

Friday, January 1, 2010

I Think I'll Putter More In 2010

A favorite..author unknown~~
"Puttering is a sublimely peaceful activity.
Puttering cannot be done on a deadline;
puttering cannot be done in haste.
When you putter, you are intimately
engaged in something you love.
When you putter, you drift from one little task to another.
You inspect everything with a lover's eye.
You do a little of this, and a little of that.
You'll likely accomplish nothing that's big by itself,
but bit by bit your world is improved.
Puttering is usually associated with a place:
a garden, a kitchen, a workshop, a garage, or a study.
The exact place doesn't matter.
The point of all true puttering
is that you're doing things that need to be done--
and you're not doing them on a
schedule or to achieve some larger goal.
You're doing them because doing them satisfies your soul,
because they are worth doing for their own sake,
and mostly because you've been able to let go
of the rush to achieve, step back, and contemplate
your special place in peace.
Puttering is how people got things done
before clocks were invented. Children putter naturally;
only in their case we call it playing.
Over time I've been accumulating a list of touchstones
to tell me when my life is getting too stressful
and I need to cultivate a little peace.
If I'm tempted to eat breakfast in the car on the way to work,
then I'm rushing too much.
If I get irritated by the traffic
on the freeway, I need to relax.
If I'm always grumpy, I need to lighten up.
And if I've not been puttering, I need to slow down.
Life's too short not to putter "


  1. i think i will learn to putter more as well...

    beautiful verse...

    hope you and yours have a great new year!

  2. I think I am already pretty good at puttering but i note it says its not getting the big things done which i so need to do too. Gorgeous photo you found there, btw.

  3. Mmm ~ I think I'm pretty good at puttering, too...and love doing it...but I think I need more of it! :) Not getting the big things done? Maybe you're TOO good at puttering! ha!

  4. I couldn't agree more..even before I got the the end, I was thinking, What you are talking about here is how a child plays! And then I read on and you said that very thing! Yes...lets all slow down...let the child lead..they know the way sometimes better than we do! Come say hi :D

  5. I should putter more...this is a great piece, Betsy! Happy New Year!

  6. A lovely goal for 2010. I think I will join you.

    Love this line because it's so true! "Children putter naturally; only in their case we call it playing."

  7. really good thoughts - I feel good when I putter and now I know why

    here's to more puttering for all of us!

  8. I know how to putter! Yep, if there is one thing that I know how to do, it is putter!

    Happy New Year!!

  9. Puttering is one of those words that sound like what they mean...
    I like your goal!

  10. This is wonderful Betsy.
    I love to putter. It is VERY therapeutic!
    Happy New Year!

  11. I love it! I've spent most of this week puttering... and it's a great way to recharge and to slowly.... get things done.

  12. Puttering sounds delightful to me, perhaps because I do it all the time..ha!...ooh...especially puttering in my garden wearing a large wide brimmed straw hat to shield me from the sun, sipping iced tea and communing with nature..such simplicity...such bliss...

    Happy New Year, dearest Betsy:)

  13. Oh Betsy I love this! Thanks for sharing it. My husband is always "going outside to putter around"!
    Happy New Year!

  14. I'm printing that out for Hubby.

    That's what we could do every morning (and afternoon) while we had our coffee breaks!

  15. I love the sound of Puttering! I do alot of it....drifting from one task to another, BUT I need to remove the "schedule" from my drifting.

    Great post, I'm going to print it too and refer to it daily!

    Sublimely peaceful activity, Yes!!

    Have a Great Day and a Very Happy New Year with your Five (Blessed) Men!

  16. Yes, puttering must be good for the soul. I think I'll putter this coming year - with my paints, my jewelry, sorting through photos and old letters. Thank you for being you. And Happy New Year to you and your family!

  17. It's ironic that I read this after I finished a morning of puttering around-mainly at my desk organizing and getting ready for the new year.

    Now I feel revitalized without the mess--the clutter was getting in my way both physically and mentally.

  18. Great pondering's to putter over in 2010! I lurve the picture, the petals are so delicate! Abundant blessings to you and your family in 2010 Betsy!

  19. Lovely; more puttering and hazelnut coffee. Blessings for 2010. xa

  20. Kathy G ~ what a great idea...my desk needs a bit of attention itself! I think I'll putter around on it for a while and enjoy the results!

  21. Happy New Year to the Queen of Putterdom! :^)

  22. PUTTER!!! A great theme for the new year. And yes, you are a one Beautiful Putterer!! Those are some great puttering words you posted!
    Best to you in the coming year!

  23. Firelight ~ awww..you are the sweetest. Thank you. Happy New Year to you, too! :)

  24. I love to stay home on Saturdays and putter. With no rush to get to work or organize the kids, I do housework, cook/bake, and putter. I love it. It recharges me for the work week ahead.

  25. I love your Putter... and we're not talking golf (haha)

    I think I will follow your advice and put puttering on my schedule more often in 2010!

    Happy New Year to You, and your five men!

  26. me
    your friendship

  27. I think you've indeed found the answer....I shall join you !
    I wish you a New Year filled with much love, peace and happiness.
    Look forward to seeing you in 2010 !

  28. Dear Betsy, I hope 2010 affords you plenty of opportunities to putter...and to dance...just puttering and dancing...nothing but JOY.

    Love to you, dear friend. Happy New Year!

  29. Just stopping by to with you a very happy new year, Betsy. Enjoy. May all your dreams come true. Thanks for your blog and humour, let alone words of good cheer. It certainly adds to my blogging experience in many ways.

  30. Mmm~ awww..thanks, Mr. Toast. You certainly are up at the top of my blogger list! ;)

  31. Hey Betsy! A Wonderful 2010 To You & Yours.Bestest Wishes.x

  32. A beautiful poem!Happy New Year to you and your family!All the best!

  33. Puttering IS fun! Happy New Year Betsy!

  34. Love to putter... and that's cute..me no like-ee the runny eggs either...

    So glad we met too and am looking forward to more with you in 2010, dear friend....


  35. I need to discover puttering in my life.

    Wonderful poem. Thank you.

  36. i love this

    love puttering
    or pottering
    or, "bimbling", as a friend says

  37. I did a post on the 'Art of Puttering' - http://tiny.cc/eM9K0
    It's nice to know I'm in good company. Love your blog - will visit again.
    Nicely done!


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