

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Theme Thursday = Summer

Hop on over to Theme Thursday and join in!
  • S ~ unscreen
  • U ~mbrella
  • M~elting icecream
  • M~osquitos
  • E~vening daylight
  • R~elaxation


  1. I like everything on your summer list except the mosquitos!

  2. YES to the delicious smoothie! NO to the mosquito part!

  3. Looks yummy.

    Sounds like summer.

    I see Silver Fox has a new photo ID.

  4. Yum, Yum...today's theme Thursday is my favorite!

  5. Mmmm....I had a strawberry smoothie for dinner last night

  6. Mmm...I've been drinking strawberry soy smoothies for lunch.

  7. Drink looks great! One of the few bad things about Summer are the darned skeeters! Ugh!

  8. those six words elicit great images of summer and family! hope you are having a great summer!

  9. Brillant! And is that smoothie straaaaaawberry?

  10. Thankfully we don't get mosquitos here in the summer. The melting ice cream; there's a solution to that...eat it!

  11. Love the smoothie! I'm afraid with all the rain we've been having mosquitos will be a big part of our summer :-(

  12. S should be for smoothies! Overall, summer is def not for me as you have testified to here with your list.

    I'm with you...hot choc? Huh? hee.

  13. Nice...uh...anagram? Izzat the word I'm lookin' for? Anyway, I'm with Kat on the 'm' part. Don't really know what a mojito is, 'cept it's a drink, and it has to be better than mosquitos.

    Also, I read your "Summer's Best" piece. That sounds really good! Corn's never better than fresh on(or off) the cob!

  14. Lovely and simple. Beautiful blog by the way, it's my first time here.

  15. No mosquitos!! They love me! I had to laugh at the hot chocolate. My daughter loves to drink hot chocolate in the summer and eat ice cream in the winter. She's a teenager what can I say! LOL!


  16. jammmie ~ I think you and I would rather have the hot drink and some cool autumn weather, no?

  17. A. Decker ~ I think it's an acrostic.

  18. I'll take a large one, thank you very much! I'll bet you used some of your freshly picked raspberries to make that delicious looking smoothie!

  19. we were on the same page with our drinks yesterday ~smoothies!!

  20. Oh that smoothie looks so good. I am thinking that I will have to have one for breakfast. I too like all your summer things except I will stick with Kat on the Mojitos cause the mosquitos are very bad. They spread diseases and make me itch.

    But I too am not sure what a mojitos drink is. As long as there is no alcohol in it, then it would be good. Shirley Temples are good. Grape juice is good. Oh all right, champagne is better. Sigh. Maybe a champagne smoothie would be good. Do they make those? What a good breakfast that would be.

    God bless.

  21. Love the picture and I love all the words as well. Summer is my favorite season.;))

  22. I like the idea of theme Thursday! I might join in next week too!

  23. We dont get mosquitos in Yorkshire but we do get Midges which are their irratating little brothers!
    The Smoothie looks lovely.Raspberry?


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