Monday, February 28, 2011


click to enlarge
Mr and Mrs Bluebird are snuggled down for the night!
This is what came to my mind when Mr. Toast announced
that the Creative Tuesday theme was "bedtime".
I used regular and metallic colored pencils
on black construction paper.
Looks like Mr. Moon is sleepy, too!
Get out your crayons and come join our little
co-op! It's fun! We only meet twice a month
and there are even quarterly prizes!
Click here to go to Mr. Toast's blog.
The new header is in honor
of bedtime, too! :)


  1. You are so talented, Betsy! I love your sweet! And your header is so cute! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  2. love the header change...and you continue to astound me with your art...

  3. Ah, Betsy, I wish I was half as good as you with a pencil. And I wish I was sleeping as contentedly as those birds! Your header pic is really cute too. Hope you have a good week.

  4. supercalifragilisticosis!

    You should be illustrating childrens' books. I have always loved your drawings. They are an extension of the sweetest part of you.

  5. supercalifragilisticexpalidosis

    Is that better?

  6. Betsy this is fabulous .. you're so talented. I too love the new header, so cute!

  7. Oh wow, I wish I could do that! But, when I've said that before, my DH says "a lot of people wish they could take pictures like you do too" so, I guess I'll be happy with the talent I have. Thanks so much for sharing! It truly is beautiful! What size is it? It would be great in a baby's room, wouldn't it? And the header is adorable too! Have a wonderful week. Sandi

  8. Thanks, Sandi! It's about a 5x7 size. I thought about a baby's room, too!

  9. Very imaginative! The black construction paper background was an inspired touch. You really knocked my socks off with this one.

  10. very sweet! I like the smiling moon

  11. That is one of the sweetest drawings EVER and I should know, I taught art for 5 years. (-:
    Seriously, it has such a tender quality about it.

  12. Anita ~ oh good...I'm glad you said that! "Tender" is exactly what I was thinking as I drew it! :)

  13. Love your painting, Betsy! And your new header is too precious for words!

  14. I love this drawing and the birds are so sweet. However, it is the drawing of the moon that really captured me. Also love the new header.

  15. Oh I love the tenderness too. Love Mr. Robin's wing around his dearest. Love the feeling the black construction paper gives.

    You have captured the essence of bedtime. I also agree you should be illustrating children's books.

  16. It is a wonderful work. Colored pencils can give you a lot of freedom to draw and yet to be creating a color illustration. I like using them.

  17. Love your picture Betsy. And your header...I'm feeling very spring like! Hope you had a lovely weekend.

  18. LOVE the snuggly birds at the top of your blog! toooo cute.
    also, your art is beautiful. love the whimsy of the moon, there too!
    also, i love the dark background!
    have a great night!

  19. oh Betsy you have outdone yourself with this one! Wonderful job, so creative.

  20. Love, love, love your new header! Soooo 'tweet'. Makes me smile. Bless you!

  21. Aw, thanks Christine. You know I wasn't that pleased with this one. I think it's appealing to people more for the overall feeling it gives more than any technical quality. ha.

  22. I just totally love this.

  23. What a gentle image dear Betsy.;) Love your new header too, you really love birds, don't you.;)
    Have a great Monday,

  24. Loving your banner and your painting! Beautiful!!

  25. Incredible, just wow! Anhd if I tried to draw something like that people would think I was showing off my 3 year old's art!

  26. This is great, Betsy. You combined two of my favorite subjects...the moon and birds. Now, I need a nap : )

  27. I have said it before and I will say it again : you are one talented Lady.

  28. the header and your drawing are too cute!!

  29. Okay, what was that??? Boycott American women? Yikes!

  30. Your illustratios are so charming, but I think this is my favourite. I can imagine it illustrating a wonderful children's book. What a talented lady you are! xoxoxox

  31. what fun and such a wonderful header..creative lady you are!!

  32. It's another sweet illustration! Are you writing a book to go along with them yet? You should you know.

  33. I've always wished I could draw and/or sing. I can do neither! This is such a sweet image. It should be an illustration to a children's nursery rhyme. I bet you could come up with the words too if you felt like it!

  34. Oh, that is so darling. I love it. Awww, those littel lovebirds looks so in their elements, snug as anything. I adore the top photo too of those lil feathered friends. Priceless.

    Thanks for doing this and for the plug for CT too. Yes, it's time to do another CT giveaway but it will have to wait for bit I think this time around.

    BTW, I somehow suspected you might do a nest.. the nest maker that you already are.

  35. Thanks Mmm ~ that is so true about nests..haha..yes..realistically and figuratively. :)

    I almost wrote in the post that the birds were 'snuzzled' just for you! lol.

  36. BTw, LOVE your CT sketch page with all your entries--jsut saw that link on your sidebar. WOw. What tenderness exudes from these illustrations. you really are so very good, Betsy. Thanks for the trip down memory lane..and the smiles. :)

  37. Beautiful drawing! I particularly love lovely sleepy birds:)

  38. Amen Brian......she astounds me daily!!!! Beautiful, Betsy, Beautiful!
    Gosh if I got my crayons out....well let's just say Lila could put me to shame/ha

  39. nanny ~ I don't believe that for a second! haha.

  40. Fabulous! The little birdies look so peaceful and I LOVE your version of the Moon!

  41. Metallic colored pencils?! What are these wonders? I'll have to actually *go* to an art store soon.

    Aren't sleeping birds the sweetest things? I love it when they puff out their feathers and snuggle their little beaks down in them. I get more joy from watching my little ones do that.

    I, too, adore your new header!

  42. What a sweet, lovely drawing! I really like the nest!

  43. Your drawing is wonderful!! SO cute!! I love everything about it... the birdies, the moon, the branches... :-) and when your page popped up, I couldn't help the *squee!* that escaped at your header!

  44. This is so beautiful...I have not heard of metallic colored pencils. The effect on the black paper is quite lovely. I especially like the way you did the nest. Such interesting lines. Two thumbs up!

  45. What a super sketch, I love the effect you have created with the nest. Very effective and 3d looking! Love your moon too and the cuddling sweet! Oh and I LOVE your new header too......made me smile at these fluffy feathered friends :)

  46. Perfect Betsy. Wish I could draw as well as you. Nice header too.

  47. I love this - the look on the black paper is fabulous... great texture.

    And that header is so, so great! (And so, so you!)


  48. oh this is beautiful! I like the feel of it.

    Also your blog header is amazing :)

  49. Hi Betsy, so it. Love your new header, they are just the cutest birdie snuggles...

  50. Did you take art in college?... great drawing here. :)

  51. Lord Thomas ~ um, no...that was your other neice! ;)


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