

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This quote always comes to mind when thinking about
 about life with my boys, especially on this 
National Autism Awareness Day. 
To all my friends and followers who live with
autism every day, my very best wishes,
love and prayers.


  1. Now that's a really good thought! Must remember that one.

  2. Replies
    1. We need all the good wishes, love and prayers possible, right? :)

  3. Betsy, the little peeks of your life that you share tell me that you really do make the best of every day! :)

  4. I think you've shown that you really do live this out!

    1. It's the only way to be, really...why be miserable on top of everything else?

  5. And you, my sweet friend, are a shining example of this.
    I, too, am praying for my friends and their families who live this daily.

    1. I know they appreciate it, too! I was just thinking the other day how big a deal it is for us to just get the family out the door....the boys need help making sure their clothes aren't on backwards, tying shoes, brushing teeth, taking meds....I still trim their nails....not to mention getting myself ready. They don't know stranger danger or traffic danger. They need us! It's true autism dictates what we can and cannot do.....but it's important to have a life apart from it, if that makes sense. OK...got me rambling now! haha.

    2. Yes, absolutely makes sense. And nope, you're not rambling. I always enjoy the insight into your family.

  6. Hi Betsy - yes as Mari says ... you've set an example for us all - the two of you have been amazing pragmatic about it all - yet I'm sure lots of anxieties and worries ... but it is wonderful to see you here - I did find having the positivity of the blog and friends helped hugely ... cheers to you both today - with thoughts Hilary

    1. Yes, that is so true. A positive attitude can make all the difference. It is what it is....how you plan to live with it is the key.

  7. Thanks for this wonderful quote and for the optimism you share with us.

    1. You're very welcome! It applies to everyone! :)

  8. You and jeff are the best. I admire you for your love, tolerance, and patience with the boys and each other, and what life has has deemed to throw at you. Keep happy no matter what.

  9. I've not been here as a reader of this blog for nearly as long as others have, but, Betsy, I have always been blessed by the way you find the positive in life. Our family has been touched by autism in the highly functional end of the spectrum so I know enough to know that there aren't always sunshine and roses days, but yours is trippled. I know that in order for you and your husband to stay positive and enjoy your guys there is a strong faith in God involved. You are a blessing and I am thankful for getting to know you, even if it is just a little bit. xx

    1. So true about the faith. During those first dark months when we were searching for a diagnosis, I had a decision...I could hate God for allowing this to happen to them or I could trust that there were reasons I may not know. I could be bitter or better for it. And in reality, I was too scared to be bitter....I knew there was no way I could live this out without God's help.

  10. Yes, Ma'am. And, you are an amazing example of that. blessings ~ tanna

  11. You inspire me Betsy!! I did not truly know Autism and how it affects the whole family until we were blessed with Baylor. While he cannot do a lot of things, his sparkling Blue eyes and his happy smile are a wonder to behold. God Bless you and your sons.

    1. It certainly does affect the whole family. So many things we cannot do that others take for granted. We have our ups and downs for sure...emotional highs and lows. I seem to hit a period of mourning once...maybe twice a year...just mourning what isn't and will never be. Thankfully those dark days don't settle in so deep that I can't break away. We don't have a lot of extended family support, so I want to thank you for being involved in your kids and grandkids lives...it's priceless, really. :)

  12. You are a great example of this quote, Betsy!

  13. A wonderful quote. Thinking of you and all your family ❤🙏🏻

  14. This is a beautiful quote. I'm enjoying your blog and your positive spirit!

  15. Sure the best way
    To live each day
    Making the best of this, that and the crap
    Keeping on keeping on where any are at

  16. Great and clever quote and you certainly live it to the full . . . admire you a lot . . . :) x

  17. Love this quote. You are always on my list of heroes.

    1. You always say that . . . yes I know you try very hard and you are respected for it . . . :)

    2. I always say thanks? Well, everyone should, right?

  18. Love, prayers, and thanks, to you and Jeff as you deal with this daily.

  19. Hi Betsy, have you ever heard about the GASP diet? I run across it while looking for some info and since they mention some improvement for Autistic people while being on the GASP diet I thought I will check with you ... Have a nice evening, hugs Jitka

    1. Yes, when they were about 10 years old. It wasn't called that but I looked it up and it was very similar. They had a lot of candida intestinal yeast and that diet helped reverse that. It didn't seem to do anything to help the autism, but they lost weight!

  20. I was sure that you have tried everything out there ...but I thught I will mention it ... one never knows .... I am sorry to hear it did not work for your boys :-(


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