

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Keeping it Real

I sent this picture to Willow (my sis) this morning.
I said "look how gross my keyboard is after the
boys used it 24/7 all summer!"
It's the first day of school and I'm reclaiming my desk!
I removed all the keys ~ soaked them,
vacuumed the keyboard and put it all back together.
Willow said I should blog on it and I said I was too embarrassed!
But.....remembering how Modgirl does her "keeping it real"
segments, I decided to let you see it.
All clean now ~ looks brand new!
Now for the rest of the desk......


  1. Ummmm, my keyboard looks the same way, except I didn't know that you can actually take it apart and clean it. What a novel idea.

    Here's to keeping it real. That's what life looks like.

  2. MG ~ I knew you would appreciate this! I unplugged the keyboard, took a picture of it to refer to when reassembling, and carefully pried off the keys with a butter knife.
    Be sure not to get any water in the little divits on the keyboard where the keys attach. I can't believe how much better it looks and types!

  3. I'm sure mine looks just like this underneath. But I'm afraid if I took the letters and numbers off, I wouldn't be able to get them back in the right spots. I'd have a clean keyboard, but be typing in jibberish!

  4. Catching up again so I'll be reading your psots backwards ...this cracked me up! I'm the only one using my computer but it probably looks the same under my keys...lol. I use the air blower can to clean it out as it is a lap top and I can't take off the keys.

  5. Hi Betsy! I love that picture - it is real :) I learned how to clean my keyboard a few years ago @ work...now those keyboards were DISGUSTING!

  6. Willow ~ take a picture of the keyboard before you start! I'd never be able to put it all back together if I didn't!

  7. Pat ~ I turned my keyboard upside down and shook it once a week, but it obviously didn't help much!

  8. Tess! Hey there! Yes, I bet the work keyboards were cruddy! But little boys eating and typing are a bad combination! ;)

  9. Amazing what gets stuck on the keyboard....I go at it with papercllip and q-tip and windex....your method sounds more thorough...

  10. Wow! You should post a finished picture now! :)

  11. I'm picking at my keys just before I started to type this to see if I could take mine off..LOL..I'm too scared I won't be able to get them back on..


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