Thursday, March 31, 2011

Random Thoughts

  1. It snowed today! I knew that would happen! We've had chilly winds and temperatures in the 30's for about a week now. The grass has greened up and we've had daffodils, but it doesn't really feel like spring is here yet.
  2. The sweetest thing I've seen in a long time ~ Mr. Cardinal gathering a mouth of seed and finding Mrs. Cardinal to feed it to her. Awww.
  3. The triplets are on spring break this week. We're just taking it easy at home. They are enjoying their laptops and staying in their pajamas all day.
  4. Things break in threes around here. So after a floor lamp died and the electric can opener died, I wasn't a bit surprised that the meat drawer in the refrigerator looked like someone pulled it out and tried to use it for a step stool. Did someone do that? I don't know. Three of the boys aren't talking! lol. Since it was hanging all cockeyed and not repairable, I got out my girlie power tools and just removed the whole drawer!
  5. Did you know that America's first traffic light was in Ohio? Yes, it was in Cleveland, and began it's service on August 5, 1914.
  6. March in Ohio was a lamb sandwich. In like a lion, out like a lion....with a little lamb inbetween. :)


  1. I think that's enough snow for this year! I love your lion sandwich statement. :)

  2. We had snow flurries a few days ago and our high today was a whopping 37 degrees. All of our fruit trees have blossomed so it worries me a little. Enjoy your spring break. Ours is next week. I am so thankful!

  3. We had a bunch of flurries but nothing stuck...thank goodness! Is spring coming...doesn't even look good in the 10 day forecast. Snowy Lamby March

  4. hahaha sucks for you
    it's getting really warm here in the digits by two
    Meaning double digits warm
    And not a single storm
    Of course our ranking system is different than yours
    So working out between degrees and what have you is to much like chores
    So I'll just say it's warmer up here than it is down there
    I know it's just not fair
    So you have a lion sandwich?
    Is there fleas on it to make you itch?
    Does it taste good
    Or something like wood

  5. It's 'lamb sandwich' my friends!
    You know...the warm weather was in the middle of the month with cold at the beginning and end. So the lamb is the meat in the sandwich. get it? lol...

    And Cat...maybe it had fleas no matter if it was lamb or lion. haha. Only you would think of that!

  6. The weather's been in the 40s here, somewhat windy... but they're predicting a lot of snow for Friday! I've had enough!

  7. snow today, but the forecast - at least here on the traffic light capital of the world- for tomorrow is mid 40s!!!! i'd say that's out like a lamb!!!

    as you can tell i did like the traffic light reference....and you can see that traffic light if you visit the western reserve historical society here in cleveland!!

    yeah for pj days!!!!!

  8. I knew you'd like that KimY. :) And I was wondering if you knew that location and if it was still there!

  9. I think our march was more like a big lump of lion all the way through. Next week spring! And spring break in PJ's sounds fine to me!

  10. A lamb sammich...I like that!! We are still having rain here, rivers are flooding and my gardens are rather soggy. The only thing growing is moss...gah.

  11. March around here was a lion sandwich. Usually it is in like lamb and out like a lion, but we had had two days of warm sunshine to top things off this year.

  12. Tracey ~ hopefully next month it will be here for real!

  13. I sure don't understand why winter is hanging on so tightly! Sorry you had the white stuff again, that they say is coming here's such a day birds out singing and then...oops it's winter again! Have a great end of the week....and maybe by the weekend SPrInG will be here!

  14. being a man learning to speak woman...

    hubby, if you are reading, take note of number two...


  15. Brian ~ he does need lessons from you! lol. And if he tried to feed me, I'd faint! haha.

  16. A bit of light snow here too today. But no signs of a cardinal yet. And yes, things do go in threes.

    A lamb sandwich? LOL

  17. Here in India its pretty warm. I wish to be there now. Thanks for the post.

  18. Love your randoms today...have a great week you amazing lady! ;D

  19. I love #6!! It was this way here, too!


  20. Happy end of March to you dear Betsy, love your random thoughts.;) Enjoy having the boys at home.;)

  21. Here in the mother country March came in like a lion, and it's going out like a lion! What happened to the old saying "in like a lion, out like a lamb; in like a lamb and out like a lion"?

    I think the lion has EATEN the lamb!

    No snow here. plenty of sunshine, but it's bitterly cold for the time of year.

    Bright Blessings to you all.

  22. Betsy, we have a saying in these parts : "Ne'er cast a clout till May is out". My Ohio friends would be wise to take heed of it.

  23. I just had to point out
    That Alan rhymed with clout
    Like the saying adn all of that
    Yes fleas were thought of by the cat

  24. Pranavam ~ Hi and thanks for the visit! I think we are all looking forward to a little warm here in the US! :)

  25. Keith ~ the lion has eaten the lamb? LOL! Now, I never thought of that! You crack me up! ha.

  26. Alan ~ there used to be a saying around here that you didn't plant your garden here until after Memorial Day (May 31st). Although we get ancey and put it in before! ha.

  27. Cat, I noticed that!
    Alan can write anything
    He'll have to come back to your blog and join in!

  28. The drawer just made me smile. After a weight lifter put a bar into the aquarium and water is leaking down into the living room from above, he just couldn't believe that he had done that. Smiles and patience. I know you have that.
    May 15th is suppose to be our final frost day here.

  29. LD ~ sorry about the leak! lol. Yes, smiles and patience...two invaluable things to keep us going in life! After I posted this last night, I went back to check on the boys. Spencer, for some reason, wanted the legs off of their Brio train table. Instead of asking me to help unscrew the legs ..he just ripped them off! When I said, "What did you do?" He just hung his head and gave me a guilty look. Oh dear. He usually isn't destructive. Although I do believe he would be the one to try to stand on the meat drawer! ha.

  30. I agree with Alan although not living in England for years I haven't heard that expression for a very long time!

    I juts love it that no one will claim ownership of the meat tray - sounds just like my house!

    Nice read and I just want to share with you that it's 96F here today - just like yesterday and the day before!! Sounds like paradise and although I'm not a winter lover, I do miss the four seasons.

  31. Sorry - too many 'juts' and 'justs' - poor English - better go and make some tea which might 'just' set me straight!

  32. Bee ~ 96?? Oh, that is amazing for me to comprehend right now. Actually that is too hot for me. I'm happy when summer doesn't go over 80. ha.

    Like you, I love to experience the four seasons!

  33. I Hope April Is All Lambs For you Betsy!

  34. Never mind, Betsy, one thing's for sure, summer's around the corner!

  35. You know, I always enjoy a little cold spell after spring has sprung... it's makes me feel like the summer heat, humidity, and bugs aren't coming quite as quickly.

  36. It keeps going from wonderful to awful here too. Wonderful is in the forecast for tomorrow!

  37. you sure must be tired of the snow ..but you are all powerful with your fix it tools!! great job!

  38. Hopefully the lamb will return and the lion will go to sleep

  39. I'm off next week and spending all day in my pj's just because I can. We get the 'Indian Summer' syndrome here in October then November betrays us and gets chilly. Love your cardinal.

  40. Love reading your random thoughts. We had 84 today, and I sat outside and read my book, and actually pulled up my skirt, and got some sun on my lily white legs.

    I also had all the ceiling fans on!! I think Spring is truly here in force. And I love it. My Iris are ready to open...bring it on.

  41. that lamb sandwich is too funny...

    i have been out in the garden
    ( in shorts and flip flops) planting...but had to come in cause it was too HOT !!! my computer screen says 88, but my garden has to be even hotter than strange...

    news update just said our spring sizzle won't last long...when it breaks....dilly bread !!! i have cottage cheese on my grocery list too....seems like such a weird ingredient, doesn't it?

    happy to stop by today
    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  42. Kary ~ you really are having a warm spell!

    Yes, cottage cheese is weird for that bread but I think it's what makes it so moist! I'm glad you posted the recipe! It was an immediate favorite!

  43. I can not believe we are expecting snow here tomorrow -- weather's April fool joke on us!

  44. Your Random thoughts are fabulous!! Love that the boys are enjoying their spring breaks!!
    Snow?! Yuck! They say we may get some on the next Monday. I hope not thought we do need the moisture.

  45. Talking of lambs, my dotty old grandma used to tell me nursery rhymes when I was small, like:

    Mary had a little lamb,
    Her father shot it dead.
    Now it goes to school with her
    Between two slices of bread.

    Cute, eh?

  46. Keith ~ lol....I see you get your humour from your grannie. :)

  47. i'm with the birds. how fun to feed one's dearest.


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