Sunday, August 12, 2018

Mr and Mrs Kravitz

Abner and Gladys Kravitz
from Bewitched.

The Mister and I are guilty of looking out our windows
and snooping at the neighbors.  Yes, we would admit it!
And if we catch each other looking, we will call each other
a 'Kravitz'. haha.  But in our defense, a few of our neighbors
are just too darn entertaining not to take notice!
I thought you'd get a laugh out of a conversation we had 
this weekend....

  • The Mister ~ Come here and look at the outside lights the new neighbors are putting up.
  • Me ~ Oh my.  I don't like those.  They are way too small for the house!  Is that the wife?
  • The Mister ~ Yes.  The kids were out earlier.
  • Me ~ Is she pregnant?
  • The Mister ~ hmmm...certainly looks that way.  But their kids are middle school age.
  • Me ~ Could have been a surprise!
  • The Mister ~ I don't know.  Maybe she just has a big gut.
  • Me ~ Wait til she turns around.  Oh, I think she's pregnant!
  • The Mister ~ We need to go over and introduce ourselves soon.
  • Me ~ Yes.  I'll bake something to take over.
  • The Mister ~ Sounds good.
  • Me ~ Whatever you do, don't ask when she's due.  Because it will be really awkward forever and ever if she says she's not pregnant! 


  1. Hi Betsy - love the story line ... and at times we can all so easily do it. It'll be interesting to know if she is, or is not pregnant ... a fun interlude in the 'Betsy Mr and Mrs Dravitz' house ... cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, I said we would be able to figure it out as the weeks go by. haha.

  2. my hubby and I aren't the only ones who are nosy when it comes to the neighbors. Here is a funny for you...two Sundays ago a young couple (who live too far down the road from us to see what is going on in their backyard) invited us down for a light lunch after we got home from church. He's a dective on a nearby police force. Anyway...we were asking if they'd met all of the new neighbors on our road since we have quite a few now. We shared with them that we and our next door neighbors watch out for each other's places. His reply was, "Yes, that is a detectives dream because nosy neighbors can really help out with a case." Then he realized that he intimated that we were nosy neighbors! LOL He did dig himself out of that hole eventually. hahahaha you and The Mister have any neighbors who are detectives? You might be able to help solve a case some day...but I think your advice you gave The Mister was VERY good advice. :-)

    1. HA! I knew I should have proofread that before I posted it. Our neighbor not a dective (whatever that is) but he is a detective!

    2. OH, what a story. Actually, I have to confess that I actually photographed a suspicious guy walking in our neighborhood after a few break ins. And he was identified by my photo! So being nosy can be a good thing sometimes. haha.

    3. Good for you, Betsy! Thank you for sharing that. I will definitely keep that in mind. It has been a while since we've had any break ins around here and I hope by just saying that that it doesn't start them up. LOL...but that is just the kind of thing that our detective neighbor was talking about!

    4. Yep! Well, my dad was a policeman so I grew up with that mindset!

  3. Replies
    1. Aw, you typed that with your one good hand, didnt you! Hope you heal quickly! ♥

  4. I love it! And I think that if we're honest, most of us are a bit nosy at times. And - I appreciate my neighbors being nosy, we all look out for each other. :)

  5. I had to chuckle. I just purchased the old black and white seasons of Bewitched. The first Mrs Kravitz was a real pill.

    1. I was thinking as I wrote this post that I'd love to watch those again! I bet they are even more funny now with the styles and times all vintage!

  6. We have had some pretty entertaining neighbors over the years. I suppose we have provided some of them with something worth watching occasionally. I like neighbors on the look out. A bad guy getting ready to hop our fence was caught that way. No don't mention anyone being pregnant. I can tell you it is really embarrassing if you are wrong!

    1. Oh, look at my family! I'm sure they are watching us out their windows too and are constantly amused...with these boys and all the cats walking the rooftop. hahaha....

      I was in The Gap with my sister once and she asked the clerk when she was due and she wasn't pregnant. Oh my. :)

  7. lol did the tightey whitey guy move away?
    Now you got some kiddos to come and play
    And yeah, best never ever to ask that
    As you don't want any woman to think you called them fat

    1. Tightey whitey is still here
      to that I do not give a cheer.
      He has skunks living under his shed
      and said it was our fault with his face so red.
      Because we have bird feeders, you see,
      and the skunks eat what falls from the tree.

  8. Yep, the last line sums it up. NEVER ask when someone's due until you're 100% sure she's pregnant!

    1. Exactly.
      Although, we were watching and still debating last night. hahaha.

  9. Lol . . . and I am so glad I don't live next door to you . . . haha!

    1. Really. Because the snooping goes both ways! haha.

    2. Oh that's alright then, better make sure I don't get caught . . . lol

  10. And with all those cats they might think you are Samantha . . . hahaha

  11. Absolutely love this...
    Dave and I are the Kravitz' too.
    I do really like that you are so welcoming neighbors .

  12. lol ...that was so funny! We do the same thing but since we live in the mountains and the only house we can see out our windows is across the road - we get pretty bored - it's one guy living alone who rarely goes outside and when he does,, he goes out to walk his dog. But he has this weird thing he does. He will take a piece of fruit and roll it down the road (we live up a hill) and his goal is to find it as he walks down. We didn't know he did this until one day I found a whole coconut that had landed by a tree trunk near our side gate. I was confused as to how it got there. I picked it up and brought it in. We saw him a few days later and he asked us if we had seen his coconut. Very strange it was.

    1. omg...that is a hilarious story! What on earth!?


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