Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Carolina Wren

Speaking of wrens (see previous post),  I've been watching a lovely
wren couple making a nest in my sweet antique box I put on this
 ledge on in the top corner of my front porch.
Only one nest has ever stayed up there because the wind circles
up in that spot and knocks it down.  Well, I attached this box there
last evening and the wrens have already turned it into a little home.
I guess they like antiques as much as me!
Mrs Wren must have liked this spot because she is helping build the
nest.  They don't seem to notice me watching with the front door
open a few inches...just enough for my camera to capture them at work!


  1. She looks quite at home, I'm sure she'll stay :)
    I have them in the Boston ferns again this year, makes it difficult to water, but I try and not disturb them.

    1. Ferns are such a popular spot for nests! I don't blame the birds at all...I might choose a fern, too!

  2. Hi Betsy. I'm still on break as Don's issues continue. But I peek in once in a while to get away from my "nurse" duties. HaHa. Love the antique box and your little family. I had so much fun watching our little nest out of the they are are do grow up and leave the nest!! Hope to peek in again from time to time. Love and Hugs

    1. Well, thanks for stopping by. I saw Don's green light on FB the other day and was happy to see that at least he was doing something fun while he was resting. Still praying.... love ya! xxoo

  3. What a privilege to have them so close! You provided a home with style!

  4. haha sure found themselves quite the spot. But are they going to be happy with all the coming and going?

    1. So far they seem to be okay with it. They are up high so they probably feel safe as they look down on us. So much better than if they had made a nest in the wreath on the front door. haha.

  5. Hi Betsy - how lovely to be able to watch them ... and I'm so pleased they're safe and secure there when their offspring appear. Nature is so wonderful ... cheers Hilary

    1. You are so right...nature is wonderful! So beautiful and entertaining!

  6. This is SO very cool! I especially love that they are nesting in the old wooden box...they must be kindred spirits to you and me. haha I'm sad here though because apparently the "Mrs." chose another nest rather than the one that is outside our bedroom window. :( And after he put all of that hard work into tidying things up. Maybe next year.

    1. Well the Northern Wren who was building a nest in that little bird house is nowhere to be seen here! So sad. I guess the Mrs. chose another spot, too! Yes, maybe next year!

  7. At long last. A satisfied lady Wren. Must be close to schools and hairdresser. lol


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