

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Byrds

I was snapping pictures of Mr and Mrs Mourning Dove
today while sitting at my desk and it occurred to me
that I was humming Turn, Turn, Turn from The Byrds. :)
Then the shots I was getting seemed to go with the song!
Well...with a little creative liberties with the lyrics!
Click open the embedded link in a new window and
listen while you look!
To everything, turn, turn turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven.
A time to laugh...
a time to mourn... a time to rest a time to gather stones together. A time to be fat a time to be thin
a time to be startled
a time to listen
a time to refrain from embracing.
A time to build
a time to preen
a time to dance
a time to sleep
a time to refrain from speaking.
I swear it's not too late.
I certainly giggled the whole time I put this together!
I hope it puts a smile on your face, too!


  1. The mourning doves around here don't pose as well as yours do!

  2. Ace girl bird photographer... truly! I love this post, Betsy.

  3. Christine ~ they certainly were posing well today! ha.

  4. Oh Betsy I'm just loving it, as I watch my own two doves, but not from desk...have to stand at the back door, or be outside.

    Your pictures and the lyrics are just sensational!

    I was smiling all the way through. Thanks for sharing Mr. & Mrs. Mourning Doves.

  5. Good job, Betsy! Heh, heh! Yeah, you fiddled a bit with the lyrics. BTW, Pete Seeger wrote the song, and the lyrics come from the book of Ecclesiastes.

  6. It did..but then you always do..loved it! ;D

  7. What a riot..., you made my day. LOVE...LOVE...LOVE... this post. Keep on rockin girl.

  8. Hm. There are a few lyrics there I don't quite remember... "A time to preen?" "A time to be startled?"

    Keep giggling, doll.

  9. Aww how can I not like something that made you giggle
    When you hummed the song did you do a little wiggle..haha
    Never heard that song before I don't think
    Although now you got it stuck in the head of this fink
    Thanks for that
    From Pat
    It was quite funny looking at them all puffed and fat
    Then got all skinny soon after that
    I noticed the Cardinal in the background too
    Never seen one of those in real life, not even at the zoo
    Again nice little picture show
    Now off I go

  10. Silver ~ I did say in the first paragraph that I took some liberties with the lyrics. Not really wanting to take pictures of "time to die, kill, break down or cast away stones" lol....

  11. Hey, Pat ~ I didn't know you didn't have Cardinals. They are our state bird, so they are plentiful around here.

    No, I didn't wiggle to the song,
    but I did dance around the kitchen and sing into my fake microphone (wooden spoon)...well, maybe that's the same as wiggle. ha. But I only do that while home alone! ha.

  12. If you'd only used the original lyrics, and used them all, it would have looked more like one of my posts!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is so wonderful. They are such beautiful birds and you took some great shots.

  15. While since you didn't rhyme the cat will stay away and Pat will play, whoops didn't mean that..haha

    Yeah we don't have them up here, Blue Jays are about all we really get for colorful birds and then robins and such, no cardinals what so ever, unless I'm blind, which I doubt.

    hahaha maybe that's why the birds stayed and let you photograph them so well, as it was a thank you for the performance you gave them..haha

  16. Pat ~ While?? lol.

    The birds DO look in the window at me. And here all this time I thought they were wanting me to fill the feeder! So you think they were laughing at my dancing? haha you could be right. I'm sure it's totally amusing.

  17. Oh you clever clever girl! LOVED this adorable post...just like YOU my Friend. Lovely.

  18. The pics and words go so well together.

  19. haha I did that one on purpose too, just to amuse you

    Yeah they were probably quite taken with the noise you were making and all the movement for you maybe they thought you were the one in a zoo..hahaha

  20. Bwahahaha - lovely, Betsy!

  21. you rock betsy...nice play on the song in your pics...

  22. yes i am smiling! loved this. the song takes me back, way back to my youth and the photos are just charming!

  23. Very cute...and you got some great pictures. I love the one with the cardinal poking in!!


  24. I am definitely smiling!! Great pics too!!

  25. Yes, you put a smile on my face! :-)

  26. What a heart warming celebration of life in nature.

  27. hehehehehe how awesome.
    I especially love watching little birdies preen themselves. I'll stare at mine for ages when they do.

    You're so imaginative putting the lyrics and the pics together like that. Now I'm going to have the song in my head all day :)

  28. lovely...thanks for the smiles....coo, coo, coo

  29. Oh my goodness what a lovely post for the morning...a day brightener and my fave shot is the one where they're startled with the Cardinal popping in....and the song played ever so sweetly along! Thanks!

  30. Cute post! Love all of the birdies.

  31. Looks like Carl, the cardinal was surprised.. hee hee :)

  32. A clever composition, Betsy. And, yes, it did put a smile on my face. Tell me, do those byrds ever get eight miles high?

  33. LOL! My favorite part..."a time to be thin, a time to be fat". Maybe my extra winter weight is just ruffled feathers!

  34. Aww yes indeed. We have similar doves with a little crest on their heads. I put seed in the tray to attract Parrots while I have a visitor here but so far, no appearances by exotic birds, perhaps today. Lovely pics.

  35. you're adorable. what would Dylan say?

  36. awww, betsy, soo cute! Love this - xo

  37. Caligirl ~ well i hope Dylan would love it! ha.

  38. Martin ~ 8 miles high..you're so clever! :)


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