Friday, September 1, 2017

Tunes For Toddlers

This post is for Nancy Clemens, who contacted me
on Google+ about my little children's poetry book
I had when I was young.  I had posted about one of
the poems years ago and she found it as she was
looking for the book.  Turns out she had it when she
was young, too!

So, it is.  Sorry I don't have the cover
any longer but I think you'll have fun remembering
the pages.  Hope your mom enjoys it, too!

This was one of my favorite books!
I can remember studying all the illustrations until
I knew every detail.  And I still know all those
little poems from memory!
In fact, as I look at it now, I wonder if it didn't have
a big influence on me.  I'm still in love with snow,
kittens, the moon, clouds, stars, birds and ice cream!


  1. Not familiar with the book but the illustrations are precious. they really do bring me back to my childhood.

  2. That is so adorable! I love the book ( I did not know it but I do understand why would you fall in love with it)!

  3. I had a set of these books for our only child, she carried them around only they were bigger, she pretended to read them, memorized all the sweet little boys and girls..She is nearing 40 and is still a dreamer and precious little angel in our eyes..she adored mr rogers neighborhood and adored Daniel tiger when mr. rogers passed from this earth she got really upset..I told her he resides in heaven with all the birdies and angels and kitty cats actually kittens in the world, it soothed her soul..It is unfortunate at this time in our world our schools opened yesterday and I visited the school she attended in kindergarten that teachers don't read these books and expose all the little ones to these sweet sweet children, kitty cats, birdies and snow drops and lovely images, I think it would bode well for the wee ones, just a thought, mary from the 'couv in Vancouver Washington state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace, joy and love to you and your wonderful hubs and wonderful sons and daughter in law too..ciao mi bella!X()X()

    1. So good to hear from you Mary! Glad you remembered the book. Loved you sharing about your daughter. What a sweet story. My boys still love Mr. Rogers and recently got DVD's of a series of his show. He was one of a kind!

  4. Whitman's various publications have been fairly well researched and documented by collectors. If you'd like to see the cover for "Tunes for Toddlers," click on the following link:

    1. Thanks so much for sharing that, Silver! I would have never remembered on my own but immediately
      recognized the cover when I went to that link! :)

  5. Well I think little Rosa would love this. Right up her street. . :)

    1. You must share it with her. Maybe Peter would like it, too! You can print the pages if you want to. :)

    2. Thank you very much, Betsy, they will love it and so will the grown ups . . . :)

  6. Replies
    1. Isn't it sweet? As you can see, I loved it to death. haha.

  7. What a swett little book to still have.

    1. Thanks, Furry! Glad to have a few of them I loved way back then.

  8. Oh my. What a delightful book and the illustrations remind me of Dock and Jane. You have lived out those darling songs. Back from Oregon.

    1. Glad you're back! Found you on Instagram tonight. Did your daughter get you on there during your Oregon stay? :)

    2. No, our older daughter got me a smart phone, and I'm learning to use some new aps.

  9. I love this! The illustrations look like books I had as a child too. So sweet!

  10. Betsy, thank you so much... I couldn't be more thrilled! I remember so much of it, and can't wait to show my mom (who will be 85 in November). She will get such a kick out of it! And be amazed that we can find and share such things with total strangers on the internet. 😂. Thank you again for going to the effort. It is a true gift!
    In friendship,

    1. You are very welcome! I'm so glad I could share the memories with you. Very fun!

  11. Hi Betsy- what great memories and you've obviously brought wonderful times back to Nancy ...

    As Nancy says blogging does bring some amazing connections ... and her mother is still alive - great to read.

    Cheers - I don't think I have anything going that far back, other more erudite things that are far older ...but only a few ... lovely to see - Hilary

    1. That is so true. Some of my best friends are online. :)

  12. This is beyond precious! Thank you for sharing it. Makes me want to revisit my childhood books. They still reside with my parents.

    1. Next time you're home. Hope they aren't packed away so much that you can't get to them! haha.

  13. So that's what formed you as you are
    Now we know what to blame at your sand bar lol

    1. You are what you read, or something like that.
      You must have read about rhymes and a cat.

  14. Sweet memories! I'm cleaning out book shelves now, and it's so hard to get rid of the old books. But I know someone else will enjoy some of those I do give away!

    1. Yes, that is true. Only keep what you really love.

  15. Such sweet memories. That looks like it was a truly well loved book. I think you are on to something with the influence. As far back as I can remember I have wanted a cow. One day I was going through old stuff and found a little golden book I fondly remembered having as a tyke. The little girl with the cow looked a lot like me and I guess that book put the thought of a cow in my thoughts. As I think about this I wonder if I should have read Where the Wild Things are to my kids!

    1. What a cute story! I bet that book did have an impression on your little mind. So sweet.
      I used to read Where the Wild Things are to Taylor. He loved that book!

  16. I obsessed on finding this book. Did searches over years for "Pink ice cream is lickety good." So happy to see it again! I think I thought I was the red-headed little girl with the crayons. My mom dressed me that way! This so reminds me if being little! ❤️

    1. That ice cream cone always looked wonderful to me! I still love peppermint ice cream!
      I also thought that blue ball with the stars on it was just so beautiful! I wished I had
      one just like it! :)

  17. This is a wonderful book! I really love "vintage" books!

    1. I do, too! They just don't make them like that any more!

  18. Isn't this the cutest thing? What a treasure!

    1. It's adorable, isn't it? Glad I still have it. :)

  19. What a wonderful book! I also have some books from my childhood. Now my daughter use them! :)

    1. That's the best, isn't?....seeing your kids enjoy what you did.

  20. I finally had to toss books like this as the move seemed better with a clean start from the old books. They were not mine but I like hanging on to history. I think they belonged to my late wife or to here sisters. I wish there were museums where I could have given things to preserve.

  21. Oh my such sweet little poems. Isn’t it fun how these memories can be so strong.


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