Saturday, April 30, 2011

Postcard Swap #2 David M. Lynch

My dear friend Alan Burnett from across the pond
started a postcard swap a while back and it is starting
to branch out among many of us. My other dear friend,
Silver Fox and I decided to do a swap, too! You can go to
his blog here and see the card I sent to him.
Yes, it's a bird. Yes, I drew it. lol. :)
This week, I received Silver's card.
It's old. Love that. It's of a bird. Love that!
And his message is full of word play. Love that, too!
You can click on each photo to enlarge.
Here's what he writes...
Hi, Betsy,
I thought I'd send you a card which was evocative of Massachusetts. And of course, it features a bird! Reminds one of your "Tern, Tern, Tern" post a while ago, eh? A perfect Twitter 'tweet', too!

The bird on the front is a Tern. And he's playing on my
post about Mr. and Mrs. Mourning Dove and how they reminded
me of that good old song Turn, Turn, Turn by The Byrds.
Very clever, David!
Thanks so much for the postcard!
How very fun!


  1. I'd love to send a postcard, but I'm not as clever Happy to send if you provide an address

  2. Yes, that was fun. I'm looking forward to seeing who else decides to play along.

  3. Sweet words on that postcard. Can't wait to see others that you receive.

  4. happygirl ~ I'd love to swap one! I'll email you. :)

  5. nice and witty my fox...nice card too...hey i have some postcards left over from the NYC trip...want one?

  6. @Brian: Are you asking me, Betsy, or both? I say "yes," if I'm included!

  7. Brian ~ of course, I do. Or are you talking to Fox? :)

  8. Great idea ... sounds like a lot of fun .. What about one from the Land Down Under??

  9. Hi! Betsy...
    That a nice postcard that the [Silver]
    Fox, sent to you, and that is a great idea postcard swapping.
    Thanks, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  10. Katherine ~ of course, you know I'd love to!

  11. How cool, clever and thoughtful for your friend. We all need friends like him!

  12. Expect nothing less of the Fox
    Then to well ummm knock off your socks
    A nice little bird too
    You really need a cat for you
    As birds are coming from every where
    Something a cat will thin out and take care
    So very nice post card indeed
    Now go time to go and do more stuff I need

  13. You have the most fun loving and clever followers!

  14. getting mail is always a highlight ..and such a comic too!!

  15. Darling card...cute message. Postcard swapping is sure fun.

    Betsy...thanks so much the help on my Pay it Forward Post... It's up and running now!!!

  16. Wonderful card - keep it spreading.

  17. @Alan: We, your humble followers, shall continue spreading your idea like fine manure!


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