings ~ Tanna
ReplyDeleteFull zoo, huh? Crap. I was hoping I could convince you to adopt a fox.
ReplyDeleteSilver ~ oh yeah? And I bet he was silver, too, right? :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe I am, maybe I'm no-- I mean... I have no idea what you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteOh no - This would only happen to you!
ReplyDeleteMari~ haha... I KNOW! Help! haha.
ReplyDeleteOh Betsy this is a laugh for sure. I have no idea how to get rid of a skunk. Yes the Zoo looks full. LOL what a fun place to be.
Is it the Zoo or more like a Circus?
ReplyDeleteDon is a perfect name for Mr. Skunk. Like your sence of humor.
Oh, Betsy, your house/yard is turning into what mine has been for years! I wrote a post about our skunk~he was the opposite of yours..his hair was all white and he had a black stripe. Baby oppossums are coming out now up to the door to eat the cat food we put out for the neighbors cats who think they own our property.
ReplyDeleteOur skunk went away, but yours may just stay. Just DON'T make him mad! hahahaha I think it is cute that they know each other.
Betsy, remember Lil' Buddy my mouse that I loved. Well, I found him in a bucket in the basement..I tried so hard not to trap him and he trapped himself and died cause he couldn't get out of the bucket. It makes me so sad...perhaps there are lots of lil'buddies but I choose to think there is only one. Anyway, my son said that I am an animal hoarder..he said that when you name rodents and you think of them as pets that is being an animal hoarder! hahahahaha..I never 'heard tell'of anything so ridiculous...have you, Betsy?
ReplyDeleteLOL oh my gosh, before i even read what type of animal don was i thought, OH NO, a skunk, too! you are too funny! and did he spray? or was the kitty ok?
ReplyDeletehaha lunch indoors
ReplyDeleteAt least the parakeets kept them from running across the floors.
Christine ~ I think you're IS the circus! Too bad we got rid of our trampoline!
ReplyDeleteKim ~ oh that same thing happened here one year...a mouse got into a tall pitcher with straight sides and couldn't get out. I found him in the cupboard..ugh...what a slow, icky death. :( Poor Buddy!
ReplyDeleteHeather ~ no spraying..they all seem to be friends! ha. Oh dear!
ReplyDeleteI can't even think of anything to crack me up!
ReplyDeleteha ha, that is just tooo funny! they love your food!!! my dog got sprayed once....uggg!
ReplyDeleteHeather ~ oh yuck! That's what I was afraid of when I called the kittens inside!
ReplyDeleteThey say lots of tomato juice is the cure for the skunk stink
ReplyDeleteKim ~ ha..I've heard that, too...but I really don't want to have to bathe in that...or bathe a cat with claws. lol...
ReplyDeleteyes, we used ALOT!
ReplyDeletejust one happy family out there! I love it!
That skunk totally does have Don King hair! I've never seen one in person... definitely smelled them around though.
ReplyDeleteMike ~ they usually are roadkill aren't they?...and I think I prefer them that way! ha.
ReplyDeleteI had two -- de-scented -- when I was a kid. Not quite as catlike as people often say. More like a pet squirrel. They're not usually domestic types.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day Betsy !
Hi Betsy .. I think the skunk is prettier than Don King .. talk about life around the house ..
ReplyDeleteFun photos and story - I guess they're all very happy together - the humans: well that's another story!
Cheers Hilary
A skunk?!?! Awwwww Mr Pepe Le Pew himself! Awwwwwwwwwww wow!! Awwww he or she is adorable! Awwww you lucky lucky person!! Awwwwww and so nice to see the kitties love him or her too! Wonderful! Awww a sensational skunk!! beautiful!! Take care
Oh dear! A skunk!! Stinky for sure!
ReplyDeleteAnd that the cats don't mind him is interesting!! You would think the opposite to be true!
Enjoy your new "friend".
Lol!!! I agree with Kathy G about the skunk and Don King..too funny...
ReplyDeleteHope you've been well, bloggy friend.
Hi Betsy,
ReplyDeleteI think I read somewhere that there is some skunk repellant spray to keep the skunks away, Target sells it. And that is an apt name for that skunk. We have skunks by our bank in the middle of our city. You can always smell them when you go through the drive through at night. Possums are our main problem but since we got the dogs they are afraid to come into the yards. The pit bull next door has killed two of them but they still crawl along the tops of all the fences like they own the neighborhood. When they hiss they are some scary creatures.
Anyway I was wondering where you put Nugget when the kittens were in the house.
God bless.
MrsU ~ the cats and Nugget sniffed noses and seemed like they knew each other, too! ha. They were only inside about 15 minutes but everything went fine.
ReplyDeleteRebecca ~ wow...very nice to see you! It's been way too long!
ReplyDeleteOld Kitty ~ gee...wish you lived close..I'd send him your way! ha.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Reminds me of that commercial about the eyeglasses when a lady picks up a skunk thinking it's a cat. Glad no one got sprayed and yes I'd say you can call the animal family complete with that guy!
ReplyDeleteewe! We have a skunk in the neighborhood too. Jaxon almost got sprayed the other night. yuck!
ReplyDeleteI was say the zoo is definitely full!
Oh hurts to laugh, but I just can't stay away. This is just toooo funny.
ReplyDeleteWanda ~ don't pop any stitches..or staples,...or whatever! :)
ReplyDeleteHA! SOOO funny!!!!
ReplyDeleteTrapping a skunk is RISKY business!
Aw, there is something so sweet looking about the skunk actually, peacefully eating the cats' dinner. But then, I don't have to smell him! :)
ReplyDeleteBetsy, it's because you're so sweet... everyone (and everything) loves you!
ReplyDeleteMy husband's Aunt Jo Ellen feeds the neighborhood raccoons on her back step.
We had the same thing happen with raccoons and a stray we were feeding. We let the cat in for the night and he sprayed in the house....I thought I'd never get rid of that smell...he was banished to the deck outside till we had him neutered! Good luck with your menagerie!
ReplyDeleteIt's quite a handsome creature. I'd be pretty surprised to see one in Saltaire though, so I don't have any tips for getting rid of them!
ReplyDeleteAussies grew up seeing skunks reeking havoc on American sitcoms & I thought they were mythical creatures invented by script writers to get extra laughs. How wrong I was!!
ReplyDeleteMillie xx
This is such a neat story. Your kind heart for the kittens is admirable and too you wouldn't want to deal with skunk smell even on one of the cats.