

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Singing Melon

I didn't notice this big hole in my melon until I got home.
It must have grown while resting on a rock!
I couldn't resist giving this mouth a nose and some eyes!
Now she looks like she's singing an aria! :)
All was fine with the flesh, though..and she tasted delish! Some of my long time blog friends may be thinking, "Oh, dear...that poor Betsy...remember last year when she saw faces in her bananas?" I know, I know....I think I'm slowing loosing my mind!


  1. You should have sold it on ebay with your other goodies. You know, faces on stuff seem to bring good money. :)

  2. Okay...I WAS remembering the bananas...but I will NOT worry until you give the melon a name!!!

  3. Hee-hee! What is it with you and extraordinary fruit?!

  4. Hey, I'm glad your melon turned out nice! It's good when they do and awful when they don't! I've enjoyed reading your last few posts - intresting as always. & every time I try to throw out old shoes, my husband says, oh, don't throw these, they'll be fine for this/that/whatever....an uphill struggle to clean my house! No Betsy, you're not losing your mind, you're having fun with life! Great way to be, keep it up!

  5. " I know, I know....I think I'm slowing loosing my mind!" ... Welcome to the club Betsy

  6. I love when you see faces in fruit.;)) That shows your incredible imagination. And I love when people can still use it, even as adults.;))
    Lovely pictures.;))

  7. I'm glad he tasted good

    when I first glanced at the picture, I thought you had drawn a face around a son's belly button - that would really make us all think you were losing your mind :)

  8. Christian ~ I don't know..the ones with faces seem to get into my shopping cart! :)

  9. Gaelikaa ~ the key to throwing out his old shoes is to do it without telling him! Sometime when he's gone...and only do a pair at a time!

  10. The face is ADORABLE!!!!! And BOY does that melon look delicious!! I have yet to have a summer fresh canteloupe yet! My mouth is seriously watering after reading your post!

    Mrs. U

  11. .... is it time for everyone to head back to school yet ???

    Seriously, the art work is hysterical - in a good way.

  12. Yep, she's definitely hitting a high C!

    Just as long as you're not seeing Indians in the flowers of your comforter again. :^)

  13. Betsy, at least you feel like you are slowly losing your mind. I feel like my mind is rapidly running away. I love a great imagination!

  14. Hi Betsy,
    Sam comes home on the weekends but just for the day. It's a lot of work but when he comes crashing thru the front door with my husband -all it well.
    BTW I sometimes see Indians in my real flower garden as well as the cupboard! Catherine

  15. Catharine ~ you see Indians, too? Willow came to visit me when I was on bedrest while pregnant with my triplets. I told her that a flower in my comforter looked just like an Indian Chief, complete with feathered head dress! She thought I had lost my mind being isolated in bed for so long...and still teases me about it! :)

  16. I don't think you have lost your mind Betsy, I admire your eye for detail/ha

  17. An artist mind like you can see that :) Cool

  18. Hi Betsy!
    I am so sorry!! Yes, 350 degrees (and thank you for pointing out that I left out that critical bit of information!!!). And it is definitely 40 minutes in my oven. The edges of the cake part looked done, the pudding part bubbles up around the edges and the middle "moves" a little when touched because there is pudding in there. Yum!

    I hope I'm not too late getting this information to you!

    Mrs. U

  19. She looks yummy and pretty at the same time! Always good to have food with a sense of humor.

  20. no you are just artistic! it is OK

  21. That's the first cantelope I've ever liked!


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