Monday, February 26, 2018

Around Here, Lately

  1. We've been missing our aquarium for a few years now and recently decided to have one built to fit into a strangely shaped alcove in our living room!  While we wait for the tank, we've been looking at fish!  Here I am last week taking selfies with some friendly lion fish.  They didn't make the cut for favorites, but they were fun to look at!  Photo credit to The Mister.
  2. Feels like spring!  Crazy for Ohio in February that is for sure!  Maybe the groundhog got it wrong this year!  We have warm rains, green grass and the bulbs are sprouting from the ground!  We can have snow into April, so this is weird!  I'm feeling gypped from my proper winter!  This winter loving girl needs her full three months!
  3. We're still under bathroom renovations with the boys' bath being finished this week!  Then our contractor goes on vacation for 3 weeks so the master bath will start late March.  It's been very slow going but what is completed looks really good.  Before and After pics to come, probably next week!
  4. The boys are doing great.  A few of you have been kind enough to ask.  No good/bad/ugly things to report...haha....just plugging along every day and doing fine.  We've all been sharing a bathroom for 2 months now and they have been very flexible and good about it, even when they prefer a bath to a shower and have had to go with the showers in our master all this time.
What's happening with you?


  1. Bet the cats will love the view
    As the fish swim to and fro for you
    Hopefully they don't try to swim
    Jumping in on a whim
    Renovations sure can take a while
    Great everyone is chugging along in style

    1. We better make sure there is a lid
      so no cat tries to swim amid
      those fish just to have some lunch.
      Would be a mess, I have a hunch. haha.

  2. Hi Betsy - love the photo .. and I'm so looking forward to seeing the 'new place/s'! Cold up here - me don't like!! But yes the bulbs are starting to come up ... snowdrops out, aconites out ... daffs starting ... and no doubt so it will go on - good luck with things - cheers Hilary

    1. The bulbs seem early to me but we have had some warmer days in between the cold ones!
      We usually loose our blooming daffodils to ice or frost so I'm sure that will happen again,
      especially with it being so early!

  3. Is this going to be a saltwater aquarium?

    1. My parents started a tropical fish (freshwater) and aquarium supply store in the late 1960s. My mom continued it for a few years after my dad died in 1968. Amazing how cheap everything was then. Different kinds of fish for 49 cents, 79 cents, and so on... I asked my mother why they didn't just round 79 cents to 80 cents, for example, and that's when I learned why dealers always mark items $9.99 instead of $10.00, and the like. My mother explained that people think something is a lot cheaper if it's $9.99 instead of $10.00!

    2. I remember you telling me about that. Sound so fun to grow up with!
      I've heard that about the pricing and what tricks numbers can play with
      our brains. That one penny less looks like a dollar less to some.
      And yes, the prices of fish sure have soared! haha.

  4. I love the idea of an aquarium. Various friends have them and I become quite mesmerized by them. I enjoy looking at the fishies swim!
    Lovely pic of you.
    I bet the bathrooms will look great. How nice it will be to have both done.

    1. They are wonderful, aren't they? Our hospital used to have a big one in one of the waiting rooms. I always enjoyed it. The bath is getting close! The before and after will be shocking! haha.

  5. It's great to see you again! Glad the boys are doing good. Being without a bathroom is quite a disruption. Looking forward to photos!

    1. It's been ok with one bath...wouldn't want to do it forever, but we've made it work! There's a line for the toilet occasionally. haha.

  6. Well, this is a pleasant surprise! So good to see you up with a new post today! I am sorry that the bathroom reno is going kind of slow, but glad to hear that what is done is looking really good. :) I love it that you are going to have an another aquarium in the living room! A great stress reliever! Happy to hear that all is going well with the boys. :) Proud of them for not being bothered by having to use the shower in the master bath. Take care of yourself, my friend.

    1. Aquariums are great stress relievers! I might just have to sit there and watch it all day some days. hahaha....

  7. Great to hear that the boys have been doing well during the reno and have been so flexible about using the bathroom. Can't wait to see the pictures of the bathroom when it is done. And to see what fish you pick!

    1. Picking the fish is the hard part! haha. So many choices! In the end I'm sure we'll choose the docile and hardy ones.

  8. What fun to have the aquarium in the living room. And a whole new bath coming soon! I need to buy some more of that lovely Omega Sea Berries body wash that you use in your relaxing bath time. Good to hear the boys are doing fine. Thanks for updating.

    1. Funny you mentioned that body wash...I just bought some last week. Smells so good!

  9. An aquarium sounds cool! My daughter had one when she was a teenager...hours of entertainment!
    Can’t wait to see the bathroom!
    Enjoy your day...
    Linda :o)

    1. The bathroom is finally on it's last week! yay yay yay. haha.
      The best part of the new aquarium...we're getting the company to do a
      monthly maintenance. more changing water and vacuuming the gravel! haha.

  10. The aquarium sounds like a great addition to the living room. My dad always had a couple of large ones when I was growing up. So relaxing to watch the fish. Glad to hear the boys are doing well.

    1. How fun to grow up with those! I do agree they are very relaxing! I'm really looking forward
      to having one again!

  11. Very therapeutic watching fish in aquariums. We used to have a pond in our garden as kids and spent many hours watching them . . . :)
    We are having a sharp blast from Russia, known as the beast from the east. brrrr! I'll make a deal with you. You can have it all as a trade in for your better weather . . . lol
    Glad the boys are ok

  12. There have been aquariums at two different doctors surgeries I’ve been to. Whenever I see tropical fish I think of going to get my polio vaccine on a sugar lump. Memory does strange things doesn’t it?


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