Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Morning chill and afternoon sun cause wardrobe
Adjustments throughout the day.
Robins appear and
Crocus wake from
Heavy slumber.
Frosty wind ~ warm breeze
Rain or snow?
Temperamental weather!


  1. I love your acrostics. (Of course, my favorite is still the one you dedicated to me, doll!)

  2. I should write you a new one, now that I know you better, Silver. :)

    And don't you love that last robin? He looks like he's saying, "Enough of this weather!" haha. Sounds like someone I know. Crumudgeonly?

  3. 1. If you do, I probably wouldn't dare put the new one on my blog!

    2. "Enough of this weather?" Curmudgeonly? Umm... Sorry, no idea what you're talking about. Heh.

  4. Love all the Robins in the tree. I haven't seen any of our Robins in trees, just on the ground looking for a worm.

  5. that first and third pic look almost surreal with the birds against those limbs and berries...kinda glad we are on the cusp of spring...

  6. Brian ~ it was a little strange. There was probably 18-20 robins in our trees! I felt like we were being invaded! ha.

  7. Oh my goodness, that last robin really has an attitude!!

    Love your captures. I can really feel the weather.

    I adore your acrostics.

  8. Are you kidding me...robins already? Lots of robins? With 4 inches of snow stil on the ground I think they had better stay away unless they like their dinners frozen! Beautiful pictures!

  9. Anita ~ if it wasn't for the crabapples, I don't know what they would be eating! They arrived last week and don't really look very happy! ha.

  10. Well, isn't that why they call them "crabapples?"

  11. What wonderful shots of the robins in the tree--and so many. I have a huge crabapple tree in the yard and I can't wait till it is completely white with blooms--it is so pretty then. Love your acrostic verse--and yes, the weather has been very indecisive.
    But, Spring is on its way, I'm sure. Mickie :)

  12. Your robins look so bright and pretty! You know, I think we are just a little too cold here or something. We haven't seen any except one a couple of months ago. They don't come to feeders, so I think they have to go where the ground isn't frozen solid. That's my guess anyway. There were still people out in the middle of the small lake/pond on the way to church Sunday, so the ice base must still be fairly thick on the water, although we've been just the tiniest bit above freezing for a few days.

    So anyway, maybe with that big influx of robins they are migrating back up this way? They are probably on their way back to my front door wreath to nest again!

  13. Loved this, so perfectly described.;) You are so clever.;)
    Happy Spring dear Betsy.;) At least an early spring.;)

  14. Beautiful photos, Betsy. I love those Robins; so colourful!

  15. Fabulous!!! Absolutely adore your poem and your photos!!

  16. What a fat little robin! You captured the temperamental nature of Spring perfectly.

    My world burst into bloom over the last week, but the temperature dropped after a storm blew through yesterday. I think it is still supposed to climb into the mid 60s this afternoon.

  17. Such cute little robins. I've never seen that many together over here either. We get just one or two at a time in our garden. Love your verse and photos of course!

  18. Kayren ~ we don't usually see any robins either. I think they've migrated from Canada and got confused! ha. They don't eat seed...but they do eat the crabapples. We have two trees with lots of fruit, so maybe that's why they are staying?

  19. Birdie ~ The Mister got me those pencils for Valentine's Day. They have a shimmer to them. I used the gold for the fluffy part of the nest.

  20. SO pretty! The orange in those Robin's breasts is so vibrant and fluffy! They are EVERYWHERE aren't they??


  21. Love these photos. The colors of the robin's breasts and the tree bud, awesome! You sure have a lot of robins, we have a bunch but so far they haven't started their attacking the windows yet...hopefully they won't! :-)

  22. what beautiful pics! :)

  23. My yard has been covered with robins.....I love watching them.
    Your pictures are beautiful.

  24. Lovely to see your photos. You have a very good eye. :-)

  25. Wow! So many robins! Loved your acrostic as well.

  26. the drops off the berries get me every time ..so special

  27. ELK ~ I know...it was fun to watch that ice melt before my eyes!

  28. Happy March Betsy : I wish you Spring.

  29. The bit about wardrobe adjustments made me laugh! So true. The best bit about the arival of March is that I can type it without a mistake every time, unlike February!

  30. You do that so well! I see you've also had the ice storm. Great photos.
    It seems the robins have been around all winter here...how about you? Amazed that they survived with our cold temps.
    Happy March xo

  31. Love seeing the robins. I haven't noticed any around here yet. Hopefully I just haven't been paying attention :)

  32. wonderful photos!

    am on the hunt for crocus!

    happy march.... 19 days to spring!

  33. Beautiful photography! I'm the newest follower on your blog! ;)


  34. Great pictures that compliment beautiful words. Or vice versa.

  35. Such vibrant colors. I live in the deserts of San Diego and rarely get to see such a display.

  36. Boy, what do you feed those robins? they look massive!! LOL. Maybe some yorkie, eh? :) Love your pics here and very clever acrostic as usual.


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