Saturday, October 21, 2017

Where The Fairies Live

I found this little spot in our wood pile today
and I was immediately taken back to my childhood.
I would have had hours of fun playing here, pretending
that it was the home to little fairies.  I could almost see
them sitting under mushroom umbrellas!


  1. Hi Betsy - we've suddenly got profusions of these too ... funghi are wonderful. I can imagine the fairies in these ... those days of wonder and make believe: childhood dreams ... cheers Hilary

    1. I wish I knew which ones were safe to eat. haha. But I have no idea!

  2. We've had lots of those in the yard lately. Maybe now I will see the differently. I should look for the fairies too. I love things that bring back childhood memories.

  3. A fairy spot
    Now a mushroom lot
    Could have fairy dust
    Cures all but umm lust

    1. Well we wouldn't want that to be cured
      that would be just absurd. lol.

  4. When I was about 8 I went to a school with a long wall along the side of the playground. I think there was an old air raid shelter under a stretch of grass and the wall retained the covering earth. It was perfect for fairy homes. The wall is gone now, the air raid shelter removed. The playground is all flat and no more grass.The group of shrubs where we used to play Lost in Space has gone too (staff parking). I wonder what the children play these days?

    1. They stay at home and play violent games on their computers!

    2. Exactly. These days it's something electronic that takes no
      imagination. Someone asked me recently about my childhood toys.
      I couldn't think of too many! We did a lot of imaginary play,
      riding bikes, tag, cloud watching and tree climbing!

    3. Yes, well no surprise but such a shame. A different school with a similar clump of shrubs where we used to play Star Trek (TOS) - long since vanished under an extension.
      When my brother was very little his favourite toy was a giant saucepan. And its equally giant lid. I have no idea what he was thinking but it kept him quiet for hours at a time, And no electricity required.

    4. I think those are the best kind of toys...the ones that really aren't toys at all. haha.

  5. A perfect little magical spot for those fairies :)
    I can even imagine a gnome or two sitting nearby.

  6. I have faeries at the bottom of my garden. True. I don't mind that, but it's when they have all night parties that annoys me, keeping me awake with the noise, and they have never invited me to join them which I find very hurtful. . . .

    1. You just crack me up. :) Now do tell exactly what kind of music the fairies like.
      I would have thought it was something soft and beautiful on harps and flutes.
      Yours must be a rough group with electric guitars and drums.

  7. What a sweet, pretty spot. It really does look like a fairy spot.

    1. I should put a little door in there some where. haha.

  8. A sweet spot and sweet thoughts from childhood!

    1. For a second I wanted to go back in time...then I thought,
      "Nope, wouldn't want to relive all those years again." haha.

  9. Replies
    1. I thought it was so cute. Who knows, maybe Tinkerbell visits sometimes. :)

  10. Oh yes, I could let my imagination see a little village of fairies. It makes a lovely photo too.

    1. I need some little kids around here to play with it! haha. Just cats. lol

  11. Hi Betsy...
    Great shot!! Never did play with fairies when I was little! hahaha!
    Enjoy your week...rain moving in...
    Linda :o)

    1. Been raining here all day! We were pretty dry though, so needed it. :)

  12. Precious. I loved using my imagination as a kid. I still do, especially now that I'm home all the time.
    I love all the photos I see on various websites that show tiny doors at the foot of trees. Elves and pixies at play!

  13. incredibly beautiful!!!

    i found them some days back in my garden too.

    back in my village there were of many kind ,i miss them while living here in city.
    childhood is magical part of life


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