Wednesday, August 30, 2017


We all have our little quirks, don't we?
Here's one of mine.
I can only eat cottage cheese with a fork.
It's just a little too gross with a spoon. haha.
OK, your turn.
Confess a little quirk you have....


  1. No quirks here at all, but I do love blueberries!

    1. Nothing at all? It doesn't have to be food related.

  2. Hi Betsy - no obvious quirks here ... but I do eat with just a fork if I can ... not sure why. Funny I prefer the cottage cheese ...but I'd have something savoury with it ... cheers Hilary

    1. I've never thought of cottage cheese as savory! We usually eat it with fruit.

  3. Yum blueberries! happy day Betsy!

  4. How else would you eat cottage cheese? I don't like food that tases blue - so blueberries are not for me. My quirk is perhaps that I eat melon with salt not sugar or ginger.

    1. Maybe with a spoon? But I don't like it that way. Weird, I know. haha.
      Salt on melon is common here, especially in the Midwestern states! I've never heard of
      sugar on melon, though.

    2. Really? I've known lots of people chuck a teaspoonful of ground ginger or sugar (or both) on their melon but they all act like I'm weird with my salt. Maybe it's not how you are but where you are? Although I've never been near a mid western state unless you count 2 hours at Chicago O'Hare on my way to Australia via LAX.
      Still working hard emptying boxes out of storage. Books and pictures and ornaments I had forgotten. Some things I am thrilled to see but others much go. I come from a family of squirrels who couldn't throw anything away. But seriously I can't keep my get granny's cast off stuff. Best to throw before I have a chance to think. BUT I did keep a box full of photograph albums. V pleased to get back photos of my 6 months in Sydney, my big trip to Egypt etc. My photography style has changed a lot since the joy of digital! Do you have loads of old albums? You were maybe too busy with the boys to fancy about with sticking in loads of pictures?

    3. I think you're's more of where you are!

      You are really clearing out the stuff! Always a good thing and fun, too, when you discover long lost beloved things!

      We have photos, yes. Not an enormous amount, though. But they are not in albums or scrapbooks. No time for that. haha.

  5. No quirks ~ I'm perfect . . . hahaha!
    Love cottage cheese and blueberries and if you're making some I would gladly eat with a fork . . . :)

  6. My thing is to eat fried bread with lashings of strawberry jam on it. Taste is out of this world!

    1. That's not a quirk. That's just delicious food. :)

  7. lol isn't it the same?
    Guess the fork chases gross away with its claim
    Quirks you say?
    What if I'm one big one at my bay?

    1. It is not the same.
      My quirk remains.
      Feels icky to me.
      I'm strange, you see.

  8. I can't drink coffee with a meal, only by itself. Something about hot coffee and food in my stomach at the same time......can't hack it. :)

    1. I don't like coffee with a meal, either! Dessert, yes. Meal? No. haha.

  9. I want a sandwich or toast on a plate. Just a napkin seems wrong. DH has no problem with just a napkin. I like real plates.

    1. I think I'd prefer a plate, too! But if a sandwich was laying there on a napkin, I'd still eat it. lol.

  10. I suppose I'd have to ask others what my quirks are. Everything I do seems perfectly normal to me. Heh.

    As far as food quirks go, did you ever put peanut butter on hot dogs?

  11. Can't think of anything right now...I am pretty well perfect! hahaha!!!
    Enjoy your evening Betsy...
    Linda :o)

  12. Quirks. I'm sure I have them, but can't think of any at the moment. I'll get back to you!

  13. I love!! using pepper at almost every meal. =) When I was little...I put pepper on applesauce.

    1. I have a friend like that...shakes pepper on everything even before tasting it! haha.
      I'm the opposite....never use pepper even if a recipe calls for it. :)

  14. My quirk! I can only eat small curd cottage cheese with pineapple, some people like it savory I just cant do it.

    1. I'm with you on the small curd! That's the only kind I'll eat!
      And I don't get the savory...I can't even imagine what food would go
      with cottage cheese to make it savory. No thank you. lol.

  15. I have over 20 coffee cups at work because I have to match my cup to the outfit I'm wearing that day! If I get a new cup for a gift, I have to search for clothing to match before I can use it. Honestly, I'm very normal in every other way I can think of.


    1. Now that is a fun quirk! haha. I love it. And thanks for being brave enough to
      share...most weren't as you can see. hahaha....


I'm serving coffee! Stay and chat!
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