Monday, March 4, 2019

Betsy's Antique Booth

If you aren't on Instagram, you might be wondering what has been keeping
me so busy!  Well, at the end of last November I rented half of a booth at
an antique mall.  It was so much fun that I expanded to a full sized booth
last week.  Lots of work but a great way to enlarge what I already do
on etsy....sell vintage and antique items.  

I'm also finding it's a great way to pare down my growing personal collections
of lovely things. (because you can't keep it all, right? haha)
 And it's a creative outlet in painting furniture.  I loved doing that
blue buffet and a few other pieces that aren't featured in this photo.  


  1. It is SO good to have you back in the blogging world again. I am thrilled beyond words that you did so well with half a booth at the antique mall that you were able to increase your space! You have it arranged so beautifully, Betsy. I know you will have no problem with things selling...lots of pretties for the eyes to feast upon. And, as I recently have been going through the house doing some decluttering I have to agree with you totally...we can't keep everything! :) xx

    1. No we can't....but we try, don't we? haha. The booth has been a fun creative outlet! Had several sales over the weekend, so it's off to a great start!

  2. Glad you nave found this wonderful niche in life, Betsy. It is so YOU ~ creative, classy and with a loving touch. And I am so happy you are back in Blogsville. It;s been a bit of a wilderness here without you . . . :)x

    1. Aw, you are too kind, Ed. Glad someone missed me. :)

  3. Love seeing this booth and keeping up with you on Instagram.

  4. Hi Betsy - puts us all to shame ... you sassy lady. It looks just wonderful ... I'm so pleased for you - and great you can collect, show off and just enjoy some of your goodies ... excellent - it's huge!! Have a wonderful spring and summer ... enjoy and hope to see you on occasions here ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks,'s lots of fun and keeps me busy! I need to pop over and see what you've been up to and if you are still in Canada!

  5. There is just something special about having your own little space. Like a cute little shop. It all looks so nice. I've been cleaning out the sewing room today and could almost open a tiny shop with half of what's in there. :)

    1. ..haha...oh, I Know the feeling! How does it all accumulate?!

  6. Hey, that looks fab! Well done. So pleased for you. I have missed your blog posts. Hoped it wasn't illness that was keeping you away, yours or anyone else's. The booth is a much more enjoyable reason.

    1. Yes, it is....lots going on here but bad health isn't plaguing anyone...thankfully!

  7. That sure is a great setup you have indeed
    All nice and organized at your feed
    Yeah, can't keep it all
    Hopefully it is doing grand, must be if you upped it to full, at your hall

    1. Should have known you would appreciate the organized part of it!
      But did you expect anything less from me? haha. Didn't think so!

  8. What a beautiful antique booth, all so neatly displayed, and filled with treasures galore.
    The piece of painted furniture made me swoon, how talented you are Betsy !

    1. I loved that sweet little blue buffet, too! That was really fun to do!

  9. I love your booth! It looks charming, as I would expect from you... If only I lived close enough to visit it!

    1. Well now, that would be fun! If you are ever in Dayton again, you have to's 10 minutes away....and you better let me meet you there! haha.

  10. Hi Betsy. I knew you were up to something truly wonderful. Your Booth is so YOU! and if I were closer you would be one of my favorite spots to visit. You have such a touch for displaying yor goodies. You have been missed. I think of you, the mister, the boys and your dil. You took a place in our hearts that will always be there so it's so nice to know you were not gone because of illness or something bad. Love and Hugs.

  11. Your booth looks great! I enjoy following you on Instagram. =)

  12. Wow, very cool that you're doing this. You have quite the eye for finding treasures, and quite the talent for displaying them and making everything so beautiful. Congrats, Betsy!

    1. Well, thank are so kind to say that. It's a good job for me...suits me pretty well and fun at the same time!


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