Monday, April 16, 2018

Pretty Clutter

I really try to keep clutter to a minimum in my house,
except in my studio.  There, I live happily among
all the pretty things waiting to be put in my shop...
and some other things that are there just to make me smile.
We had snow today!  
And after having sick boys home all last week,
it was a good day to make extra coffee, 
light a candle, and work in a cozy, warm spot like this!
But... there was the buzz of a wet saw in the
background as bathroom reno number two continues. haha.


  1. I love your pretty clutter, I think its healthy to have at least one space where we can amass our loved objects, I really hate clutter but I have one space in the spare room where I keep very cluttered, in a happy much loved way, , I embrace it there, sorry to hear the boys have been sick but its going round, our family had it as well, Garry and I have managed to miss it, just by luck because our grand kids have truly tried to give it to us with wet kisses and many sneezes! Take care Betsy,

    1. I love that....happy, much loved clutter. haha. :) Glad you've managed to stay well! We have too, except for the boys. A sinus infection got me but not the fever cough glad!

  2. I think a craft room or studio needs to have a little clutter! You can't create without all that stuff around you. Glad the sickness has left your house, and I hope winter follows it!

    1. I think that is inspires creativity. haha.

  3. Hi Betsy - love your clutter ... and yes a cozy day with that snow outside ... and a week of sick boys - not so good ... but great to know the renovation is still progressing ... cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, still progressing...very, very slowly. haha.

  4. I think when we leave clutter around it leaves our minds free for other things to think about....

  5. You, my friend, have the prettiest clutter ever! Great seeing a post up from you again!

    1. I'm just glad I have a studio so I have some place to put it. haha.

  6. You have the best looking clutter! :) Glad that you didn't get too sick when the boys did. Are you tired of winter, yet?

    1. Yes! haha. Even I am tired of winter! And if I am tired of winter I know everyone else is REALLY tired of it! lol. I'm ready for spring!

  7. If this is clutter... give me more! :-)

  8. Clutter at your sea
    The good kind for thee
    Clutter and good and as one?
    We don't know about that under our sun lol
    Like fun and run
    Okay, we're done

    1. If corralled in one room
      it can sing a merry tune.
      Wouldn't want it all over the place.
      That would give me a sad face. haha.

  9. Nice to have a sanctuary to hide in. Turn up the music to drown the wet saw. I have found a little clutter helps the creative flow in my quilting room. Hope the bugs are gone for the season and all stay well.

    1. I do agree with that! We can hardly complain about this cold. We were healthy all winter colds, no flu..nothing. Everyone seems on the mend now!

      I like the loud music idea.... haha.

  10. Hey, I like the "me" photo in your sidebar!

  11. The clutter is the organized things you love. A work place to continue to create and imagine. I am still trying to settle my studio in the downstairs of our newer home. I finally have the two drawing tables in the right positions after many moves. I have my old toys and antique things on the wall and it is my space. It is so good for you to have your get away space.

    1. I do have to have your own little spot, don't you? Glad you're getting settled but I know it takes time for it to feel right. Would love to see a picture of your studio when you get it feeling right!

  12. I love your pretty clutter, and could happy sit amidst it :)
    My potting shed is full of clutter, I went in there today and admired it all.....
    I think I am part Magpie.

    1. I would love to have a potting shed! I saw a beautiful one made of old windows and doors on Pinterest and thought it was so neat! I do have a little potting table on my back porch which serves it's purpose..but an entire shed? That sure would be fun! I think being part Magpie is a good thing...I can relate! :)

  13. Love your picture! I think its wonderful to have what we love around us, its comforting and relaxing at the same time. I'm sorry to hear that your boys were sick.
    Hope everyone is doing well this week!

    1. Well, we aren't over it yet! Spencer came home early with a fever today. They aren't terribly sick but what they have lingers a while! And it would help if they would blow their nose. Oh dear. haha.

  14. I'll take that kind of clutter anytime. What a bunch of lovelies. Sorry to hear the boys were sick. I've been nursemaid to my dearest with a lung infection....but finally he is almost 100% and not looking like the walking dead. It was scary for a while.

    1. Poor Don! He really had it bad, didn't he! I had pneumonia once and it was the sickest I have ever been so I know he was really feeling awful! Good thing you weren't sick and could take care of him. Glad he's feeling better now! I bet you're having lovely weather there while Ohio is trying to decide whether or not to go back to Christmas or jump fully into spring. haha.

  15. I could do with a bit of decluttering here . . lol
    Needs a woman's touch round here really. Have you booked your vacation yet? haha!
    Agree with Silver Fox about your piccie. . . :)

    1. Well, I've always wanted to visit England! :)

      And thank you! :)

  16. I wish my clutter looked so good,love your cute little birdhouse,and can almost smell your candle.

    1. I love that birdhouse, too! It was a gift....not going in the shop! :)

  17. I love your delightful, organized clutter. You have so many pretty things to surround yourself with.
    Sorry the boys were sick for so long.
    Stay well, stay warm and stay cozy.


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