

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Looking for Beauty

"There is so much beauty around us, if we will only take the
time to notice it. You can make a conscious effort to look
for the essence and therefore develop an appreciation
for the beautiful things in life. Your days will seem a lot less
harried, I promise you. Beauty has a way of totally capturing our
senses, making us forget the fact that the car stalled on the way
to work this morning, that the kids spilled chocolate milk on the
carpet, that the workload keeps piling up. For a few brief
shining moments, nothing else seems to matter. And the
wonderful thing about beauty is that we can store it in our
mind to be played over and over again"
~~Luci Swindoll
*photo heartwewiltravl.com


  1. I so agree with this, when im feeling down i go out for a walk and the natural beauty around me never fails to cheer me up!

  2. And thank you for visiting me! I have my hands full with just 1 son, so my hat off to you!!! :)

  3. Got some blueberries today at Sam's Club...have to make THE recipe now. Only it's been improved on over the years. Mash 1/2 of the blueberries and stir them into the batter first. Makes them super moist!

  4. Willow ~ I remember the mashed blueberry part, but never do it for some reason! I'll have to try that. And I think I may have added the buttermilk and baking soda...can't remember all these years later! Anyway, very yummy...just ate the last one today. :)

  5. Beauty & Blueberry muffins
    just can't get enough

  6. Hi Betsu,
    Love the moon shells and other beautiful pics.
    Hope you are having a fun weekend

  7. I couldn't agree more! That's the purpose of my blog... to be aware of the great beauty that surrounds me everyday in the simple things.

  8. Hi modgirl~ yes, that's why I love your blog so much! :)

  9. Good grief....that was depressing!! The only consolation was the JR. did well and Mears seemed to have fared pretty well too. Oh did I want him to win!!


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
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