

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cookies in a Jar Recipe

We've all seen these jars of cookie ingredients
made up for gift giving. Usually the stuff is
just layered in straight lines but this one
given to me several years ago is extra fancy!
It reminds me of sand art.
Anyway, I want to know how to do this!
If anybody has instructions, please share!
I've searched the internet without any luck.


  1. I am not sure that baking it now after a few years would be the best idea! :) It is pretty, however!

  2. Oh, don't worry Marcia~ we baked them and ate them long ago....I just saved a picture so I could figure out how to assemble them.
    You sound just like a nurse! :)

  3. I've been pondering this since last evening. I wonder if they used some sort of insert while filling the jar and then removed it? I bet it's desparately simple once explained. ;)

  4. Blog princess ~ yes, that's a thought! I'm sure it is easy once you have the instructions! Maybe some day I'll find out how!

  5. I just saw this online:


    Maybe pushing the sides down with chopsticks would do it. Mmmmmm.

  6. Thanks, B.Princess ~ you may be on to something there!

  7. it could also be that the 5 bottom layers are straight and a funnel is used for the top layer, pushing it all the way down and filling it with the top layer once down and then slowly pulling it up to fill .

  8. thanks you annonymous ~ that may just work!

  9. That is cute, I wouldn't have thought of doing that. I believe all that was done is layer the dry ingredients, poke down the side in a few spots with a butter knife or small object and then layer the chocolate chips on top. I will have to try this next time I make a cookie mix jar :-)

  10. Here are some good recipes! http://www.akronohiomoms.com/archives/773

  11. I am a kindergarten/first grade teacher. I've been making "cookies in a jar" for my students' parents for Christmas for about eight years. I will attempt again this year, I've always taught 2nd grade; we'll see how it goes.!


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