Thursday, March 24, 2011

Venus vs. Mars

Men and women don't think alike. :) Well, maybe I should qualify that and say, The Mister and I don't think alike sometimes. Here's a funny story and good example of what I'm talking about, in case it never occurred to you that male and female minds work differently. lol.


I got a new laptop a few months ago. The Mister took my old PC off of my desk and "put it away". I found someone who could use my old PC..a blog friend who's computer I decided to plug it in and make sure all of my stuff was deleted before packing it up for shipment. Well, the monitor and computer box were in the attic but nothing else! I emailed The Mister at work and asked about the cables and the rest of what I needed. He replied that it was all in our second pantry, with the extension cords and light bulbs.


I looked in the second pantry, only to find one of the cords. Not wanting to waste my time scouring the house, I waited for him to come home for dinner. To make a long story short...

  1. The computer and monitor were in the attic.
  2. One cord was in the pantry with our extension cords.
  3. Two other cables and cords were in the water heater closet with the mop and broom.
  4. The keyboard was in the hall closet with the hats and gloves.
  5. The mouse was in a dining room buffet drawer with the napkins.

Yep, I was speechless, too! I still am, in fact! LOL.


  1. I think that story could be repeated in a number of households! Here, if I lose something I only have myself to blame. I still haven't worked out how my spectacles ended up in the oven one day though...Luckily it wasn't on!

  2. :-)

    love those birdies too on your header

    too cute

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  3. LOL One question...was there really any thinking involved here..or was it just absent-mindedness! ;D

  4. Julie ~ you know, I didn't ask. Although when he couldn't find the keyboard himself for a while, I think he knew how amusing it all seemed. He didn't give any logical explaination. I was kind and just smiled as he looked around the house for all the parts and pieces. lol.

  5. I can't even imagine his reasoning at the time. Probably he can't either. Haha.

  6. Oh dear, can I relate to THAT! If you ever figure it out, you will make a million bucks explaining it to the rest of us! Sandi

  7. Speaking purely from personal experience. He's a man. I rest my case.

  8. HaHaHaHa ~ Could your Mister and my dearest be related!!!!

    And, Don would have a perfectly good reason (to his thinking)why he did what he did.

    Great Story!!!!!!

  9. Matty ~ and we still love you guys! lol!

  10. Betsy,
    Did the Mister really put your computer parts in all those places....
    Did the triplets help him? ;-)
    Just a thought...
    Take care,
    Its spring....for today in the Rocky Mountains. A nice sunny, but cool day.

  11. 2 Moms ~ oh no, the triplets would have hooked up the computer and used it! ha. They would never dismantle one. But nice try...I'll let The Mister know you thought of him and gave him the benefit of the doubt. haha.

  12. i dont know what the problem makes perfect sense to me....

  13. Brian ~ give Tara my sympathies. lol

  14. My favorite...the mouse in the dining room drawer with the napkins......right where it should be! LOL!

  15. thanks for the comment on the video I made
    But I didn't mean to cause a facade
    I paid to have the voice done
    So it wasn't me having the fun
    I just wrote the script and did the pics
    Wasn't meant to casue any tricks
    As I can sound good too
    But don't have the hardware needed to do
    Anyway that is very funny
    And for a lot of people right on the money
    But not me as I'm very aware
    Putting everything in one spot in my lair
    Even my over 2000 movies are in order from a-z
    Yes I know that's sad for me
    Well off I go to write a new blog
    Then I can go sit and watch from my log

  16. Actually, that is something I would do. I have named our basement, the storage place of all that has been in the life of is called~
    We've Got It, We Just Can't Get It!

  17. Pat ~ having your movies in order makes sense, as it happens!
    In fact, much more than a mouse in the napkins!

  18. Was he able to remember where each thing was? That's amazing....

  19. He had a hard time with remebering where the keyboard was...but eventually, he did find everything! haha.

  20. I don't quite understand what makes this a "guy" thing...

  21. Well, Silver, that's why I qualified it to a "my guy" thing. :)

  22. You would never do such a thing, I know Silver. Your comic books are even in a certain order, right? :)

  23. Stuff's generally in order, yes... even when it's buried under other stuff! :)

  24. You can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em! And, they say the same thing about us!

  25. Christian ~ that is SO very true! :)

  26. . . . and???? What's the problem here?

  27. Oh, hilarious.;) Yep, men and women are very different in their thinking and no one explains it better then Mark Gungor in this clip.

  28. Ha! Too funny! Sounds like this household as well!! Ha!!

  29. Well it seems Mars and Venus do fit you two! I adore the birds at the top of your post.

  30. Oh Bart! And I had such faith in you, too! lol

  31. Zuzana ~ that clip was GREAT! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  32. Lol, That is so funny and soooo true! My husband has a much better habit of moving my things because they are out in the open and putting them in cabinets and other areas and then he forgets where he put them!!!!

  33. Hmmmmmm, I know that Mister and I am a little surprised at his DISorganization!!! Please tell him I said so! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!!!

  34. I can also relate...especially since we moved. We searched a long time and through several boxes the other day for one item that was misiing. Finally found it : )

  35. We all could learn a thing or two from you and the Mister.
    #1 Patience
    #2 Humor
    Together = Happy Marriage

  36. wow he was a busy packer! But the mouse in the dining room under the napkins?? what is that all about...really I am so with you on this! But pat yourself on the back for sharing with someone in need..that is priceless! Have a great day in the land of find the hidden objects!

  37. ♥Love your blog♥

  38. Mary ~ I'm so glad you stopped by!

  39. Just read your "What's Happening Now".
    Boy, you are funny!

  40. Funny! And makes no sense! Lol. At least you were able to gather it all up again.

  41. NEVER leave a mouse in the kitchen! LOL. Too funny.

  42. WAY too funny! I love the quote...especially because it shares a huge truth...MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS! That's what makes the world go round huh? Tickled you shared..

  43. That sounds like something I might do!

  44. >You're completely right XD
    Nice blog

  45. Thanks, Stella! And thanks for the visit!

  46. I always say my husband is a crockpot and I am a microwave...
    sounds like your husband is the absent minded professor!

  47. Anita ~ a crockpot and a microwave...oh I love that. lol...

  48. Sounds like The Mister had other things on his mind when he was stashing your PC! You know what they say about the poor darlings being able to do only one thing at one time.
    Millie x


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