Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

The photos of nearly all of those who died in the attacks of 9-11-01.

~Never Forget~
God bless America, land that I love.


  1. As I looked through hundreds of photos of 9-11, this one was the most sobering...all of those faces. It made more of an impression on me than smoldering buildings, firey jets or raised flags.

  2. I remember it all to well I was numb.I have Lee Greenwood's song on my page.I didnt do a blog.I love the song God Bless the USA.

  3. This is truly the best picture to commemorate 9/11. Thanks for posting it. Do you mind if I repost it?

  4. Mari ~ I thought so, too! Help yourself! I don't mind at all.

  5. wow. def makes a statement and makes me think of the wall of missing...

  6. Looking at those faces, really puts the loss of all those loved ones in perspective.
    God Bless them all, and those who were left without them...

  7. Agreed truly is the best one to use
    Be nice if those upon high would refuse
    To let such stuff happen again
    But I fear thus is the stupidity or greed of men
    But I hope something like this never happens again ever
    Although this day in aga one can never say never

  8. Somewhat chilling, but very appropriate. Thanks.

  9. I agree - chilling, yet appropriate! My brother worked at the Pentagon then (& now)...he emailed me at 7:30 that AM to tell me he had a meeting at 9:00, but I didn't know if he was in the building or not. His call didn't come until 11:30 AM - praise the Lord he had been across the street! He lost 2 co-workers that tragic day. Yes, CHILLING for sure! Thanks for sharing this Betsy.

  10. Wow Marsha, I bet those hours were horrible waiting to hear that he was ok. Glad he wasn't in the pentagon!

    I think we tend to think of the buildings and the lost as a group and forget how they were individuals with families, friends, hopes, dreams, goals and lives to live. Seeing each of their faces reminded me of that.

  11. So glad you shared this photo. I had never seen it before. A day that rocked the world.

  12. LV ~ it was new to me, too! Thanks for visiting again!

  13. Seeing all those faces who died, well, it hits hard... again.
    I remember just where and what I was doing, like it was last week.

  14. incredible. The level of sadness has not diminished. Our country has not healed...Lord help us.

  15. It's so hard to believe that it has become part of history and yet we still live with some part of it every day. Great photo.

  16. Thank you for sharing Betsy. Crying here .... what an emotional and sobering experience we all went through. These good people taken from us. If you don't mind I will use this picture with some others.


  17. I will never forget!!!

  18. What a most poignant tribute. My thoughts and prayers are with the families. Take care

  19. All our thoughts are with you and your country - and all the people of all nationalities who will lost in that terrible event.

  20. Jody ~ please feel free to use it! :)

  21. God Bless America--sobering yet inspiring photo.

  22. I was just watching the footage of the dreadful day itself and the memorial being held for the 10th anniversary. Very sobering and terribly sad.

  23. I remember and I still weep about it. Not even just for those who died but for all who loved them and all those that still suffer, whether victims or rescuers.

  24. We will never forget them. I still cannot come to terms how ANYONE can imflict this evil on their fellow humanity - and expect to be rewarded in Heaven for doing it. It defies belief. I remember being absolutely stunned seeing the what happened on that awful day. May God bless those dear people who had their lives taken from them so cruelly - and not to forget those brave men on flight 93 when they prevented terrorists causing even more atrocities. Your cousins from across the pond are united totally with you in USA on this tenth aniversary ~ Eddie

  25. Thanks Eddie ~ I agree with you in that the passengers of Flight 93 are true heroes of the bravest sense. that. ;)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm so with you, Kim. I call that justice!

  28. Thanks Betsy, I was afraid that thought of mine might be too controversial.

  29. Kim ~ haha...well, I doubt we are the only two that think that. :)

  30. I listened to each name being read this morning on TV at the NYC commemorative service. It was so very sad. I hope that one day 9-11 will be a day of service and doing kind acts so that good can overcome the evil of that horrendous act that took these lives.

  31. Pat ~ I did, too! The kids reading their parent's names were especially touching...


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