Sunday, April 17, 2011

Random Thoughts

  1. I can't seem to get enough of fresh cilantro lately! If you trim the ends and put the bunch in water like a bouquet, it will keep in your refrigerator for about a week. Our favorite way to eat it is chopped into spicey chicken or beef mixed with rice, corn, beans and spooned over tortilla chips. Add salsa, sour cream and cheese. Yum. Nugget, however, likes it plain. :)
  2. Mr. Cardinal is still feeding Mrs. Cardinal. They're such a romantic couple. The Mourning Doves, on the other hand are entertaining in quite another way. It seems Mr. Dove wants to do a little hanki-panki and Mrs. Dove will have nothing to do with it! lol. Maybe she's just playing hard to get. I'm telling you, there isn't anything I don't see from the view at my desk. :)
  3. It really seems like spring now with the neighborhood doing their first grass cuttings. The trees are sprouting leaves and the perinnials have all started growing.
  4. Last week we had a pea-sized hail, dark gloomy skies, bright sunshine, a rainbow and a pink sunset all in one day!
  5. I have a 12'x12' violet patch under one of my crabapple trees. I know some people consider them to be weeds, but I love them. I planted a clump of them and they spread to fill the area in two years. These are weeds. ha.
  6. And violets aren't the only things blooming. So are the pear, magnolia and redbud trees and the forsythia bushes!
  7. When I give myself a pedicure, I sit up on the kitchen counter and put my feet in the sink. You should have seen my neighbor's face as he wandered over a little too far into our yard and happened to look up and make eye contact with me. I waved. He quickly turned away and acted like he didn't see me. lol. I was sitting there soaking my feet and I'm sure he wondered what I was doing. Hey, if I have to look at his tightie whities on the clothesline all summer, he can see me sitting on the kitchen counter. ha.

Happy Weekend!


  1. The last line just made my whole night!!!!!!!!! HILARIOUS, girl!

  2. LOL~ It was pretty funny! :) haha! I don't think he'll be coming near our windows any more!

  3. YUM!! Cilantro - can't get enough of it, myself.

  4. I love when you share your thoughts!

  5. Love cilantro. Just love it. Too bad it can't take the heat, so only have it in the spring. Your trees sound wonderful. Fruit trees in our area need pesticides. Can't do it. LOVE your posts. <3

  6. I love your pedicure ritual!!!!

  7. Heather ~ well, my five men are used to it. The man next door? Not so much! haha

  8. One of the more impressive blogs I’ve seen. Thanks so much for keeping the internet classy for a change. You’ve got style, class, bravado. I mean it. Please keep it up because without the internet is definitely lacking in intelligence.

  9. Osterreich ~ well, thanks! :)
    Although I have to laugh that you mention class as I'm talking about kitchen sink pedicures and tightie whities. lol....

  10. hahahaha well I'd have to admit
    That seeing you on the counter might be odd a little bit
    As it might make you seem like a loon
    At least there was no full moon..LOL
    Oh that just rhymed so well
    I really had to tell..haha
    Are you in one of those Mayberry places
    Where people get weird looks on their faces
    If your grass isn't cut at the same time
    Making each lawn on the street look all prestine and prime
    Or do they don't care
    As you stare at their tighty whitey underwear...LOL

  11. smiles. i wonder just what he was thinking...the violet patch sounds beautiful...

  12. Pat ~ oh, it's Mayberry for sure
    a little village, quite demur.
    He's the only one in the neighborhood
    willing to show his underwear
    everyone else would be aghast
    if they were to walk past.

  13. Oh that is so funny. Sorry we didn't get a picture of your soaking feet, HaHa.

    However, I did love your picture of the Cilantro...I just adore the taste and use it all the time. Always add it to my salads too.

  14. Hi! Betsy...
    Ah! Nugget, like his cilantro plain...Hmmm

    "It really seems like spring now with the neighborhood doing their first grass cuttings. The trees are sprouting leaves and the perinnials have all started growing."
    What a great description Of spring!

    Last week we had a pea-sized hail, dark gloomy skies, bright sunshine, a rainbow and a pink sunset all in one day!"
    ...and a great description Of how the weather changes in a minute too!

    Your last comment is deserving Of a lol!!!!
    Thanks, for sharing!
    (Here wishing you, and your 5 men a pleasant week-end too!)
    DeeDee ;-D

  15. I can never have enough cilantro either. Try adding it to a fresh salad. It's yummy that way too.

  16. HA! Love the part with you soaking your feet!

  17. stevie~ that's a great idea! yum!

  18. I can so picture your neighbor getting caught ogling! And I too, just love cilantro. Didn't know about putting it in water although in my house it would just be tipped over and I would have water through my whole fridge. Have you tried it with rice and lime..yum! :-)

  19. with rice and lime..oh of my favorites!

  20. I think the violets are gorgeous too!! We have tons of wild flowers. I am patiently waiting for them.
    That is a great way to do a pedicure. Bet he was surprised to see you looking at him! Ha!

  21. Deedee ~ Nugget loves cilantro...and chives. In fact, he found my pots of herbs in the window seat at the beginning of the winter and ate them down to the roots during the night. ha.
    Bad bunny!

  22. Sounds like spring has definitely arrived in your part of the country. I, at one time, "hated" cilantro, but it is my favorite herb now. I put "tons" of it on any Mexican dish I fix. Fun to watch those doves of yours--the doves by my kitchen window are proud parents now of 4 little bundles of "fluff"--fun to watch the activity. Mickie :)

  23. How delightful to share your random thoughts - you made me laugh, as so often. What a great cheerer-upper you are! I wonder if your neighbour reads your blog?
    As to weeds, you'll be pleased to know I filled 5 rubbish bags out of my tiny yard this morning. You can see the paving stones now. And my nice neighbour lent me his hacksaw to prune a shrub. :-)

  24. jenny ~ oh, good for please come help me~!

  25. Oh...this made me laugh!! I'll take the last one as a great beauty tip, and scare the neighbors as well!


  26. I love, love cilantro......
    It's so darn cold here this weekend. Heat is running and the wind is blowing.........

  27. I grew cilantro last year - it was in the shade of our ginormous tomato plants so it was pretty happy. Like Stevie, I like to throw it into a salad. And I use it in eggs or rice & of course in my salsa. It's one of my favorite fresh herbs.

    I should do the pedicure in a sink thing - maybe the neighbor boy wouldn't bring his snake over if he saw me in there :)

  28. Bug ~ eggs? Oooh...I'm going to try that! Thanks for the tip!
    Yes, cilantro likes it cool and shady. I usually keep a pot where it only gets the morning light. Yum!

  29. 'Tightie Whities' had me snorting in my oats this morning! So funny! And...oh, to be so agile again!!

  30. alaine ~ I was actually thinking about old will I be when I can't get myself up there any longer! lol.

  31. Entertaining post! Some miniature daffodils are finally blooming in our garden to send a spring rush.

  32. Thanks for the tip on the cilantro. And what's your neighbor looking in your window for anyway? Bet you had a good laugh.
    Love your violet patch. I usually say those are the plants that spread and will give us something to admire in the flower garden when we're too old to plant anymore. I have a few different varieties of these kinds of flowers in my garden as insurance.
    Happy weekend to you.

  33. I laughed as I imagined you sitting on the kitchen counter soaking your feet!

    Is the bowl holding your lemons green milk glass? It's very pretty.

  34. Christian ~ it's Fire King...Anchor Hocking. I just saw a stack of nesting green bowls identical to this one sell at the last auciton I worked. Sigh. :)

  35. The last one made me laugh! I think it's funny how people act as if they don't see you when they're embarrassed!
    Spring sounds wonderful... we're just enjoying the last bits of warm weather before winter here. Lots of fog and pretty leaves at the moment :)
    You have a beautiful blog!

  36. The last one made me laugh! I think it's funny how people act as if they don't see you when they're embarrassed!
    Spring sounds wonderful... we're just enjoying the last bits of warm weather before winter here. Lots of fog and pretty leaves at the moment :)
    You have a beautiful blog!

  37. Betsy - you are simply hilarious! Thanks for sharing those precious moments in time with us. I will be giggling for some time thinking of you seeing your neighbor (& him seeing you!) through the window. hahaha Looks like we've come to a fork in the road girlie...I got sick on cilantro once and can't stand it in anything. =( To each his own huh? I'll still adore you anyway. XO

  38. Ha...I see the skylight in the sidebar. I love skylights. We have three of them and life would be miserable without them for sure.

    Just planted two apple trees - a fuji and a gala and one lapin sweet cherry.

    Really enjoyed your post. Smiled a lot.

  39. LOL! I think that is only fair that he be tolerant of your sitting on your counter having your pedicure!! Love the violets and cilantro, any way! blessings ~ tanna

  40. Love the thought of him trying not to look but then again really curious and trying to look!!!! For the weather to stay in 70's. Would love for things to be growing.

  41. Marsha ~ no cilantro? Oh sympathies to you! lol....

  42. LOL....I loved this post! And I love wild violets. They can grow and thrive in my yard anytime they want. And I love that you sit on the kitchen counter and do a pedicure and the image of your funny. :) Like cilantro, if you put fresh asparagus in a jar of water, just like flowers, they last for a long time in the fridge.

  43. Lynn ~ I do that with asparagus, too! Great minds.... :)

  44. Love violets but what you have to see in number 7 is just sick, wrong and NASTY! Ewww. Lol, you are too funny.

  45. Errr, perhaps you should hang out the triplets whiteies n the line or buy some grannie pants and hang those out for him? Maybe he;d get the message one jsut doens't do that to good neighbours. lol.

  46. Mmm ~ thank you so much for not assuming ANY one in this house wears granny pants and I'd need to go buy some to do that. LOL!


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