Wednesday, March 30, 2011

photos from


  1. Ha ha!!! It is hard to believe that these are for real! I tried to pick out which one I thought was the most ridiculous but I can't.

  2. these are hilarious!!!!!!! thanks for sharing.

  3. Well, guess I'll be watching for falling cows more often now! LOL!

  4. A falling cow? Now that's a first. Not to mention the undies sign.

  5. Matty ~ I imagine there's a hospital just beyond that underwear sign, what do you want to bet? lol.

  6. Haha - had to look twice at the first one!

  7. LOL Oh Google...what would we do without the entertainment! ;D

  8. That last one is really hilarious!...but the falling cow one, gee I hope that's just a joke! These are funny! Thanks!

  9. Very funny, particularly the last one.;)
    Thank you for starting my day with a laugh.;)

  10. cows are so stupid!

    great job on the pay it forward post...I happen to like the rule changes!! Now, send me your addy so I can get a little something out to you!

  11. When we were kids my parents bought a cow and my dad's friend who had a small farm raised her. Her name was Daisy, and they would bring us to visit her. When they slaughtered her, we refused to eat her. My mom says that we eventually did eat her, but I still wonder because we refused to eat beef that was not bought at a store. She said they would sneak a piece here and there while we were at school and say it was store bought. Still bothers me to think about eating her. They should have never let us visit her.

    And it is a good thing that she had no cliffs to fall off. I do not think we could have handled her getting hurt.

    Plus my mom always told us to wear clean underwear in case we have to go to a hospital. I still follow that rule. I guess some things never change. But my underwear and bra rarely match, and I could care less, mostly because I suffer from CRS and never remember what I put on anyway.

    God bless.

  12. yikes....falling cows....better keep mooooooving....

  13. bwahahahaha
    The falling cows are certainly my favorite! I think I might have to make one for my porch that shows a falling oppossum!

    In my home town there was a street called Hope St. and just below the street sign was another sign that read "Dead End". Cracked me up everytime I drove past.

  14. So funny! :-) Guess the clean underwear one must have been near a hospital? Reminds me of the old adage about wearing clean underwear in case you get in an accident. ;-)

  15. Birdie ~ oppossums? oh that is funny. I could use one for squirrels...they are always leaping off the roof and into the trees!

  16. Mrsupole ~ lol...well, just as long as you DO remember to put some on! That's all that really matters. hee.

  17. Who comes up with this stuff? Oh yeah, probably my kids. Ha ha!

  18. Bwahahaha! Oh boy, these are hilarious!

  19. Are you threatening to throw cows on this poor cat
    Pat won't take to kindly to that
    The elderly one
    Must have made you come undone
    As you don't like that phrase
    As your age continues to raise
    Oh look I got you good
    I know you knew I would
    That's for the cow
    Hmmm what now
    Oh yes the underwear
    Why do they care
    As long as they don't smell
    Why should I tell

  20. I've seen th' after-math of tha' top one...not so funny as it is messy...ew...

    Tha' last one tho'...ahem...never you mind! LMAO!

  21. Subby ~ you've actually seen a cow splattered on the road from falling off a cliff? ew.

  22. Actually jumped off a bridge, whilst being herded across! 'Twas many years ago in W.Germany...

    So much fae th' cow jumpin' o'er th' moon, wot? Er...

  23. Subby ~ oh dear! That poor cow got confused somehow.

    Uh oh...I'm starting to rhyme! I've been on Pat's blog too long for some time!

    I'm rhyming when I don't have to!
    It's addicting, I'm telling you!

    Have you been for a visit?
    How can you resist it?

    click on rhymetime in my comments and you will see just how it can be.


  24. Ha! Can you imagine driving and seeing that first sign. You just know you couldn't help but look up.

  25. If you find one that says "Danger- Hot Flashes" let me know!

  26. HaHaHaHa ~~ Oh how funny. I do remember my mother's instructions about clean underwear!!!!

    This was such a fun post!!

  27. So I came back to bug
    And saw the little plug
    I have to say thanks for that
    And look it's from Pat not the cat!

  28. Wow...a visit from the real Pat!
    And not his sidekick, The Cat!
    Wow, now how did I rate?
    I think that's just great!

  29. LOL! Those are some interesting signs!! The underwear one is hilarious!

  30. seriously, that last one? teh governement knows creative ways to spend money, doesn't it, whether local or national?!

    BTW, cows round here must just be smarter--they simply don't traverse the mountains nearby but leave that to the marmots, goats, elk, and such.


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