Friday, April 1, 2011


peony sprouting today
showers wAsh clean winter's remains
rePlacing coats with jackets again.
budding tRees and allergIes
garden pLans, sketches and dreamS
green plusH outdoor carpet
slip On your Wellies; rain puddlEs are targets.
the eaRth becomes alive once more
and birds their nestS will make for sure.


  1. Oh, I love peonies! It is too hot for them to do very well down this far south... but, when we lived in Kentucky (between my 3rd grade and 10th grade), the peonies were my favorite flower!

  2. Tanna ~ they are beautiful here but usually short lived. Just like the daffodils get frozen with snow, the peonies get beaten to the ground with rain. You have to cut them and bring them in if you want to enjoy them at all!

  3. yay! spring is springing...and what a cool new take on the acrostic betsy...

  4. I too, had 4 clumps of peonies coming up today as I took stock of my yard--you can always count on them year after year. Love your "April Showers"!!! Have a wonderful weekend with your family. Mickie :)

  5. That's an excellent, intriguing format for a poem! Does it still qualify as an acrostic, or would you call it something else?

  6. I don't know, but Brian says it's an acrostic..and it's cool...and he's the award winning poet! So, let's go with that! ha.

  7. Nice twist on the acrostic! March has gotten a head start on the rain for us. I think tomorrow is supposed to be nice. I hope so...I need to see some sunshine.

  8. Well aren't you getting all creative and such
    As you gave this post your own little touch.
    Even though when you posted it, it was April yet
    But I'm sure it was close enough for you I'd bet
    As said very creative and well done
    Now to bed as I'm tired to no more fun

  9. Pat ~ whoa...we still have that in sync thing going on!

  10. Don't you just love how that first breaking of the ground, and the push of new life comes into view.

    Love you April Shower verse too.

    I am daily watching my Iris..any day now!

  11. Happy April to you dear Betsy, what a lovely poem and image.;))
    Finally spring is here.;) It took a long time this year.;)

  12. Oh I am so jealous! I love peonies and just can't grow them here. Too dry! Sigh! Whine!!!!!!!
    Happy April...and it is spring...FINALLY!!!!

  13. Happy April! I love peonies, too. Hope you'll show us a photo when they are in bloom : )

  14. Yes, I'll have to post photos! Peonies are beautiful! Some of the blooms are as big as my head! I have white and pink ones. Hopefully it won't rain as they bloom!

  15. Peony sprouts are perfect for April 1st.
    They really do fool us.
    They start out little sprouts and turn into magnificent blossoms.

    You are so chic with your choice of words

  16. thats a cute little red heart at the end of your quote :)
    Yes... those April showers will bring us our much needed May flowers... have a great weekend xx

  17. Garden plans, sketches and dreams...perfect...that's where my mind is at the moment. Love your April showers...look forward to brings May flowers. Delightful!

  18. My mom and dad had the most beautiful peonies....I wish I had transplanted them....

  19. Love are so clever! Wish I had some peonies! ;D

  20. A welcome sight. It will be lovely to see them in bloom.

  21. Wonderful photo. Peonies are one of my favourite blooms and you capture the emerging stalks perfectly.

  22. you just so clever. great words adn photo too.


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