

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tip for the Iceberg

I don't remember where I learned this little tip, but it's a great one! To remove the core, hold the head in both hands with the core pointing down. Give it a good, strong whack on the kitchen counter.
The core should dislodge from the head and pull out nice and clean like this! I wonder if that's how Julia Childs did it!


  1. I knew there was a trick for doing this, but couldn't remember the exact way. Gonna try it, could be funny when I smack it...I can see it falling to pieces/ha

  2. Gonna try it too!

    UH OH...AC repairman? NOT TODAY!!! It is so hot and humid...may he be there as I type this!!!

  3. Jill ~ Lou Beck's already been here...a 5 minute, easy repair..we're in the coolness again! Yay!

  4. I do it the same way - works great!

  5. That's rather clever. I will remember the technique and then I will be able to feel very proud of myself by demonstrating my skills.

  6. Very smart! I will try this next time.;))

  7. I'll never forget the first time I saw a college roommate slam a head of lettuce on our kitchen counter. I thought she was crazy!

  8. Christian ~ ha-ha...too bad you only have to whack it once or it could be a nice stress reliever!

  9. I'm not sure where I learned it either, probably my mom, but it does work like a charm. I'm afraid to whack anything on my granite counters now in this house though...the walkthrough guy scared me about them breaking so I'm a little freakish about it, although in reality I don't think lettuce would harm them. But on the other hand, if anyone could do it with lettuce, it would be me. :)

  10. yep, that's the most fun part of making a salad!

  11. This trick always impressed my kids!
    Along with the eyes behind my head.

  12. I showed this to my mom. Maybe she'll finally make some coleslaw ;)

  13. A ~ I've never done it to a cabbage before! Let me know if it works!

  14. I stole your Lewis Carrol quote! It's definetly a good one.

  15. I love that tip too! I learned it from my mom, but haven;t used it in years since I now buy the bag salad.

    shameful, I know.

  16. Oh yes, this is a goodie....
    love the Bali pic and TT post.

  17. Hi Betsy! This is such a great trick! My first job was at an DELICIOUS Italian restaurant (my job was to prepare the anti-pasta salads) where they taught me this trick for keeping the lettuce! It does work nicely.
    P.S. I love your appreciation post below...and the picture of the bird :-)xo

  18. I always loved that - it's fun! And it gets rid of pent up frustration. By the way, I am wildly in love with your header. Morning glories are my favorite flower. But the cows eat mine if I try to grow them along my back fence.

  19. What a neat trick! I'll have to try that:)

  20. I'll take that incredibly flowered froth latté with those pancakes please. Yum.

    Well. your trick looks easy enough but somehow I suspect I wouldn't get it to work quite right.

  21. I never knew that before - thanks for the tip!


  22. I saw this in an Alan Alda/Michelle Pfeiffer movie called Sweet Liberty. I guess it works.


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