

Monday, December 5, 2016

A Hawk Came To Visit

Isn't he handsome?
He was looking for an unsuspecting bird at
the feeders but they were all suspecting. haha.
One of them gave a signal and they flew deep
into the pine trees for safety.
It's been a few years since we had a hawk
hanging about.  I saw one catch a Mourning Dove
just outside the window years ago.  Amazing to watch!
They have to eat, too, right?


  1. He's a stunner, all right! I wouldn't want to mess with him.

  2. What a gorgeous creature. I would love a cape made in that colour and pattern.

    1. He looks like he's wearing a cape, doesn't he? A Medieval romantic type. Love it. He looks like a knight. :)

  3. Hi Betsy - well that was a good camera catch ... lovely shot - and yes, they need to eat too .. glad the little ones had shot off into the pine trees ... cheers Hilary

    1. They are pretty good at avoiding him! The sparrows are very wary...it's the doves that seem a little
      ditzy and slow. haha...poor things. Fortunately I haven't seen a dove at my feeders in months.

  4. Pretty but deadly. He looks like he has a pearl necklace.

  5. Yup... survival of the fittest.

  6. Yep, they need a snack too
    Fight with the cats at your zoo
    Must have got the word
    That you have plenty a bird

    1. There's probably 75 sparrows flitting about!
      He wants to eat one I have no doubt!
      I'm sure he will be back today
      because hunger doesn't just go away!

  7. We have a lot of the red hawks in our area and I never fail to be in awe to see them flying by...amazing creatures.

    1. They really are! And if you're used to looking at chickadees and sparrows, they are HUGE! haha.

  8. He is a beauty! I have always loved those big birds! We get lots of hawks in Czech Republic. I miss seeing them so often. When we did live in Montreal we had one foying into our garden with a quite a huge sized mouse and eating it. It was disgusting and fascinating at the same time. You feel sorry for the mouse yet you want the big bird to eat. Confusing ... lol. Love your nature shots Betsy!

    1. Yes, they all must eat! I love big birds, too! Owls, especially...though we don't live out in the country far enough to see them. I would love that! Although at Thanksgiving, my nephew was talking about how his friend saw an owl swoop down and get a cat! Ack! That would be horrible, so maybe we're better off where we are. haha. When the cats were just kittens we didn't let them outside until they were bigger so they wouldn't get carried off by a hawk.

  9. We have lots of hawks here in Texas and they truly are predators. I love to watch them!!

    1. They are amazing to watch! Sometimes when we're driving near corn fields, we can see them hovering above a mouse or something, ready to pounce.

  10. What a gorgeous hawk. We tease that the little birds are just fed to fatten up the hawks. Years ago a hawk with a dove flew into a window pretty hard. He never let go of that bird in his mouth. He landed nearby and shook off the hit but never let go of his meal. Off he flew and I hope he was ok. ANother hawk tried to get a kitty through a window. I guess they really get hungry sometimes. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Oh my goodness....that must have been something to see...and a little scary to hear him hit the window! Robins hit our windows sometimes and they make a terrible sound! A kitty through a window...goodness...just shows you how good their eyesight is!

  11. We see some very big eagles in Switzerland. Great big birds soaring on the thermals. I think they are bearded vultures. Some can have a wingspan of more than 9 feet. Imagine! Very impressed by your photos. Your hawk looks as though his outfit was knitted doesn't he?

    1. Wow...9 feet...that must be amazing to see! We see eagles around here occasionally. Beautiful!

    2. Have you seen photos of this mongolian girl with her golden eagle?http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26969150

    3. Goodness! That was amazing! And what a cutie she is, too!

  12. "Hawkeye", come to see Cherokee "Pink Cloud" . . . lol
    Magnificent beast and magnificent shot.
    I can almost hear the birds in the relative safely of the pine trees, taunting, "La, la, la, la, la, la # you can't catch me, he, he, he he!!"
    He looks like he has loads of charisma!! . . .and used to calling the shots . . . :)

  13. They are beautiful...
    I had one slam into my kitchen window!
    Left an imprint of himself!
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)


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