Saturday, September 10, 2011


I rarely get them. Good thing, too, since they are loud and obnoxious! Some people have cute little hiccups, just little quiet quivers that shake their belly. Not me. Amusingly, I have loud, body-rattling hiccups! They sound like a goose honking. It's SO embarrassing! lol!
When I was about 12 years old, I was told to take the biggest gulp of water I could to get rid of a bad case of the hiccups. I swallowed a huge gulp of water and immediately saw black as I passed out and fell backwards, hitting my head on the bathtub. The hiccups were gone when I came to, but I did have a bump on my head! ha ha.
I always felt like that was such a silly thing to have happened until President Bush did the same kind of fainting in 2002 after choking on a pretzel. It's a temporary stimulation or compression of the vagus nerve that can cause fainting, especially after someone chokes during eating. (or swallows the biggest gulp of water ever!)
So over the years, I could usually make them stop if I got a drink before the 3rd or 4th hiccup. Sometimes eating something helps. And most recently it's been an effective cure to stand up and try to touch the ceiling, stretching my diaphragm and stopping the convulsions. But last night I got the hiccups and nothing would stop them! I drank. I ate. I held my breath. I stretched. Finally, I ate ice cream. And that worked! Ah...what a pleasant cure! Much better than drinking vinegar. LOL!
Do you honk like a goose when you have hiccups or do I get to keep that crown?
Do you have a good cure?
Here's hoping I don't need another cure for a very long time!
But next time I'm trying the ice cream first! ;)


  1. Hannah eats a big spoonful of peanut butter when she gets the hiccups. She tells me it works.

    I get often hiccups when I eat raw carrots.

  2. I had hiccups last night too! And I honk as well. They lasted over 30 minutes and I couldn't get rid of them. No great cures here!

  3. Mari ~ oh good...I'm not the only goose! lol.... Must have been something in the midwest air last night! ha.

  4. Oh yes, I get the honking hiccups when I drink carbonated drinks, sometimes a piece of bread (strange but true) hot spicy food and even when I cough.
    Here is a cure:
    put your fingers in your ears and take a sips of water. It is best if someone holds the glass for you, but you can rest it on the counter or table and bend down to works every time!

  5. Kim ~ another midewestern goose! lol! OK..never ever heard of that cure! I'll try it!

    I don't know if anything specific causes my hiccups. I rarely get them...maybe only once or twice a year. It's the curing that's hard!

  6. Mine are just more of an annoying blip, after blip
    Loud enough for all to hear each clip
    Nothing works for me
    Thank God I'm usually hiccup free
    I hate the ones that hurt as you do them too
    The ones that just make noise I can make due

  7. My cure was told to me by many children...they always know the best.

  8. Pat ~
    never had ones that hurt
    that would make you curt!
    mine just make me feel a little sick
    if they go on too long and I say ick.
    Probably caused by all the cures I'm trying
    then my stomach feels like dying.

  9. A cure I was told when I was younger seems to work, but I only use it when my hiccups don't stop for quite a long time. In fact, it's similar to Kim's but you have to block your ears and your nostrils while drinking something. I press my nostrils closed with my thumbs and invert my hands so I can seal my ears with my little fingers, then pick up the cup of water (or whatever) with my teeth!

    And no, I'm not a honker!

  10. Silver ~ between you and Kim, I'm wondering if it's really all the gyrations you're going through while drinking with your hands otherwise occupied that is the secret of the cure. hahaha

  11. Gyrations? Hmmm... If that's the case, I just thought of a great new way to try to cure them! Can't wait to try it out!

  12. Some how when I typed that I knew you'd have to comment. lol.

  13. Kim ~ I did cough after they went away last night and that made them come back! ha.

  14. oh i hate hiccups...almost as much as i hat to sneeze...ugh...i may have snickered at the gulp of water pass out...ouch....

  15. Brian ~ you're allowed to snicker. It is a bizarre story! ha.

  16. I am laughing. My hiccups sound like a barking seal. And they were REALLY loud when I was pregnant each time in my third trimester. LOL

  17. Hi Betsy .. so frustrating hiccups - we used to have drink water bent over out of the back of the glass! Seemed to do the trick ..

    When my mother gets hiccups - our healing therapist rubs Mum's palm with her middle finger .. rather like the kid's story .. round and round the garden (except smaller circles!) .. and that seems to work.

    Cheers - mega hiccups are just awful .. have a weekend-free one! Hilary

  18. I don't hiccup. I burp. Big loud burps. So not ladylike! LOL! :-)

    Take care

  19. This cure works everytime... it's from my dad, but you need help to do it. Take a glass of water, and take small, constant sips (no air, just water), WHILE you hold your nose closed and someone keeps your ears shut. I'm not kidding, it's 100% effective!

  20. I deplore hiccups, and I honk them out like you do. Next time I get them I will remember your ice cream cure.

  21. Ice cream! ICE cream!? I better not tell my husband because that will be another excuse to eat ice cream...and he rarely gets the hiccups.

  22. When I get hiccups that won't stop, this works for me: Cut a lemon or lime in half, pour bitters on it and bite into it. My mouth puckers up but they stop! Ice cream sounds much more pleasant!

  23. I haven't had the hiccups in a very long time... but, I'm remembering the ice cream cure just in case! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

  24. Janelle ~ well, that still sounds better than drinking vinegar and baking soda!

  25. Christian ~ and I bet Graters would work the best, right?

  26. It's nice to find a fellow loud hiccuper! The sound of mine will wake a dead person. A teacher once got really angry at me when I asked to be excused to get a drink of water for hiccups but came back in the room and produced another very loud one. She thought I did it on purpose.

  27. Old Kitty ~ oh that is TOO funny! :)

  28. Shari ~ yep...that's a good way to sescribe them, too! Almost better...a seal! Oh dear. hahaha

  29. I haven't had hiccups in ages (I probably will now I said that!) Mine tend to be squeaky little high-pitched things. Mum used to give us vinegar and sugar but drinking water from the wrong side of a glass always seems to work the best.

  30. when i get hiccups, they might stick around for 12 hours. i had 'em for most of a few days once. it is exhausting. i have no cure. sometimes, however, i meditate and visualize relaxing my core. this has worked and was recommended by someone i knew.

  31. Ed ~ they are exhausting! The relaxing kind of goes with the stretching that usually works for me...anything to interrupt that spasm.

  32. From my third-grade teacher (almost fail-proof cure):
    Holding a glass of water as you normally would, bend over and drink from the side of the glass that is away from (not facing) you, the opposite lip of the glass.

    Ice cream sounds more fun. So does an audio clip of you with hiccups. :)
    Mary Lynn

  33. Mary Lynn ~ um...NO to the video. lol...I'm surprised you couldn't hear them probably did, just thought it was the flock of geese going overheard. haha.

    I've never heard of drinking from the other side of the glass but several have suggested that. Intersting cure, for sure. I'm going to try it next time!

  34. I usually have a huge glass of water,let all my air out of my lungs and then swallow the whole glass of water.
    It usually disappears then lol

  35. I don't get the honking kind, thank goodness. Water usually works for me.

  36. I am suggesting the same as someone else...drinking from the other side of the glass bent over. It sounds ridiculous, but it seriously works.And it always gets my kids to giggling. =)

  37. My cure for hiccups Betsy is to drink small amounts of water whilst holding my nose! It makes my ears pop sometimes as well. I think the bodt gets so confused with all the conflicting sensations that it simply abandons hiccuping! Propable won't workon anyone else! LOL Probably your ice cream solution is much better.

  38. I am like you, get them very rarely.;) I was told that holding your breath will help, although I am not sure it has ever worked for me.;)
    I think hiccups are some sort of involuntarily contraction of the diaphragm.;)

  39. Yup - bending over the sink and drinking water out of the opposite side of the glass always works for me... but I would be willing to induce hiccoughs to see if ice cream works! xo


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