

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Theme Thursday = Late

Everyone has been late a few times in their lives. The most common reasons for being late to work include traffic, sick kids, falling back to sleep, going back to get a forgotten item, or misplacing your keys.
One in five employees admit to making up fake excuses to explain their tardiness. Hiring managers provided the following 10 examples of the most unusual excuses employees offered for arriving late to work:
1. I dreamed that I was fired, so I didn't bother to get out of bed.
2. I had to take my cat to the dentist.
3. I went all the way to the office and realized I was still in my pajamas and had to go home to change.
4. I saw that you weren't in the office, so I went out looking for you.
5. I couldn't find the right tie, so I had to wait for the stores to open so I could buy one.
6. My son tried to flush our ferret down the toilet and I needed to tend to the ferret.
7. I ran over a goat.
8. I stopped for a bagel sandwich, the store was robbed and the police required everyone to stay for questioning.
9. A bee flew in my car and attacked me and I had to pull over.
10. I wet my pants and went home to change.
So, there you have it! Next time you are running late, you can give usual "I couldn't find my car keys" or you could be a bit more imaginative and say you ran over a goat! LOL!
  • Evasion
  • eXcuse
  • Cop-out
  • Unravel
  • Story
  • Explain
  • Song and dance
Info from careerbuilder.com poll taken in 2006
To read more blogs with Theme Thursday, click here!


  1. Running over a goat? Oh dear. That's terrible.

  2. AngelMay ~ Don't worry...no goats or ferrets were injured in these falsified excuses! hee!

  3. And I thought I would come up with creative excuses!!! Fun post, Betsy! Happy TT!

  4. Skip ~ looks like a good excuse for you would be to say you had trouble getting that huge WWE belt on all by yourself! hee!

  5. Those are so funny! I like the one about coming to work in my pajamas!

  6. Mari ~ I know! I've dreamed I've gone somewhere in my pj's but I've never thought to say it as an excuse for being late! ha!

  7. I hate it when you have a real excuse and it sounds so silly that you know that no one will believe it!

  8. I work in the Attendance Office in a High School and I have heard every excuse there is, well except the goat one.

  9. LOL!!...I had to take my cat to the dentist? Had to love that one being that I'm married to one...A soon to be dentist, that is..not a cat..tee hee...

  10. Heh-heh! I remember seeing this list. My fave is #7, but you knew it would be!

  11. If a bee flew in my car and I wet my pants I'd go home too!

    Most of the time I'm late because I decide to get something to eat and I don't leave home early enough...I blame it on traffic.

  12. Very funny, Betsy--loved your last line about using the running over a goat line. Personally, I can't believe anyone would admit # 10!!

    Well, previously, I've used this actually very true account: as I was driving along, I looked in my rear view mirror to see a chunk of rusty metal fall off my ca. I had to stop the car to go rummage for it! (It ended up being my muffler, no less!) Were they amused? Oh yes, most definitely. Still, none of this beat the time I caused a 4 car pile up rushing to work shaving at the same time and hitting the suddenly stopped car in front of me. No one was hurt but my bruised ego and a nicked neck. Yes, I did in all honestly tell the officer what happened.

  13. Oh, the stress is getting to me!

  14. I've been a manager for many years. Just when I think I've heard them all...here comes a new one.

    I think I might give "Feret Person" just a warning because of originality. One time only, though.
    And I agree, at least be creative.

  15. And there was I thinking it would only be a little four liner from you. The longer version is much better - a most enjoyable way to start Theme Thursday.

  16. Oh my goodness, do they really use the last one?;) That was a fun read.;)

  17. Mmm ~ shaving while driving? Shame on you! Although, I do remember painting my nails while driving to work once. (although I only did it at the traffic lights!) hee!

  18. Alan ~ I tried to make an acrostic for l-a-t-e but I couldn't to it! Short doesn't necessarily mean easy!

  19. you know, i think my cat just might seriously injure a dentist...poor goat too...lol. your excuses are amazing. happy tt!

  20. Hmm, I live out in the country. I could probably use that goat excuse and get away with it. ;)

  21. Brian ~ oh, I didn't make these up...they are from careerbuilder.com. Funny, though!

  22. I am sure someone, at sometime, has run over a goat and been late.


  23. Ok I actually went to school with a girl who that happened to. She was laughing at the radio (or maybe she sneezed, I can't remember) and peed her pants and had to go home to change. I called her to ask where she was and she was crying telling me... Its funny now. Oh what am I saying, it was funny then too!!

  24. RxBambi ~ you know, when I read that one about peeing your pants, I thought that it must be true. Nobody would give that as an excuse if they didn't have to! ha!

  25. A goat and a ferret and a bee peed on me, and my dog ate my car keys.

    Around here being stopped by a train is a good excuse---and it's no lie.

    nice tt post!

  26. I've used #4 and #10... only #10 really happened... sort of.

    I think I've revealed too much.

  27. Jeffscape ~ what??? Come on now, you can't say that and not explain!

  28. "shaving while driving?". Poo! Thanks nothing; I justed to watch TV in the car driving to work. Pfffft!

  29. ...song and dance.... in the studio we say taking over an argument as, "may I have this dance?"
    That doesn't really go, but your excuses do, and I've committed a few to memory.... -J

  30. Hilarious! That list is great. You know, I hate to be late, really hate it. It's people like me who feel the need to create extraordinary excuses. It makes us feel better.

  31. Keith ~ OK, just so you didn't cause an accident and end up being late! LOL!

  32. Husband #1 was 1 hr. late for our Wedding & then even later for the birth of all the boys. No excuse was ever offered. Husband #2 is early for everything & I adore him for it!! Loved this post Betsy.
    Millie ^_^

  33. Millie ~ glad it's working out better the second time around! :)

  34. A little off track here but with the admission of some of the drivers here I thought I'd share. I was a passenger in a car once and the driver started french braiding her hair while using her knees to keep the steering wheel strait, on the freeway. I never rode with her again!

  35. Dawn ~ omg...that is really bad! French braiding your hair while driving...I can't believe that!

  36. There is indeed some good ones here...and so out there they seem plausible!

  37. Happy Thanksgiving,
    Fantastic Post.
    I am new at this bloging so forgive my mistakes.

    You remind me of my Daughter.

    Yvonne in Maine

  38. Happy Thanksgiving,
    Fantastic Post.
    I am new at this bloging so forgive my mistakes.

    You remind me of my Daughter.

    Yvonne in Maine


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