

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ever Get the Feeling Someone is Watching You?

I was unloading groceries yesterday and had to do a
double-take at my bananas! Do you see my little
banana man? Too bad he isn't a Madonna or a
Jesus face that would go for millions on Ebay!
He looks like a rough old sailor, or maybe
George Washington with dark hair!
**unretouched photo by me


  1. He looks so serene and happy to be in your kitchen!

  2. Hmmmmm, a banana man? Yes, I DO see him...a bit unsettling. EAT ONE!

  3. It took me a few seconds but I see him! I applaud you for noticing the little man; I'm sure that I would've overlooked him.

  4. I think I see him! You've made me smile anyway!


  5. Yes, I see him, in profile, he's looking to the right. My but he does indeed look like a rough old salt. I think his name is Petey and he's had a bust-up or two down at the docks..... and obviously, he came up to the States on an old banana cargo freighter!

  6. No, it's not a profile. It's just his face, straight on...on the brown part of the stem. He's looking right at you! ;)

  7. Ha! I am impressed that you slowed down enough to even notice - I would never do that. Now that you've given me the idea, though ... I'm off to look at the bananas I bought yesterday!

  8. How cute, it does look like a little face. And I'm sure someone will see a famous face there.

  9. Uh-oh. I worry about you when you start seeing faces. At least it's not that Indian guy in the flowers of your comforter again! ;^)

  10. It took me a while, but I see him now!! I guess I am less artistically inclined than I thought.;))
    A love this post! It is very unique.;)

  11. My goodness Betsy, there is a face straight on! But by jove there's another face in profile. Well, this is one publicity-loving banana bunch, wot!?

  12. Look! It's Banana Man! (love that cartoon!). He looks like the man in the moon. Shouldn't he be in cheese? Or maybe he's old man winter. Maybe it means you'll have 6 more weeks of winter. Oh, wait, no. that's a groundhog.

  13. I wonder what this would go for on ebay. You should give it a try!

  14. LOL! I'd agree with you that the banana stem face looks like a smiling George Washington!

  15. I see him! And he looks so happy that you brought him home! You've got a good eye, I had to enlarge the picture to see him. I never would had noticed at the grocery store. :)

  16. It took a minute but I finally spotted him. I would probably have to turn it over so I wouldn't feel like someone was watching me..lol
    Thanks for coming by to see the ice photos. I'm just glad it's not that cold here. lol. I hope you're having a super evening.
    hugs ~lynne~

  17. So cute. I believe I see it also.

    You have been tagged. Drop on over and see if you'd like to participate.

  18. Got to watch those bananas!! I wonder if he is sane given the type of fruit he chose.

  19. In the tiny picture on my sidebar he looks like just the woman in BiBi's post. He also looks like he's wearing his green visor backwards on his head.

    Brilliant observation my dear Watson!

  20. Yes, I do see him. That's so strange and funny. Kim

  21. Ha! I find this funny, creepy and wonderful all at the same time. I can usually find countless pictures in clouds, but I have never attempted facial recognition in fruits before. A new challenge before me!!

  22. that is totally fun! i agree with MG--your attentiveness is impressive!

  23. Betsy, when I read your comment I was at work and I started laughing so hard I had tears coming down my face and believe me this week I needed a good laugh. That is one of the funnest things I've ever read. And yes I see him too. (I think they thought I was nuts at work, they didn't know why I was sitting at my desk laughing.) Thanks for making my day better.

  24. Betsy, when I read your comment I was at work and I started laughing so hard I had tears coming down my face and believe me this week I needed a good laugh. That is one of the funnest things I've ever read. And yes I see him too. (I think they thought I was nuts at work, they didn't know why I was sitting at my desk laughing.) Thanks for making my day better.

  25. Ronda ~ that's funny...glad I could give you a little chuckle at work! :)

  26. HAHA!! How observant of you!! I DO see a little face!! FUN!!

    Mrs. U


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