Sunday, January 7, 2018

Around Here, Lately

Pepper and Me

  1. Well, we feel like we're living at the North Pole with temps below zero (Fahrenheit).  The guys have had extended Christmas break and we're spoiled with some sleeping late and excuses to flop on the couch and stay in pajamas way too many days!
  2. We had a white Christmas!
  3. The Mister and I decided to have California Closets come and redo the master bedroom closet as our Christmas gift to each other this year.  They come Wednesday, so today we emptied our closet, took out the old plastic coated wire system, painted the ceiling, patched holes and painted walls.  Don't worry.  I even remembered to take 'before' pictures so we can have a proper before and after reveal. haha.
  4. The 1988 bathrooms of the house are also getting a total reno this month and not a moment too soon for this lady of the house!  We've been busy picking out tile, tubs, sinks, fixtures and all that fun stuff!  Demo starts soon!  Construction dust of the kitchen reno is a faint memory but still a I'm mentally prepared.  Dust isn't so much an issue as the five of us sharing a bathroom.  Oh my.
  5. I've been trying to get my health under control.  Seems like this poor girl is falling apart!  Finally got a prescription that helps with the migraines.  And I got a prescription that helps with the acid reflux after having an endoscopy and seeing some damage.  And I got one to help with the arthritis after the endoscopy revealed I'm taking way too much Advil for my stomach's good.  Xrays revealed arthritis in my back and neck now.  No wonder I was in so much pain.  But I'm feeling pretty good now with all this pill popping. haha.
  6. I ate dinner with a penguin, screech owl and a few other animals last night.  If you're confused.  Check out my Instagram account.  Oh, and the guy on the label of my latest wine bottle started talking to me!  You'll see about that there, too.  
  7. By now you're probably sure that I've gone crazy. :)  Yes, yes I have!


  1. You and Pepper look comphy on the couch,hope you are feeling better with all the pills,lol. And we all go crazy every now and then. Happy New year:)

    1. Pepper and I seem to have our spot on the couch!

  2. Brrr! It sounds a bit frigid up there. I can't wait to see your before and after- it sounds exciting. We just redid out master bath floors, but have to pull the toilet back up because it's sitting different and not tight enough. Mark is painting the walls, too, so that's always nice (when I don't have to paint!)
    I'm with you on the pain. I have to go the 30th for an ESI back is full of arthritis and I have pinched sciatica nerves. Thus, driving is a real pain in the you know what. He put me on tylenol because I have killed my stomach lining with ibuprophren and aleeve over the years and now cannnot handle a single one. Ihope your meds help. My body is under arrest until I get my self straightened out. :(

    1. Well, if you're like me, Tylenol doesn't touch the pain. Ask your doc if you can try Celebrex. I haven't once thought of reaching for anything for pain since I started on it and I was taking a dozen advils a day. Seriously. I get the injections in my hands. Fun, fun, isn't it? But really...try the celebrex!

  3. It's been so cold here too, but Bob just looked at the thermometer and said "it's 30 outside!" That is only going to last a few days, and then the cold is supposed to come back. :(
    Sorry you've been having so many health issues. It all sounds quite miserable but I'm glad those pills are working.
    Can't wait to see pics of the closets and the bathrooms!

    1. We've done the same thing! It's pretty bad when you think 30 is a heat wave! haha.

  4. It sounds very busy at your house Betsy. We hope to do a few home improvements as well and while I look forward to the finished product, it is hard to put up with all the disorder. So glad you are taking care of your health. My husband was on Mobic for many years until he got an ulcer and we had to change up some things. He really suffers with arthritis in his neck so I purchased him one of the thingies that they heat in the microwave and put around your neck and shoulders while getting a pedicure. He loves it. I am thinking of getting one for myself. They are so relaxing. Hoping you have a healthy 2018.

    1. It is true that heat helps a lot. If I just can't stand the pain I get in the tub. lol.

  5. hmm i think those pills may have you seeing things
    But crazy is fine, as long as you avoid the loony wings haha
    Health crap always stinks a ton
    Had an MRI here, what fun lol
    That's a lot for one loo
    Whatever will you do?

    1. Did they say your MRI said your brain is full of rhymes?
      Hope they found something to make you feel better all the time.
      health crap stinks that is for sure
      so much pain for one to endure.

  6. Well, my dear, when ailments strike you they really hit hard. I'm sorry to hear about all that has been going on with you physically...especially that arthritis in your back and neck. I understand chronic pain, my friend, and I am sorry to know that you've been suffering like this. Glad to know that you now have some medicines to help with each thing.

    Happy note...a new closet system! Yay! And a bathroom fun! Couldn't be happier for you. I'll be thinking of you and the Mister and the boys all sharing the same bathroom for a bit. ~wink~

    Hugs to you, Betsy.

    1. Yes, the closet and bathrooms are a pleasant distraction for sure! haha. And if I can slip in a hot tub once in a while, that feels good, too!

  7. Sorry you've been suffering and glad to hear you've made some progress to alleviating the causes. This time of year is good for doing house renovations, cleaning and decluttering. Nothing major going on here, but steady work! Happy New Year!

    1. I always get that cleaning bug in January anyway! haha. So after the dust settles I'll really be anxious to get to it and organize the new rooms! Glad you are happily working along!

  8. Looks like a scene at my house. Unusually cold here in KY, as well. Here's hoping that your health takes a turn for the better in 2018!

    1. Thank you so much. I'm very optimistic.
      Hope you're staying warm! I bet you've had a few extra snow days, haven't you?

  9. Wonderful post Betsy - full of hope and positivity despite travails of dust etc ... certainly hope that pill popping continues to help and you can get some relief for ever and a day. Take care and enjoy the re-dos ... I'll be watching - cheers and a very happy New Year with new building works and I hope an eased bod! Take care -Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary! All this pill popping. haha. I sure wasn't expecting that but am happy they seem to be working! Thanks for checking in~

  10. Well, with the projects you have going on, it looks like we'll see a few more posts from you soon! That's always a good thing.

    1. Yes, I think so too! Really trying to find my old self and get back here daily. Ugh. Not coming easily!

  11. I see we have the same slippers!! I'm so sorry to hear you've been ill,, no fun at all, I hope the meds continue to help you feel better,, sometimes we have to just accept medication is needed, I found it hard to accept taking pills everyday but some pills are necessary, take care of yourself.

    1. I felt the same way! Didn't want to be on any medications! But I'm so much better on them.
      I owe you an email....coming soon! :)

  12. Glad to hear the medicines are helping. And just think, a new bathtub to enjoy even more! So nice that you can keep changing things up in your house that you've lived in for so long (I'm a little envious of that!) :)

    1. I am looking forward to that new tub! Can't get here soon enough! haha.

  13. Well, A Happy and Healthier New Year to you dear friend !
    I'm sorry you have been poorly, let's hope the meds will help and get you back to feeling yourself.
    Sounds like your new closet organizer is grand, I could use a make-over :)
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and lovely to hear from you again.

    1. Nothing like taking every single thing out of your closet to make you clean, toss, sort and purge. haha. The mister actually got rid of more than I did as I'm a constant purger. lol. Thanks for the prayers. They are still greatly needed and appreciated! :)

  14. HI Betsy...
    Glad you found some relief for your pain. I think I have arthritis in my one leg...nights are torture!!
    Can't wait to see your renos...always exciting! I am too chicken!! My bathrooms are 80's too...
    Oh well...maybe we'll just move! hahaha!
    enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

    1. Linda, have you only one leg then? lol

    2. Don't be chicken! It's all good! haha. I actually love the process of it but it is
      not for everyone.

      Sorry about your leg! I do agree nights can be the worse. Hard to sleep when you're hurting!

  15. Happy New Year! I'm glad that you are feeling better!
    Your new closet and bathroom sound exciting! =)

    Have a great week!

    1. Happy New Year to you! And thank you! Feeling much better. Still trying to prevent the migraines instead of taking away the pain after they come but overall we're getting there. haha.
      Renovations will be a nice distraction anyway. haha. Hope you are doing well!

  16. Oh my, I missed a lot just checking you out on fb. So sorry to hear of your heath issues...way to young for that...but so glad you are getting answers and meds to help.

    Can't wait to see your closets (before and after) and the bathroom. I have a dear friend up North with 5 kids, and after 20 years...they are adding a bathroom...She actually had a schedule of times for the use of the bathroom...oh dear. Wonder how many of us grew up with only one bathroom. Love reading your list.

    1. Every time I see my arthritis doctor he says I'm too young for this. haha. And I think what he really means is that unfortunately I will have many more years for it to progress. Ugh.

      Scheduling a time to use the bathroom. Oh my. I was never that organized. haha. We just shared. In fact the door rarely closed. We just shared all together and didn't wait turns. I'm sure it will be that way again.

  17. Hi Betsy, sorry you have been having health issues and hope it all gets sorted out and you are restored to your former glory asap.

    It is almost worth signing up to Instagram to see the answers to the conundrum you describe in point 6. haha
    Btw . . . your feet must have shrunk significantly because those slippers would fit me I am sure . . lol

    Glad you had some rest over the hols.
    Exciting about the bathroom refurb . . .

    Meanwhile here I am learning the Ukulele . . . lol

    1. How's that ukulele coming along? I got one for Christmas when I was about 10 years old. haha. I wonder what ever happened to that. I did learn to play back then. Kind of fun. Almost like taking a little trip to Hawaii. :)

    2. I've shunk all over! haha. Such a thin little lady I am now! Want me to ship the slippers over to you? :)

    3. . . . only if you are in them . . . hahaha!!

    4. The Uke is coming on fine thanks. Learning some simple cords for now but I always was a chap who wanted to run before I can walk. Some pieces I want to learn are very difficult and can be compared in complexity to the Hammerclavier on the piano . . . lol. So I might be able to play them whem I am 100 . . which gives me incentive to carry on living . . . lol.

      There is a Polish word, "Stolat" which means "One hundred years!" or "May you live until 100!" and they clink their glasses together and say that with "Nostrovia" which means "Good Heath!" and sometimes "Lets get drunk!" . . . lol

      So clink, "Nostrovia Stolat!" . . . :)

  18. Wow, lots of news! Will look forward to seeing the pictures after the renos. Hopefully the process won't be too difficult for too long. Glad you found some medicine to help with the migraines and arthritis.

    1. Pictures soon. Today in fact. We've begun living in the reno dust. ugh. haha.

  19. You look so cosy with Pepper!
    I'm sorry you are dealing with health issues. It's no fun. I am trying to remain positive with mine, but I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed these days.
    Looking forward to seeing all your makeovers. What fun!

    1. It's the worst, isn't it? But sweet Suzie, I have nothing to complain about compared to you. Big hugs, prayers and love sent your way. xxoo


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