Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Salt Water Aquarium

Well, here's our exciting news for the month!
We had a salt water aquarium years ago and have been
missing it ever since!  We felt like the time was right
to investigate getting a new one and after months of
looking and waiting, it is finally here!

This alcove in our living room has always been a strange
spot and it has housed everything from a tv to a china 
cabinet over the years.  When we found someone who
would custom design and make a tank....and come back
for monthly maintenance at a very reasonable price,
well...that was just too good to be true!

He started us off with these four fish....two Cinnamon Clowns,

A yellow tailed blue damsel...

And a Kole Tang.

It holds 126 gallons and has been really fun!
I have the perfect view from my spot on the living
room couch.  Very relaxing.  And yes, the cats are
mesmerized!  Cat TV as someone said. ha.


  1. My family used to have a store that sold tropical fish, fish medicine, aquarium tanks, fish food, and other supplies. These were all fresh water fish. I think the set-up is more complicated for salt water fish. People owned smaller tanks back then. The biggest one we sold held 55 gallons. Most people bought 10-gallon tanks.

    1. We had a little 9 gallon tank a few years ago and it was a nice size....small enough to sit anywhere. I really liked it.

  2. hahaha the cats was my first ask
    At least you gave them a new task
    As long as they don't go for a swim within
    Got a regular finding nemo at your bin

    1. Good thing it stands up high
      or they would swim by and by.
      What a mess that would make
      and my patience it would break. haha.

  3. Beautiful! I see this cat really interested in the fish lol

    1. Yes, he sat there a long time and watched. So cute!

  4. Wow, looks great! Love how it fits perfectly into the alcove. I can see why you'd need a custom design.

    1. Yes, much better than anything we've tried to put in that weird space!

  5. That's gorgeous, Betsy. OK...hands down...your cats are the luckiest in the world. :)

    1. Pretty fancy schmancy entertainment for them, huh? haha. And them watching is great entertainment for us.

  6. I love it, and I bet it's about as fun watching the cats as watching the fish!

    1. Exactly. They were especially funny the first few days...they would stop in their tracks. haha.

  7. Oh, I have been looking forward to this post ever since I saw the kitty tv on your instagram feed! It is just lovely, Betsy.

  8. Our dentist had an aquarium like that in his waiting room wihen my kiddos were young. It made my kids very calm about seeing the dentist. Yours is amazing...much better than the dentist office.

    1. There used to be one in the waiting room in our hospital. It's a great idea for areas like that!

  9. The aquarium is simply gorgeous and elegant at the same time. Having someone maintain it for you is brilliant.

    1. Having someone take care of it is the best part of all! Yay. haha. I never was good at measuring the ph levels of the water and cleaning it is a lot of work...especially one this size.

  10. Hi Betsy - that's huge and looks wonderful ... and yes I'd want someone to take care of it for me ... but this is a delight to see - so pleased for you both. And of course all other humans and four leggeds too ... you'd better build them a viewing platform! Cheers and enjoy your viewing ... Hilary

    1. I was really hoping the boys would be more interested! They were the first day but not so much after that. Maybe in time....

  11. We had a fish tank years ago. They're very soothing to look at and the fish are amazing colours. This looks incredible in your room.

    1. They are soothing, aren't they? Even the sound of the motor running makes me sleepy!

  12. Looks great and very therapeutic. So now I know what you will be watching the next time you flop on the couch . . . lol. And as for me, I rather fancy a yellow tailed blue damsel . . . haha! Shh! . . . :)

    Got a new Cellphone and I am just about to start on Instagram but need to get my profile sorted. I have attracted attention already I see. . . :)

    1. Yes, it certainly didn't take long for you to attract attention. haha. But you're used to that, aren't you?

    2. Am I? I doubt it somehow . . . lol. Like the layout and the idea of Instagram but not a lot of scope for writing, methinks. My blog is messed up at the moment with an automatic diversion to an unwanted web address. Most annoying. I can access the blog by stopping progression before the diversion. May have to write to blogger or perhaps abandon the blog which would be a shame . . :(
      Jonathan may be able to hack into the offending code and remove it.

      Hope all is well and enjoy the weekend. Not too much flopping . . haha

      Just love that new aquarium, Betsy . . :)

    3. On Instagram it is quick thoughts and few words. But then you can post several times a day! It doesn't take a bunch of your time to write a post. You will love it.

  13. We saw lots of tang fish at the Museum of Play.
    My grandchildren were fascinated by the unicorn tang.
    Can't beat "monthly maintenance" :)

    1. I know...that maintenance part was the clincher for us!
      I need to look up unicorn tang!

  14. It is wonderful. I can see why you had to have a custom built tank. You will enjoy it a lot and someone to maintain it is a good thing.

  15. Looks like your cats should have alot of fun watching the fish,and I'm sure you will enjoy the fishes also.

  16. Wow, you've made nice and big aquarium. My cats would love a TV like that, haha! :D

  17. Your aquarium is beautifully tranquil. I could stare at that for hours. I had a 10 gallon tank in my bedroom as a teenager. I loved it, one night, I noticed a bunch of baby fish swimming around. lol, I had to buy a little screen insert for the tank to separate the fish. Thanks for stirring such a peaceful memory for me. That is definitely therapeutic for the soul.


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