Tuesday, March 22, 2011


All of these shots were taken while sitting at my desk.
Had to laugh at Mrs. Dove sitting on the gutter,
staring at me. Maybe the feeder was empty?
Isn't she a beauty with her light blue eyeshadow
and little pink toes?

This morning she got busy making a nest in one of our pine trees. In and out, in and out. And sometimes she's just a blur! "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow

a nest for herself, where she may have her young..."

Psalm 84:3


  1. look lady if you would stop taking pics and give me some food that would be nice...smiles.

  2. lol...that is EXACTLY what she looked like she was saying! ha.

  3. Betsy, Great photos of your 'little friend". About a week ago I had a pair of doves scope out an old nest that a robin had used the year before. It is right outside my kitchen window so I am, literally, 4 feet away. They just returned this morning ( I guess they spent the week looking for a better deal or something),anyway, they are back. I am so glad to have them as neighbors and excited to be able to witness all that will go on in the next few weeks. Mickie :)

  4. Mickie ~ oh, that will be so fun to watch! I love it when the birds build a nest close like that. This dove is going in deep to that pine tree so I can't actually see the nest. I'm using my zoom lens to catch the shots of her.

    I have a nest very close to the house from last year and yesterday I saw a squirrel take some bread that I threw out there and stuff it inside the old nest! ha. He was too quick for my camera though. ha.

  5. hahahaha I think Brian is correct
    As the little bird would probably elect
    For you to add some more food
    And not be so rude
    Sticking a camera in her face
    Instead of filling her gut so she can win the race
    At least she doesn't have to fear a cat
    As a bunny won't do a thing but chat
    While back to work I go
    Or at least pretend as I put on a show

  6. Some striking shots there. Great color, too.

  7. Beautiful shots..I love her pink toes, they seem cold, even though I know they aren't! ;D

  8. She does look a bit like "hey, hey you...yea, you, human....FOOOOOD" in that first picture

  9. Beautiful bird...my favorite. I love the coloring of the Mourning doves, and that they stay with the same mate for life. Also the lovely calls they have....don't you feel like it's an honor when they choose your home to make their homes? I know I do.
    Happy spring!

  10. Do they mate for life? I knew that about swans, but not mourning doves! Maybe this is the couple I blogged about earlier this winter. How sweet!

  11. The past few years we have had a large group of Cardinals outside our window, I just love seeing the red! And it is also my grandmother's favorite bird. Love your photos Betsy, thanks for sharing them!

  12. Well, thanks, Patty! It's really nice to have you visit!

  13. Don't birds give so much pleasure; their habits are so endearing. xa

  14. I'm so impressed by the different birds that you see outside your window!

    I've been saving lint from our dryer to leave out for my birds, for when they start nesting.

  15. I voted for you. Who, besides you, is more deserving of a 24/7 Mom award. What's the prize anyway?

    Who else would describe a dove w/ blue eyeshadow & pink toenails? That is a kick.

  16. Aw, thanks Cali Girl! I think you're the first one! There are lots of prizes. Maybe I'll get lucky and at least win a bottle of Ester C! ha.

  17. She is beautiful and her make up and pedicure, perfect. Now that she's all fixed up....let's build a house.

    I love the house in the birdnest in your sidebar... that is so adorable.

  18. Wonderful photos of this mourning dove! :-)

  19. How I love this post! They are my favourite birds of all.

  20. Such a hard working lady she is!

  21. Sweet post! Thanks much for the reminder of spring and God's ways...=)

  22. How wonderful that you can sit at your desk and watch life unfolding outside. And that you have a camera that will catch the action so we can see it too.

  23. I love watching birds nesting.;)You take the most beautiful bird pictures.;)

  24. I voted too
    For you
    Although since it's only down there
    I cheated with flare
    I pretended I was from maine
    So you could gain
    One more vote
    So on that note
    Aren't I a clever cat
    Now i'm done with my chat

  25. I love doves and she has such a pretty face : ) You did get some great shots.

  26. how exciting if the doves lay eggs and you can watch the babies hatch and grow from your desk!!

    lovely shots!

  27. I wish I could hear right now that most favorite song that only these doves know....telling us that spring is here! Cuz it's winter outside here again. ;( BTW, the baby birds grouped together in your blog header are most darling!

  28. Dear Pat from Maine
    thanks for the vote I did gain!
    That was really very sweet
    even though you did cheat.

  29. Visiting from The Harwards. Love your post about Mrs. Dove. A dove usually builds a nest in an old hanging flower planter that I leave on the porch just for that purpose. I can see the baby birds from my dining room window.
    So much fun to watch!
    Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  30. Dianna ~ I'm so glad you stopped by! Isn't Julie a sweetheart? :)

  31. The dove is such a welcome friend around the yard. How wonderful that you may enjoy them from your study.

  32. ok, we're waiting for the young to show up now. :)

  33. so very sweet ..you captured the expression so well

  34. what a delightful experience! there's something to be said for taking time to enjoy nesting birds!


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