Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Around Here, Lately

  1. It was good to see the squirrels this morning after tornadoes, wind, rain and power outages last night.  I guess they hunkered down into their little tree homes and waited it out just like we did inside.  Although, ....
  2. They didn't have their boys flipping light switches that didn't work for 4 hours. haha.
  3. Snow and tornadoes just hours apart!  Spring cleaning has been put on hold indefinitely since Spring isn't upholding her end of the bargain.  One must be able to fling the windows open and let warm breezes flow through the house to properly spring clean, don't you think?
  4. Did you have a nice Easter?  We had a nice quiet one.  Still ate leftovers as of last night. Good thing I like my own cooking. haha.
  5. The cats are all doing well.  All 15 of them. :)  It's been a whole month since Pepper died.  Charcoal here, is a pleasant distraction, though.
  6. We're still in the middle of bathroom renos.  First bath 99% done.  Just some touch up work left to do.  I'm guessing they won't do that until the end of the 2nd one.  Maybe the before and afters of the first will come soon since those little things won't show up in photos anyway.  I must say we are doing remarkably well in sharing one sink/toilet/bath.  Wouldn't want to do it all the time but it's been just fine!  Loving the boys' bath and soaking in their huge tub.
So, what have you been up to? 


  1. Damn, you sure got hit with weather there
    But then you like snow as you sit and stare
    So there it can surely stay
    Did the tornado blow it all away?
    Sure looks like "Why won't these switches work?" haha
    Power outages sure can be a jerk
    Had a few here at our sea
    Overtime for little old me
    Although getting stuck gets rather old
    A great new loo or two works in any fold

    1. Weather was bad
      and kind of sad
      Lots of barns flattened
      as the skies were blackened.
      Overtime for you?
      Does that mean a job has come due?

  2. HaHa ~always enjoy Pat's poetry. Your pictures are so lovely. I think your bathroom is so very inviting....Glad all is well, despite the weather and outages...cute the flipping of the switch.
    Don was sick over Easter Weekend and I think it was the first time we missed an Easter Service for 40 years. He is on some strong meds and doing much better.

    So nice to see you on the blog. I gave up fb, so only see you on the blog now.

    1. Well, I hope Don gets to feeling better quickly.
      Sorry you had to miss church on Easter!
      I don't think we've been sick on Easter but we have
      for Thanksgiving and Christmas before. No fun at all!
      Hopefully some chocolate eggs are in his near future. :)
      That should make everything better!

  3. It seems like at least half the time, the boys aren't too fond of your taking their pictures. Heh.

    1. Alex especially hates it and will literally frown and close his eyes.
      People wonder why I don't post more photos of them. Well, there are reasons. haha.

  4. oh its so good to hear from you, I think of you often. Thats some crazy weather you had and its so funny the boys flipping the light switches, our gracie did the same thing two weeks ago,,, she just had to keep checking lol,, your new bathrooms will be beautiful I just know it! I know you're still grieving on the loss of Pepper, so hard to say goodby,, our Lyndsy cats George just left us at 23,, it still stings,, even though he was so old and feeble. Take care Betsy,,

    1. Oh, so sorry about George. It is so hard! I'll be fine for a few days and then a memory will hit.
      I could have sworn I heard him meow (yes, all of our cats sound different) and I actually looked down before thinking, to see if he was at my feet. Ugh. 23 years is a good long life for a cat. How wonderful.

  5. I wondered if you had wild weather, too! I think I told you we had 8 inches of snow the end of March. Then just as it finally melted we had a record day of rainfall yesterday - almost 4 inches in 24 hours. After melted snow and then all that rain, it brought lots of earthworms out of the ground for a swim ha ha.


    1. Boy we sure did and with that ground already saturated the tornado winds didn't have much trouble at all uprooting trees. The countryside out here looks like a war zone. We have our 'pond' out back where there shouldn't be one. haha. There just isn't anywhere for the water to go. Freezing cold today...a few flurries but the sun is out full force!

  6. Our weather here in Ky was much the same last night. Cold today and snow on a lot of snow. What up, Mother Nature?

    1. She's just not quite ready to let winter go yet!

  7. Glad you all made it through the storms okay. Ha, I do think you deserve a reward for enduring all the stress the boys had last night... maybe a nice bath in the big tub! :) Hope that Harry is better soon. My wife and son have been sick off and on for two and a half weeks now and I'm starting to drag now, too.

    1. How did you know...I did soak in that big tub last night! haha.
      Kept Harry home again today. The fever is the only symptom. He doesn't seem too bad today
      but is already napping this morning. Hope you feel better and don't get the full blown bug!

  8. Love your pictures! =) Its been cold here, but no major weather like snow or tornadoes.
    I'm glad everything is ok at your house after all the bad weather!

    I know what you mean about flipping the light switches. My son does that also when we dont have power. Its hard for him to understand why there is no power..

    1. There is just no explaining it either, is there?! haha. My boys just keep asking as if I have the power (no pun intended) to fix it.

  9. It's good to see you again! Crazy weather here too, with a bunch of snow today...
    Your eggs are beautiful - and so is charcoal!
    Speaking of beautiful- your bathroom is looking gorgeous!

    1. I saw where you had a ton of snow! I bet it's beautiful!
      I'm loving the bathroom.....more photos soon!

  10. What a blessing to see a blog post up from you again! That was some weather combination you had yesterday! Wowzers! We've had high winds since last night, but no tornadoes. Our snow is to come Friday night through Saturday.

    I LOVE those eggs. So, I have to ask this...did you paint them? They are just so stunning!

    The boys bathroom reno is gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing the before and after pictures of it!

    And I totally agree about the spring cleaning! IF we are going to do it then it should be with windows open and fresh breezes blowing through the house.

    Oh...and yes, you should have a reward for enduring the four hours of light switch flipping last night! xx

    1. I did not paint the eggs. Those are real bird feathers on there! Paper eggs. Bought them at a home decor store. I love them...I think they will stay out through spring, sweet little things. :)
      There is no sense in me spring cleaning anyway with this reno going on. haha. We have dusted occasionally just to remove a layer but it comes right back the next working day. No warm breeze was 27 degrees this morning!

  11. Sounds like it has been a little wild there. I try and turn on the lights even if the power is off too. I get it. lol Glad the kitties are all well. We got or little boy 'fixed' last month and he did great. It has been pretty wonderful here in the high desert and the local mountains weather wise. On such nice days I tell dh these are the days to remember in August. Hope your weather calms down. Can't wait to see the rest of the bathrooms. Looks like they are going to be beautiful. Taria

    1. Aw...glad you are enjoying that little kitty. We have three ginger cats hanging around in the back yard. A mom and two teenage looking kittens. I've watched where they go and think they are living under our backyard neighbor's deck. Cute as can be. Makes me want to adopt them. Yes, I'm crazy.

    2. it i a club, that crazy cat lady stuff we do.

    3. Yes, it is. And I happily belong!

  12. Hi Betsy - great to have the update ... and those eggs are delightful. Been down to Victoria to the art gallery to see an Emily Carr exhibition and some First Nations art ... and went up the island to see a coal area ... I do like mixing things up. Easter was an invasion ... but now cleared up and ready to settle into some normal existence ... we have wildlife ... over the road they have the farm ... we're all happy - cheers Hilary

    1. Well, wildlife is good, as long as it isn't a mountain lion or bear, I guess. haha. The art gallery sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like you are pleasantly busy!

  13. With 4 men in the house...I sure hope you have a powder room on the main floor!
    Linda :o)

    1. No powder room! Can you believe that! We're sharing one bath with one sink. (Where's the shock face emoji when I need him?)

  14. So glad that you all are ok from all of those crazy storms. Yes, enjoy those goodies from your lovely Easter basket for enduring a power outage! We had our power out on Easter day (at least it happened right after we had cleaned up our lunch). It was a quiet one for us reading all afternoon, which was very nice after being at church for the 6:30 am Sunrise service and all the other regular things that morning.
    Lovely peek into the new bathroom!

    1. I didn't hear of anyone getting hurt but there was a ton of damage. Mostly barns flattened and trees uprooted. Lots of cleanup. And on the anniversary of the big one 44 years ago...always has people on edge anyway.


  15. Sorry to hear about Pepper. You are having a strange spring that's for sure. Bath looks great and so do your photos. Spring is right around the corner.

  16. We seem to be sharing the same weather pattern, sunshine one day, snow the next 😁
    I know you'll be glad when the remodeling is done and dusted, itsi so disruptive.
    Happy to see your name in my blog role, you are missed dear friend.

  17. We lost power last night for a bit. Actually it was around 3:30 a.m. but I was not in bed yet. Crazy weather here, too, but it is supposed to be quite warm on Thursday. Had a very severe storm a few days ago that uprooted huge, old trees. Such a shame.
    Saw your pretty eggs on IG. I don't check your blog very often as I know you don't post regularly.
    The little tease photo of your new bathroom is gorgeous. Love those relaxing spa colours.
    Laughing at the light switching. It's something I didn't think of with them... but it makes perfect sense. Although when things were out here last night, I was switching things on by habit. Hard not to.

  18. Wowie, what crazy weather....
    Glad you have survived and your bathroom reno is gorgeous.
    More power to you for getting along with just one sink and toilet ....
    Hang in there...Spring will come....


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