Spencer, Harry, Alex 2004

Spencer, Alex, Harry 2005
I've mentioned in earlier blogs about our quest for
helping our autistic triplets has involved a lot of
physical and health improvements that have made
a big difference. Autistic kids seem to have a weak
immunce system, self limiting diets and unexplained
outbursts. These can be caused by a lot of different
things. One of those things can be Candida albicans.
Candida is a normal component of your body, but an
overabundance of it can cause problems such as allergies,
asthma, constipation, diarhhea, poor memory, fatigue,
general weakness, persistent cough, or depression.
Candida is more commonly known as yeast.
The common symptoms of this disorder are caused
by the body's reaction to the toxins released by yeast
or by the disruption of the body's yeast/bacteria
balance, both of which lead to a weakening of the immune
system. The balance of yeast can be destroyed by the over
consumption of sugar, which feeds the yeast, or frequent
use of antibiotics which kill the friendly bacteria in our
bodies, which keep yeast growth under control.
We switched doctors in 2004 and when he saw our boys ~
they were not just overweight but puffy looking.
They were constipated and craving sweets and carbs in
a more-than-usual way. He highly suspected Candida yeast
and we changed their diets (not an easy thing to do with an
autistic child!) and started on Diflucan and probiotics.
As you can see by the "before" and "after" pictures above,
there is a big difference! It wasn't an easy process at all!
One of our boys literally only ate french fries, chips, pasta,
pop and koolaid. All of these things feed a yeast overgrowth!
And the yeast actually makes you crave these foods to feed
itself. But the results started showing immediately as the
puffiness left, the weight dropped, the constipation improved
and they improved at school. They could focus better and they
seemed to feel better physically which made them happier.
Candida yeast overgrowth can reoccur, so we have them on
a daily probiotic and a weekly dose of Diflucan.
Candida isn't limited to autism ~ millions of people suffer from it
in varying levels and don't even realize it.
I'm posting this in hopes that it helps another autistic child.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
I've heard of something like this before, but didn't really know much about it. Very interesting and helpful--thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletegreat info..i have a hard time explaining to people what i have researched...you did great! we can alwasy tell when jaden's having a "yeasty" day...his behavior is off the charts! i wish more parents would consider diet interventions for their kiddos...i love your blog...you are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lora ~ hope you're having a good day! This is actually good info for anyone....it's really more common than we think!
ReplyDeleteHi Granolachic! Does Jaden take any probiotic supplements or prescriptions for the yeast? There are also a lot of non-drug supplements that control yeast, too....like oregano, etc. We don't have any "yeasty" days since we take that weekly maintenance of Diflucan.
ReplyDeleteFascinating. Hmmmm, it has me thinking about Tukes' recent bouts with constipation...
ReplyDeleteThis is fascinating. More kudos to you for constantly seeking answers. The difference in the pictures, their expressions, everything - it's wonderful.
ReplyDeleteLess than a week to go now till your trip - how exciting!
This post, as well as the one about B-12 shots, really illustrates to me that autism is not just a mind/mental/brain malfunction, but more of a systemic, whole body illness. These experiences that you've had with the triplets show just how interconnected all the various systems of our body are. Interesting revelations for me, who knows relatively little about autism. I think, in general, people tend to think of it as "a mind thing" when really there is a lot more to it... Thanks for the education, you do it so gracefully and practically.
ReplyDeleteBlog Princess ~ yes, the differences in the pictures are really amazing. The weight, puffiness, focus and attentiveness...even smiling for the camera! During this year we also started doing some Mercury Detox (maybe a whole other blog entry) which we believe had something to do with their autism (mercury being a preservative in immunizations a decade ago). I'm still amazed at the progress we made during that year. And most of it was concentrating on physical problems, not mental and the results improved the mental, too.
ReplyDeleteModgirl ~ my response to you is a little overlapped with Blog Princess'. It was considered a mind thing...neurological...and the true definition of autism still is. But there are so many things environmentally that many believe have caused children to have it these days! Just treating the brain alone is finally being regarded as old school and inefficient. Thanks for your interest and concern!
ReplyDeleteBetsy, it certainly sounds as if your family is making great strides in coping with the autism.
ReplyDeleteOne hears so many conflicting opinions on vaccinations...I think if I were to have a child today I might consider holding off on the vaccinations...I don't know...there are so many missing pieces to this puzzle...
The various therapies you are trying appear to have yielded results, I only hope as time goes on and research reveals more positive findings, that you can apply them to your boys.
The do look a lot happier in photo number two....
Lavinia ~ thanks so much. Yes, we are making progress although it seems very slow at times...baby steps all the way. They have made some changes to the vaccines that make them safer now....removing the preservatives, spacing them out and not combining so many together. The vaccination theory has strong support on both sides. It's an interesting debate!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the visit and comment. Yes, I went to school in Darjeeling - one of the most amazing places God ever created.
ReplyDeleteHave to try your brownies recipe and I really like your adive ``Bloom where you're planted''.
David ~ I'll have to look up Darjeeling! The tea is wonderful, but I don't know anything about it. Sounds wonderful! Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteGreat difference in the before and after. Good lookin' boys!
ReplyDeleteWhere are you going on your trip? BPG mentioned a trip. Wishing you safe travels.
Very interesting post Betsy! I really do see such a difference between the two pictures. Yeast overgrowth is truly harmful, so your intervention has made a difference. What are the major foods that your boys eat now? More protein? Can they have any carbs?
ReplyDeleteBetsy, my daughter is a special ed teacher who sometimes works with autistic students. I am going to send her over here to read about your treatments. I am so glad that you have found some things that work for your family.
ReplyDeleteyes jaden is on two different probiotics...our yeasty days are alot fewer now..but he still eats alot of starches...and when he got sick and was on the antibiotic...WOW...and someone mentioned b12...it's been amazing in our house...actually the diet, with the supplements, with the shots, with the therapies...hmmm...and lots of prayer...have really worked together.
ReplyDeletei hope you have an amazing time on your trip...will the boys have a hard time with you gone? pokemon and mommy...that's jaden's two obsessions...lol...be blessed!
It is good you are on top of things in this regard...well, as much as you can be. It must be quite trying. I knew someone who had terrible candida--it is so wearing on the person.
ReplyDeleteI really got a lot out of readin your responses to all the comments. Thank you.
Hey Bach ~ Yes, a trip! My girlfriend and I are going on a cruise! It's our third one together over the years. We're headed down to the Western Caribbean! Just two moms ~ alone, stressfree and looking to be pampered@ :)
ReplyDeletePat ~ they still have very self-limiting diets like so many with autism. And all three are different from each other. Two still love the carbs and they can have them but we do put limits on them. The other loves protein! Back when we first did this all carbs were limited and then slowly added back in. Now nothing is off limits...but it's because of the maintenance we do. Thanks for the comment!
ReplyDeletesteviewren ~ yes, send her over! It's always great to talk back and forth (or blog back and forth!) with anyone familiar with these kids!
ReplyDeleteGranola ~ Yes, it's really something when they have to go on an antibiotic. It really gives the yeast a boost! Sounds like you are on top of these things, too! Thanks for the trip wishes...wish you could go with us!
ReplyDeleteMy boys will do alright. My Alex is the real Mommy's boy. He does go looking for me if I'm gone. Daddy does great with them so that makes it easier for me to leave.
Mmm ~ thanks for the comments. I've enjoyed your blog, too! :)
ReplyDeleteBetsy..you have that motherly love thing going on super speed all the time. What a blessing that the diet interventions are making a difference...good for you!
ReplyDeleteDeedee ~ thank you. You always say the kindest, mose encouraging things! It is wonderful when we mom's of autistic children try and treatment and can actually see the results like this. They don't always turn out that way!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing, I don't hear much about this.
ReplyDeleteHailey Harris ~ I've removed your comments here about vaginal yeast infections. This blog entry is about autistic children and their fighting intestinal candida yeast. The symptoms are different and the purpose of my entry was for them.