

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Winter Foyer Table

Notice anything different?
The Mister surprised me with this beautiful vintage
bird print last week.  Funny thing about things like this is
that you need to find the perfect spot for it!  He thought it would
go in the dining room with the light blues and white
cupboards.  Um, no.  haha.  So after a few minutes of thinking,
we decided the foyer was the perfect spot!  But then the
chalkboard had to find a new place..and on the chain reaction
went until it displaced the framed map in the family room, which
displaced some prints in the hall way, which caused me to paint
the other frames in the hallway black.  But I'd been wanting to
do that for a while now, so it all turned out great!
Did you follow all of that?  haha.....

It's a very nice change and I like the fresh look.  
The vintage post cards all celebrate the new year.
The tree and glass pine cones say winter to me.


  1. Very pretty! I love the furniture and the art. ;)

    1. Thanks, Stacey! It was good to remove the Christmas stuff, dust and make it look fresh. Now on to the rest of the house! :)

  2. Worked out very well. I chuckled about the chain reaction . . . lol

    1. It happens to me all the time! I think I like Suzie's description better...a domino effect!

  3. A Good choice Betsy, and a good move around. I change the pictures around just for a change sometimes. I have a collection of original watercolours.

    1. I like to move things around, too! Your eye catches them in a different way and I appreciate them all over again!

  4. I got dizzy for a minute following you around the house! Funny how one thing can domino.

    I will miss the chalkboard but I agree - it's a fresh change! And it looks "at home."

    Lovely gesture of the Mister. Aw.

    1. Oh, not to worry. The chalkboard got a new spot in the family room! I'll show it occasionally, I'm sure!

    2. Oh, I didn't think you had abandoned it. I'm just used to it introducing your seasonal foyer changes! I bet it's perfect in the family room.
      Love how the white and black of the new print is echoed in the black and white of the set of doors to the side. Sort of a reverse harmony. Very elegant.

  5. Such a lovely bird print, and yes, the perfect spot, and the other things on your entry table look so nice. A fresh touch for sure. I did have to laugh as I pictured the chain reaction. Quickly painting the two frames, and then standing back as saying ...Awwww. I like it!! Your Mister know what you like! How sweet of him.

    1. I stocked up today on some of the items on your "Eating Plan". I'm excited to see if I can get my jeans to fall off without unzipping them HaHa. Hugs.

    2. Yes, with just a few tweaks it was perfect! I'm still working on the corner where the chalkboard went! haha.

      I hope that plan works for you! ...and your jeans fall off! (that took 6 months, though, so don't be looking for it next week! lol.....)

    3. Six months ~ my birthday ~ wouldn't that be fun...I was thinking a year. The cottage cheese and pie filling is good!!!

  6. I'm enjoying reading the comments here too....the chalkboard was one of my favorites...it inspired me to welcome each season with a little display on a table...but I like to see changes too....we don't do that as much in our downsized empty nest house. I love that print....we have more woodpeckers here than I have ever had anywhere else. You inspire me....thank you! I so understand the chain reaction....I did that because someone gave me a candle,..yes, a candle can do it! Ha!

    1. Yes, a candle can do it! haha...anything can do it! It's crazy but fun at the same time. I don't like to just stick something somewhere and make it crowded. Everything has to be balanced in number and color. I'm just weird that way!

      The chalkboard will still bring in the seasons, I think...just in a different room. I'm working on it!

  7. Well, I think that spot is perfect. Love the look! Look forward to seeing where the chalkboard settles.

    1. It's a very nice change and looks cleaner and less fussy to me. The chalkboard looks good where it landed...just need to finish the entire spot. And the chain reaction continues...lol.... all for the better, though!

  8. I know all about chain reactions! The picture is perfect though and it all looks great!

    1. I laugh at myself every time a chain reaction happens! :)

  9. Looks great...lovely gift.
    Linda :o)

  10. Beautiful print of the birds! Audubon?

  11. Hi Betsy - I think they're all woodpeckers ... and what a fantastic prezzie from your dearly beloved. Yes find the spot and then moving everything along the line ... I'm glad the chalk board hasn't disappeared ... gorgeous picture though .. cheers Hilary

  12. Gave it a nice new look indeed
    With a shift about at your feed

  13. Lovely woodpecker print. It's beautiful.

  14. Gorgeous picture - and well done for your dedication to finding the perfect arrangement for everything. It's that attention to detail that makes your home so much smarter than mine!

    1. Oh, I don't know about that. You have a photographer's eye! It would be impossible for it not to carry over into your decorating! Right? right? haha....you need to show us your home. I loved the blue and white pitchers outside. I want to see more!


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