

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ideal Coffee Break

click to enlarge

There's just a bit of coolness in the air this weekend. The sky is a darker shade of blue and the clouds are low and puffy. These are sure signs that my favorite season is going to make an appearance within the month! The theme this time around over at Creative Tuesday is to show your thoughts on an ideal coffee break. I'm imagining an impromptu outing with blanket and basket in tow. Thermos of coffee. Goodies to nibble on. Watching floating clouds and falling leaves. Sigh. Lovely. And someone special to come along for the moment, right? Because it's always more fun to share!

I tried to push myself a little harder this time with my sketching and do something a bit more difficult. Well, I just about pushed myself over the edge with that woven basket! Definitely had to have a model to help me keep the pattern going correctly. It doesn't look bad if you don't look too closely! ha ha. Whew! It took forever! 8.5 x 11 and colored pencils.
Last Friday was The Mister's birthday so we went out for lunch. It was a beautiful day and we decided to eat outside at the restaurant. McCormick and Schmidts, if you are familiar. I stopped at the restroom when we got there and he went ahead and was seated and ordered our drinks. When I joined him and we started talking, three sparrows flew in and hopped around our feet. He laughed and said, "You know, Mrs. Doolittle, the birds didn't appear until you did!" So, of course I had to add a cute little bird to my sketch. :)
So, anybody want to enjoy a coffee break with me?
Let's see who can see a cloud animal first, shall we?

Click HERE for more entries!


  1. I really like the drawing Betsy! It is articulate and I am sure took time. It's lovely!

  2. beautiful ! Wow what a lot of work,, I find baskets soooo challenging,, you did a very beautiful job and I love those cookies too!

  3. Thanks, Shari! It was still fun. The best part for me is that it forces me to sit and relax and do something creative instead of laundry or scrubbing the bathrooms. ha. :)

  4. Laurie ~ that basket was SO hard. Lots of erasing. ha.

  5. I'll take a cup and a Milano : )
    Great drawing, Betsy!

  6. nice...lots of great textures to this betsy...lovely piece...i take my coffee black...and a cookie please...smiles.

  7. Your artwork is lovely.I especially like it becuase you draw alot of birds.I love anything with birds.Are you considering an Etsy shop at anytime soon?lol Seriously you should.

    Have a great new week ahead!

  8. Love your draws and love coffe break!!Love your artwork Betsy!! LOL

  9. The sketch is wonderful, Betsy!! Those are my favorite cookies, too!!

    Happy Birthday to your Mister!


  10. Enjoyed your drawing. I shall drink a nice relaxing cup of herb tea.

  11. GStaples ~ great...sit down and have a cookie with that! :)

  12. I love those cookies you sketched there.

  13. farmchick~ me, too! I could eat the whole bag in one sitting. ha.

  14. I clicked on the picture to enlarge it and you deserve an "A+" on that basket! (I was an art teacher for 5 years so I know art when I see it!) Looks like the ideal coffee breal to me too...did you have Hazelnut Creamer in the basket?

  15. Wow that one must have taken quite the while
    Especailly that basket with it's weaving style
    But you can keep the coffee all to yourself
    I'm hyper enough without caffiene at my shelf
    And look at the end you made a rhyme
    That is just so sublime

  16. Anita ~ oh thanks...but it took me a full day to draw that basket and another afternoon to color it! lol...oh dear!

    hazelnut? why, yes! How did you know? :)

  17. Pat ~ now see what you've done?
    You've made me rhyme a ton!
    Even when I didn't mean to rhyme
    I seem to give it a chime!
    So I blame you
    Because it's just fun to do!

  18. I can take it any day
    So just blame a way..haha

  19. Pat ~
    oh I know you'd love to take credit
    not a single word you would edit
    except to add a phrase or two
    that is special to you
    like pop a pill
    or vein, if you will.

  20. Did the birds really show up when you came to the table? In life there are no coincidences
    (3 birds?).

    I just love to click on the picture to enlarge them. The basket is wonderful but I love the blanket.

  21. Christine ~ well, sure they came...I didn't just make that up! lol. Three sparrows hopping under our table. It was quite cute...but we both got a laugh out of what The Mister said. He can get a witty line in there once in a while. lol....

  22. Christine ~ ps...at least it wasn't five! HAHA.

  23. Your sketch is so fresh, I can smell the outdoors.

  24. Yes dear Betsy, I certainly will join you on that cosy blanket.;)
    You did a great job with the basket, I truly always enjoy your sketches, they are so joyful.;)
    Happy belated birthday to your Mr.;)
    And a happy Monday to you,

  25. Wow is all I can say.

  26. Ah, and Milanos, too!! That is a perfect coffee break! Mrs. Dolittle, your drawing is wonderful!! blessings ~ tanna

  27. The blanket actually came easy! I had to figure out a way to make it look realistic and I knew that my pencil lines in a basic coloring in would not give that effect. The scribble blocks filled in easy and fast.

    The thermos is my favorite part! :)

  28. Betsy, your picture creates such a wonderful "mental picture" for me. I can feel the cool, morning breeze as the picnic is spread out on the ground. And of course, all the romance notions of that time just engulfs the reader. Great job!

  29. Wow, you should be really proud of this. Such a lovely picture with so much detail. You have a new vocation, basket weaving!

  30. If I could pick for a talent, it would be the talent of drawing!
    Really beautiful sketch!

  31. thats a beautiful sketch! And I hope you enjoy the peace and quiet of having all the men out the door today! :)

  32. This sketch is darling! I will drink coffee ANYTIME! ANYWHERE!

  33. Wow, I really like the drawing! The detail is very nice. Especially the bird & the basket. And the cups are gorgeous. I'd love to have a set of cups with that pattern for green tea since I never acquired a taste for coffee. :)

  34. i will join ya for a cup of coffee. you know, when i clicked over to your place and saw the sketch, i thought it was stock art for a fall picnic. i troll stock art all the time. the hard work you put in paid off. i think that's how it works a lot of times:) your sketch (and it's more than a sketch, it's a completed piece) successfully creates a lazy fall mood. and i'm game for that:)

  35. Thanks, Ed. I really appreciate that! :) Cream and sugar?

  36. I'll join you on the blanket - and maybe some more birds will come. You do seem to have a magic touch with animals and birds... kittens, sparrows.

  37. A coffee break under a tree on a breezy, mild day sounds lovely. Mmm... Milanos!

  38. Beautiful artwork! I'm there by the way drinking my coffee behind the tree. :) Poor Spencer--sorry about the allergies. My eight year old is in the same shape. :(

  39. I hope you are saving your drawings as you could probably be hired to work for a greeting card company or something similar! So lovely and creative!

  40. Is it too late to drop in for coffee and cloud animals? I can bring a cup or two along if the pot is near to empty... I want to know if there are Iced Animal Cookies in the clouds, the pink kind.

  41. Martha ~ :) It's never too late! Please sit down!

  42. just beautiful details here, right down to the steaming thermos of coffee! Great take on the theme, Betsy.

  43. You got an early start on posting your CreativeTues project - I'm still finishing mine! It's a great sketch and I like how it evokes summer picnics but hints at the fall approaching!

  44. The basket is awesome! I love the props you've included and all the textures. Making me thirsty...

  45. Hi Betsy, you did a great job with the basket... love your picture... :)

  46. Oh this is great! The weather here in VA has finally cooled off and today would be an awesome day for a picnic (unfortunately I'm 39 weeks preggo and that's not going to happen!haha, but your art makes me want to very bad)! Great job!

  47. This is fab, i love the cross hatching on the picnic blanket and you have done an amazing job on the the woven basket :) I guess it's good to push yourself sometimes and feeling a achievement.

  48. Better late than never....Trying to hard to get a handle on my life right now...

    This is so alsolutely adorable. I just can't keep staring at the lovely details...I want to sit on the blanket and visit with you face to face.

  49. That basket is incredible, and I am so glad a little bird was included in your drawing. I especially like that your work has a taste of fall happening.

  50. Thanks, Wanda! And you're not late...I just posted it early! Sit down and have a visit....let's drink some of your flax seed tea! :)

  51. Since you are always giving us recipes....Flax Seed Tea: 2 1/2 cups water, one tablespoon flax seed...boil hard for 5 minutes, steep for 10 minutes...strain and drink...it's does help when I get that pain in the night, and know those stones are moving.

    Have an appointment Sept 9th with the doctor to see if just having the surgery will take care of my discomfort!!!

  52. Thanks, Wanda! You have me curious now! I might need to buy some flax seeds!

  53. Betsy you did a wonderful job on that basket. God's Eye. I expected a bird. Love you sista.

  54. Thanks, Peggy! HAD to have my lil bird, didn't I? :) Hey, we were on each other's blog at the same time. Love it when that happens! ha.

  55. this is so wonderful. love the composition and great use of colors.

  56. I don’t think I would have even attempted the basket, good on you for pushing through, it looks great. I find it hard with detailed work but that probably because I am lazy. I love that you included the little bird

  57. You did a wonderful basket. And is it bad that those leaves make me cringe a little? I know summer is nearing it's end for us, but I'm just not ready to embrace jacket weather yet. Beautifully drawn!

  58. Betsy, this is crazy detailed and great. Yes I can imagine it took you forever! that basket is great! OK, did I ever say on my blog how I love Milan's too?! I do. Perfect with coffee or tea and those cups look nice and big --perfect for lots of dunking. TY for pushing yourself. you should be really proud there, Ms. Doolittle.

  59. Thanks, Mr. Toast. Maybe for the next one I'll do something a bit easier. ha. But I did get a sense of accomplishment from doing something harder! :) Milanos? Yes, somehow I knew you loved those, too.


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
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