Saturday, October 28, 2017


Last Sunday when we answered the door, Pepper slipped out
while we weren't looking.  Because of his bad eyesight and
hearing, we don't let him out.  He's only been out in the front
of the house twice while I supervised since he came to live 
with us this summer!  And to make matters worse, we
didn't notice he was gone until bedtime, so he had a 10
hour lead on us looking for him.  We looked for about an hour
with flashlights through the neighborhood and again in the
morning but without any luck.  Even my good friend came
and looked 2 hours in the rain throughout most of our village
 (thank you, Brian!) but Pepper was nowhere to be found.
I was brokenhearted.  I just didn't think he could find his
way home without being able to see or hear properly.
And after 3 days we had just about given up hope.

On the fourth day, about 3:00 AM, I heard his very unique
meow outside our bedroom window!  I sat straight up in bed,
woke up The Mister and kept saying, "God, please let it be true!
Don't let it be a dream!"  The Mister ran outside to see and I 
watched from the window but there was nothing when he
turned on the outside light....just The Mister searching our
courtyard in his underwear in the freezing night air.  Ugh.
I wasn't even dreaming about Pepper.  How could I have
imagined it?  I was devastated.

I turned to go into the bathroom and The Mister came into
the bedroom....with Pepper in his arms!
I wrapped my arms around them both and we made
that cat into a Pepper sandwich hug and cried and cried.
What a little miracle this was!  For one thing, he had never been
on that side of the house.  If he hadn't been under our bedroom
window we wouldn't have heard him at 3 AM. 
How did he get home after 4 days?
We said it was only God that could have done that and
we are still thanking Him for bringing him home.

He had lost the weight I worked so hard to get him to gain
when we rescued him and was dehydrated but we're 
working on that again.  He seems very happy to be home
and has reclaimed his spot in our bed every night...right in
the middle where it's the warmest.


  1. I was worried sick that he wouldn't return.
    Living on the lamb is not such a good idea, when you have bad eyesight.
    I'm tickled pink and so grateful he has made his way home.....

    1. I was so worried. It just didn't seem possible!
      His eyesight is so terrible there is just no way he
      could catch his own food.

  2. That is great that he found his way back
    Never again will he want to stray from your shack
    Who knows where they go
    But good he found his way to your window
    How do you prevent him from going out the cat door though?
    He just doesn't know?

    1. He doesn't know and he just can't see that well to find it!
      I'll never point it out to him and he won't ever know...he
      can't see something unless it's 2 inches from his face. I'm guessing
      he thinks it's a window. haha.

    2. Until one of the others show him where it is, or he sees the comings and goings and thinks "I'll try that!"

    3. He just can't see well enough to manage it, thankfully!

  3. Oh, sweet! Glad he is back. Maybe he just went exploring and wasn’t lost at all.

    1. So are we! I hope his exploring days are over! haha.

  4. oh wow! What a great story! I'm so glad he is home where he belongs.

  5. Wonderful news. Pepper is safe and at home with his family.

    1. Thank you, Ann. It certainly was good news and so
      exciting to see him home!

  6. Replies
    1. So are we! Poor little guy wouldn't have been able to survive out
      there on his own!

  7. Glad to hear that he is back where he belongs.

  8. He could have been hovering in someone's garage and finally got out of it. He must have some sense of smell to help him to do what he did. I know you are beyond happiness. I am glad for you too.

    1. Thanks, Larry. We wondered about the garages in the neighborhood. We sent out facebook
      notices and texts to everyone around us. One neighbor that was gone actually left their side
      door unlocked and we helped ourselves into their garage for a look! haha.

  9. Hi Betsy - oh how wonderful a safe return and very happy ending ... just delightful - Pepper enjoy being home where you belong ... take care all of you - Hilary

  10. Oh, Betsy. I cried when I read this. I am SO happy he returned. I can just imagine how heartbroken you were. He is a kitty miracle.
    And after crying, I was smiling at the picture in my mind of you and the Mister creating a Pepper sandwich hug. Happiness reigns!

    1. Yes, the Pepper Sandwich was the best part. Little old man cat is well loved here and we
      were so relieved to have him back! It was raining and cold and we knew he wasn't going to
      be able to live out there. So hard! Happy ending, though! :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ed. I kept telling the other cats to go look for him. :)

  12. I'm so glad Pepper is home and safe. That is scary. Our little kitty has dashed out a couple of times We have been able to sweep her up pretty quickly, thankfully. The coyotes here would love to eat her up. I kind of agree with L.D. I bet she got locked inside somewhere. I hope there are no more field trips for her. Taria

    1. Field trips. haha.....had to laugh at that. Yes, hope this was the one and only!
      When our cats were little we'd keep them in saying they had to be too big for a hawk
      to carry them off. Scary!

  13. A Happy ending...♥️
    And...just between us gals...tightey whitey or boxers??😂😂😂
    Linda :o)

  14. Bless his heart!! Glad he made it home!!

  15. Awww, Betsy, I am so glad that the Lord brought Pepper home where the people who love him could continue to care for him. Yes...truly a miracle the way he made himself known to you and that Mister went out and returned with him in his arms. xx

    1. I know...isn't that amazing? Anywhere else around the house he wouldn't have been heard.
      We couldn't believe it!

  16. I am so happy Pepper made it home to you. Having a lost pet is just heartbreaking. We went through the same thing with our Tabby cat, Dumperoo. Miracles do happen!

    1. We've had cats disappear, never to return. It's just the worst! But this was especially hard because we knew he couldn't fend for himself. We were so worried about him!

  17. What a sweet story... very happy for you!

  18. Oh wow, I'm so happy for the happy ending.
    I love the way you hugged him..."pepper sandwich"
    thanks for sharing.

  19. When Orson was young and hadn't had his shots yet, I never purposely let him out of the house. He would sneak out once in a while as I walked in through the back door, though. One day he got out and disappeared for five days! I'd given up hope of ever seeing him again, but he just showed up on his own. SO glad Pepper made his way home against all odds!

    1. Aw, Orson! I don't think you ever told me that story!

  20. Oh, you're so lucky that he has returned home safe! I think I wouldn't let my cats go outside - a lot of people living nearby let their cats go alone! I live close to huge road, it's so dangerous!
    I'm so glad that Pepper is ok <3

    1. Thank you, Olka! We were so worried about him! We don't live on a busy road but with his bad eyesight, he would never find his own food! You're smart not to let your cats out where you live! :)


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