

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why, Oh Why?

OK, so here's a mystery for you! Even me as the mom of autistic
triplets can't figure this one out! Maybe you can crawl into their
minds and give me a logical explanation! :)
I always lay my dish rag across the sink divider like this.
None of the triplets will leave it like that! They walk by and move it to
the sink on the left. In the sink. It doesn't matter if the sink is empty
or full of dishes or full of water, the rag gets moved into the left sink!
I've told them, even demonstrated that I don't want the rag in the sink!
I want it laying across the divider. Next thing I know, someone has
dropped it into the sink! They will even do it just walking by...very
nonchalantly slipping it into the sink as they walk! So, WHY?
It also doesn't matter if the rag is dry, wet, clean or dirty.
Anybody want to take a guess? I'm stumped! Especially since all three
of them do it, as if they made a pact to drive their mother crazy. ha.


  1. oh it is a conspiracy...they have a class that boys are indoctrinated into ways specifcally tailored to their mothers to cause havoc..haha...

  2. A class, huh? Gosh, I'm sure that list is long! lol...

  3. mmmm,very curious,,, I have feeling you will ever know,maybe its like me checking I locked the doors three times,, or making sure the curling iron is unplugged, habit formed,,

  4. You should use a bit of psychology here.

    Start putting the dishcloth in the left sink and instruct them that on no account whatsoever are they to put it across the divider; and if they do then put it back into the left sink for a few times just to emphasize that you mean it.

    Then after a while just leave it on the divider where they put it and they will think that they have won the battle of wits!


  5. Aw, Keith ~ I should have know that you would have a super great answer! Why didn't I think of that? lol...

  6. I don't know why but I bet if you had two rags that they would cover both drain openings. It may be like putting a lid onto a container opening.

  7. Larry ~ I'll try it right now! I should have an answer before the evening is out. lol...

  8. I think it's a pact to drive their mother crazy :)

  9. Be sure and let us know how your little changes turn out. I have a gs with a type of autism and he does things over and over when he gets anxious. They are precious boys.

  10. I'd love to know the answer to that one, too, Betsy! I do like Keith's idea!! blessings ~ tanna

  11. I like Keith's thinking! Let us know if you try it...and if it works!

  12. Heather ~ men? Is that the reason? lol...and here I was trying to tie it to autism...lol...

  13. I'm thinking that in plain sight it looks messy to them, but in the sink is like in a drawer. : ) It is fascinating to wonder what the y do think. Good Luck, Sherlock Holmes!!! Cindy

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What about the color of your rag? White rag white sink...maybe it bugs them;)

  16. Cindy ~ interesting! I hope they don't start sticking the wet dirty ones back in the drawer! ha. Alex does that with his dishes some times!!

  17. Jana ~ I'll try a red one and see what happens! :) And thanks for visiting!

  18. I agree with Heather; it's a male trait to not put things back where they found them :-)

  19. I like Keith's idea :) How funny that they all do that.

  20. But they aren't using the rag and then returning it to the wrong place. They just walk by and take it from the divider and throw it in the left sink, as if the rag being in the middle bothers them.

  21. @ Heather and Kathy G:

    In this age of "political correctness," it seems that the only group one is still allowed to insult is that of the opposite sex. Women generalize about men, and men generalize about women. That's a load of crap.

    First of all, Betsy's triplets don't just avoid "put[ting] things back where they found them." They move the dish rag from where she left it without even using it. And I, for one do return things to their proper place. And guess what? I'm a man.

    Substitute the name of any ethnic group -- Jews, blacks, Asians, gays, etc. -- for "men," and your remarks would sound rather bigoted. If Betsy's triplets were girls, and I'd written "Women.....is all I can say," I'll bet several of Betsy's readers would have taken umbrage at that. And rightfully so.

  22. Love all your responces. We all are curious and want to find an answer for you.
    You have gotten several great ideas. Try them all.

  23. Silver ~ Gasp! You're a man?? And all this time I thought.....(ducks)

  24. Well, there are several ways I can prove it...

  25. Um, that's ok. We'll take your word for it. :)

  26. Oh, good! I never did figure out the proper way to post videos on YouTube...

  27. Interesting responses. And I have my rag folded exactly like you do...on the divider...where it belongs. (-:
    Maybe to some people, having it in the sink signals, "done". Looking forward to a followup.

  28. Wow a rant in the comments below
    At Betsy's place don't you know
    Can't say I disagree with the Fox though
    As he has a good point, now on to the question I go

    It could be they want to annoy you
    And know it's such fun to do

    It could be that two holes aren't appropriate as everything has one
    The toilet, other sinks and all the other fun
    So they picked the left to get rid off one day
    And it always remained that way

    It's not perfectly even across the center of the sink
    So they keep throwing it off hoping you take the nod and wink

    They want to remember not to use the left side
    As it doesn't go well with their stride
    So they throw the rag there for a reminder
    So they see it and know the right is kinder

    Hmmm that's all I got for now
    Sure it's solvable some how

  29. Perhaps they are bothered by the fact that the sinks are not symmetrical? I wonder what would happen if both drains looked exactly the same?

  30. Patt ~ haha...so when they get older and a bit more clever
    I'll walk in one day and they will have a leveler
    Smoothing out the wet cement
    They the dumped on the left side with great intent?

    oh happy days...haha.

    yes, Fox went on a rant
    to stop him you just can't
    must have had a bad day at work
    bothered by some jerk


  31. Martha ~ that's interesting. But one side is a garbage disposal, so they will always look different. Even the plug is different. Wish they could talk...I'd just ask! ha.

  32. Work was just fine, thanks. My mood was great until I read those comments. Just sayin'. :)

  33. Now that would be something to see
    Cement being poored in bringing them glee

    Look your blog irked the Fox
    Maybe he'll even create a post on your talks
    Unless he already has one somewhere
    Before he was fully grey haired..lol

  34. If he did, I'm sure a link will appear
    making us all aware.


  35. Don't know the reason why this is happening, but maybe the answer is for you to put the dishrag in the sink and then they maybe they will pick it up and put it where it is supposed to be? :-)

  36. I am with keith and art2cee2--start putting the dish cloth on the left side and just wait---maybe go to the right for a couple days ;-)

  37. :-)
    Left, right, center ?
    Keep loving them and enjoy your day Betsy !


  38. I kinda like the idea of putting a dish rag in each sink....

    I don't have a dishwasher, so my wash rag hang on the dish drainer under the sink... Perhaps out of sight could be a solution.

    Laughed at so many of the clever comments.

    Let us know what happens.

  39. Well, on my last day of psych class, we did this thing that my professor called "the gift." I didn't really see it as a gift but whatever...

    We had to close our eyes, imagine entering a cave and at one point, we were supposed to picture two tunnels. One was on the left and one was on the right. She instructed us that no matter how much we wanted to go right, we needed to go left.

    There's more to it but at the end, when we all opened our eyes, we had a discussion about it. My prof asked how many people felt a strong pull to go towards the tunnel on the right rather than the one on the left. A large portion of the class raised their hands and she said it was because going to the left makes you uncomfortable because it's "unknown."

    What I'm getting at here after this long drawn out story is that maybe seeing the rag like that makes your boys uncomfortable so they always throw it off to the left sink?!

  40. I'm stumped, but my kids do things that are equally puzzling.

  41. They WANT to drive you to the LOONEY BIN???

    Ummmm, there is someone at my house that does things like that...moves a rug just SLIGHTLY...but never passes without adjusting it and other SMALL things like that and it drives me nuts! NOT the one YOU are thinking of though...it is B!!!!

  42. Jill ~ oh, B? That is too funny! Now, if it was actually putting something away or straightening, I wouldn't mind! But fishing the rag out of a sink of water drives me nuts! ha. Besides, I'd like to know the reason!

  43. Well, Pierre, you're the wisest of all...in the end it really doesn't matter...just love. :)

  44. Betsy, Christi can't allow anything to be on the bathroom floor, she always throws it in the tub. I can't even have a bathroom rug because it always ends up in the tub, even if it is filled with water for a bath. Who knows??
    Lois Jacobs

  45. Lois ~ that is amazing. A rug in a tub of water...that sounds like something that would happen here! :) There has to be a connection!

  46. Very interesting....if we only knew why.
    I put mine on the divider too, but turn it lengthwise, not across.(I'd probably turn yours around for you) lol

  47. Brian's right, they've been programmed to drive mom crazy. :)

  48. L.D. Burgus ~ ok, Larry...I put two rags folder across the divider and only one rag got thrown into the left sink! The other was left untouched! LOL! Oh dear...it just gets weirder! :)

  49. Sophia ~ aw, that made me cry! Thank you. Love the prayers and need them! :)

  50. another update for L.D. ~ both rags are now in the left sink. lol...

  51. I think they like the drain plug coverd on that side for some reason. Maybe they don't like the way it looks. I wonder if there wasn't a rag there at all, if they would find something else to cover the plug.

  52. Routine.

    My brother used to run through the neighbor's yard and tip over his birdbath every morning. Thankfully, this man was kind and came to the door asking help in "understanding" the little boy. Mom didn't know what to say except that it had become his routine. She suggested leaving it for a couple of weeks in order to break the routine. It must have cured him because she never heard from the man again.

    Not sure why all three do it though. They must be in cahoots.

  53. If one did it I could say maybe there is some perception thing working in his brain that's different but to have all three do it is very interesting.
    There has to be a reason for it.
    But my guys are have no reason at all not to put the rag the way you put it and its never going to be done either. No one would even think to wash a dish after themselves.
    Its not a man thing to do.
    If you don't walk around picking up after them the house would never be in order. They watch the same programs I do which say don't do it and see how they like the mess.
    They don't like the mess and tell me to pick it up lol
    So the only one who suffers by it is me .

  54. that's funny, I like my dish rag just like you but my husband never puts it back there either. Very annoying but he won't listen to me either. I call it stubborn.

  55. Well, a colored rag didn't work either.

    I'm wondering if it just doesn't look right to them being in the middle. We don't put anything else there! Things go in the sink. Kind of like a dresser drawer...if something was hanging out, we would put it in the drawer and close it. So to the boys, having a rag hanging out of the sink doesn't seem right.

    But who knows. It's just a guess. :)

  56. this is fascinating! I read it to my husband, a former social worker who specialized in child development. the only thing he can figure is triplets, genetically wired the same, to do the same. as for why the left sink? he doesn't know other than perhaps it just "looks right". I love the comments telling you to leave the dishrag in the left sink already and see what they do.

  57. Cali ~ thanks for getting his perspective! There are many things that they do that make me wonder if it is a triplet thing or an autism thing!

  58. Well, you know they say that you should always keep your toilet lid down and your drains plugged when not in use...keeps the money from flowing from your home!
    That's what they say anyway! So the boys are right..because the right side of the sink is probably the one side you use the most.

  59. funny thing...I understood about the movement of the furniture to the front door entrance and now I am understanding the placement of the kitchen rag...

  60. Have you noticed, by the way, that we all call it the 'rag' instead of the kitchen dish cloth! hahaha throw back to our youth!and the old days!

  61. logically, the dish cloth belongs IN the sink. that's my guess but really who knows. i think we all have our own pecularities for the proper place for everything. i just moved in with my 83 year old mom and am enjoying learning all her quirks. i'm sure she is exasperated with mine. hee hee

  62. So I think that the left side of the sink looks more like a tub- I think because of the yellow duck (brush?). What if you removed the duck or put it on the right-hand side instead? Most likely I am reaching since I have no idea what their associations might be, but that was the first thing that struck me. The rag looks like a washcloth. The drain basket looks more like a tub drain. Anyways, as a mom to twins, I find it fascinating the things multiples do, autism or no!

  63. Are the guys associating the dish cloth with their wash cloth floating in the bathtub at bath time?

    That side of the sink always has the water and in their reasoning the dish cloth should be in same as the bathtub??

  64. You had so many comments, I didn't read them all so someone may have already pointed this out...at least they're not putting it in the garbage disposal side. :)

  65. Betsy--are the triplets right handed? It may be a "checking" measure. Do they pick up the cloth or just swipe it into the sink? If they just swipe it into the sink, it may be that they are touching the divider "just to check". Try putting the cloth at the part of the divider nearer the faucet than the center of the room.

    Also, for Silver Fox...I agree with you on "group talk" but most of us (me included sometimes) do it without realizing it. Thanks for reminding me to be more vigilant.

  66. maybe it has to do with the drains - looking at the pictures, the looked like eyes....then i started thinking maybe there's something scary with the two 'eyes' looking out.

    i see you have 70 comments! am sure someone hit on some good possible answers to the mystery....off to read and learn....


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