

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Part 7

Because some days you need more than others, and in the spirit of keeping it real, here's a glimpse of last week!

Harry....is attempting to pour his

own drinks! Apparently, he still needs

a little practice! See the salt shaker...yes,

it was open when the juice spilled!

It's now one solid block of red salt. ha.

Spencer... gave The Mister a handful of
buttons from his winter coat when he
got out of the van one morning!
Apparently he decided on the way to
school that he didn't want buttons anymore!
Alex...helped himself to jalapeno cornbread
one morning before any one else was awake!
Apparently he thought his fingers were the
best way to take a piece!
As for the good....I made it through 25 dozen
goodies for an order for a wedding shower!
Whew! The best part was when they were
all done..that..and sampling each kind! :)
Yes, I'm laughing...so laugh with me!
I'm SO glad it's a brand new week!
Hope you're having a great start to yours! :)
Now, let's put the kettle on and have a treat!


  1. those goodies look yummy...jalepeno cornbread, do share...a little spillage isnt too bad. smiles.

  2. Hi Betsy

    you have such an admirable spirit...indefatigable it seems...that you can laugh at the trying episodes and celebrate the small achievements...

    Happy days

  3. You are an amazing mom and an amazing cookie maker indeed! :D

  4. Betsy,
    yummy treats...you are amazing!
    wish you were closer to help
    with the wedding we have
    in September...
    Kids and the things they do...
    got to love them, for sure.
    Mommy 2

  5. What a great big ole beautiful heart you have Betsy....
    and your baking delightfully creative :) Dee Dee

  6. What an amazing Mom. I think I would have got a piece of that cornbread too..I love the middle square.

    The wedding shower goodies are to die for....you are the best of the best goody maker!

  7. I love these posts! Who needs buttons? Your goodies are gorgeous... 25 dozen, must have been one big wedding shower!

  8. Betsy, I also love your post. You are a GREAT mom. The goodies look very good!

  9. Reminds me a bit of a friend's status update on Facebook, "Too blessed to be stressed." And wouldn't you know it? I was feeling overwhelmed.

    Love the red rock salt. :)

  10. Julie ~ hey, did you see my sidebar? Thanks again...so fun!

  11. Brian ~ you can have a piece..preferably not one Alex has touched, right? LOL.

  12. I'll be right over - I'll even sew those buttons back on if Spencer has decided he needs them.

    your baked treats are beautiful!

  13. We have some grown up members in our household who still use fingers to cut cake. Who..... me ...... no way :)

    My hubbies jacket has also been deprived of its buttons.

    Your wedding treats look yummy

  14. How did you get to be such a loving and talented and patient woman?! What a marvel you are. LOVE the cookies!

  15. A little spill here and there never hurt anyone, and who needs buttons anyway.

    Now, about those treats. I'll take a cup of hot tea with extra sugar and honey, and please pass the cookies.

  16. Your cookies are amazing...the details you've added really give a special touch. Wish I would have known about these cookies for my DIL's shower. I have the same pattern on your dish with the cookies....on my grandmother's dresser set. I love that pattern. So nice to see that you are using your antiques. Does it have the stamp Bavaria on the bottom?
    Happy Tuesday!

  17. Matty ~ extra sugar and honey? You do have a sweet tooth, don't you! LOL!

    As you can see, I didn't sew the buttons back on! ha.

  18. Maggie ~ the plate is hand painted...it doesn't have anything stamped on the back. It has a mate. Not sure if it's Bavaria, but it's pretty!

  19. You must have the patience of a Saint ;)
    At least he ate your cornbread, and not your wedding-cookie order.
    What a great mum, I admire you take on life......

  20. No more buttons.....how funny.

    Your shower treats are beautiful!!!!

  21. Gorgeous Goodies! And Kids will be kids, won't they!

  22. Your sweet treats look delicious. I bet the ladies at the wedding shower were delighted with them.
    Cornbread tastes best when eaten with the hands : )

  23. HI Betsy! Waved at your house this morning!

    Catching up with MY FIVE MEN! You have been busy...SO MANY cookies! I bet each and every one was picture perfect! YUM! My favorite is the tea cup cookie.

    As for the guys...well...hmmm, they DO make life interesting yes?? I got a giggle out of it!

    I hope this week is EXCELLENT! The weather sure is WONDERFUL isn't it???

  24. Jill ~ you are WAY to chipper! haha...you must have had a wonderful weekend away with the girlfriends! :)

  25. Always love these 'keeping it real' posts. Another stellar post in the life of Betsy and her men!

    Those treats look incredible, btw. Wow, now that would be very surreal to sit there drinking coffee whilst dunking my coffee cup cookie into my coffee mug. Wonderful.

  26. I love that you share these "triplet moments". It is a fascinating window into your life. I posted about your draining stones today on my blog. Thanks for the idea.

  27. Betsy, you are an artist! Your cookies are so pretty. Each little treat is a masterpiece of its own.

    Funny about the buttons...nice Spencer decided to give them to dad. Hope Harry gets his beverage pouring skills perfected soon. Good for Alex...he'll never starve.

  28. My question is this (and, as I have not made it through ALL the comments, it may have already been asked) how do you keep your men out of your wedding order? Or do you just not sleep the night before delivery.

    They are beautiful. Do you do anniversary teas in California?

  29. You have an incredible sense of humor! And I love that you found these things and then took pictures of them to share with us! Those wedding goodies look incredible too -- way to go!

  30. The buttons were my favorite!

    Yum, by the way...

  31. Maybe Spencer was hinting his coat really needs a zipper Betsy! You are a star with those 250 (oops 25!) dozen treats. You know Martha started off life as a Caterer, so be careful or you'll knock her off her mulitmedia perch in a flash.
    Millie ^_^

  32. Betsy, those are BEAUTIFUL tea cup cookies! Makes me smile just looking at them!


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
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