Thursday, July 20, 2017

Sleeping Under The Stars

This chocolate colored cat prefers to live outside.
He comes in to eat and get a drink and back out he goes!
Even during the cold winter, he's curled up in a chair on the
back porch.  Summer nights I find him sleeping out in the
grass, like he is in this photo I took one morning this week.  


  1. cute :) but in winter I think maybe he comes to your house :)

  2. That's the life. When I was growing up, we had a huge clover sister and I loved to take a blanket and lay on the soft clover and watch the stars and sometimes even sleep there.

    1. We had a lawn like that, too! Soft and sweet smelling. But you could easily step on a bee, which I did more than once! Cloud watching is especially nice laying on the ground. :)

    2. Yes, I had a few bee stings cause I loved mowing the lawn barefooted with that old push mower. My feet were tough back then.

  3. I suppose you must be used to seeing this. At first sight he looked quite dead to me. Oh dear.

    1. I thought he was dead, too. haha. What cat does this? He must have been covered in dew.

    2. Apparently your cat does! Did you google that hotel?

    3. That hotel is absolutely wonderful! I want to go there! :)

  4. Hi Betsy- gosh I've never seen a cat like this before ... he's obviously happy ... and then deciding the porch and a chair is better during the freezing nights - makes sense ... cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, he must be happy. He's free to do what he wants. Wouldn't be my first choice though. haha.

  5. I have a cat that is the same. He comes for food and drink, but will not come into the house. He started coming about 6 months ago. I named him Jack. I don't think he has a home.

  6. When I first looked at the photo I thought uh-oh. Glad Cocoa is live and well! Beautiful colour. I guess he is just an outdoorsman! Footloose and fancy free.

    1. Oh, I wouldn't have shown a dead cat. haha. But I did think the same thing when I looked outside.
      Crazy guy. He's a true guard cat. Very territorial and takes on anything twice as big as he is. So funny.

    2. Well that's odd. I wrote in my comment that I didn't think you'd show us a dead kitty, but it isn't there. Ghost editors!

  7. Nothing better than a great cat. :)

  8. Likes to be one with nature even in snow
    Sure one brave kitty when the white stuff is all aglow

    1. Only a few times did he sleep inside.
      That was when it was well below freezing at moontide.
      He slept just inside the flap
      so he could monitor the entrance gap. haha.

  9. Don't think I have ever seen a cat sleeping out in the yard. Cocoa must feel safe to do that. My cat wants to go outside for about three seconds...she is definitely spoiled to the indoors.

    1. Isn't it weird? I've seen him napping out there during the day bu thought he was enjoying the sun. He isn't afraid of anything....well, except getting his flea control once a month. haha.

  10. Replies
    1. He was! It was about 7 AM and I think he slept there all night!

  11. That is interesting that he prefers to sleep outside and only comes inside to eat and drink. Sleeping in the grass is probably a lot cooler...especially if you all are having these "dog days" hot and humid days like we are right now.

    My package came today...thanks so much!

    1. He's been here since he was a kitten, too, so it's not like he had lived outside for years.

      We're very humid. ugh.

  12. I saw this article about black kitties going brown. You might be interested even though I doubt it applies here. I never heard of such a thing. I would sleep out on the lawn if we still had one and I thought I wouldn't be accosted by some thug. It isn't that bad here but I guess I sleep better behind locked doors!

    1. Thanks for the article...I'll be interested in reading it! He looked brown as a kitten. I call him a black cat but when he's up against our black cats you can really see how brown he is!

    2. Very interesting article! That photo of the one cat that is very red is amazing!
      I'm pretty sure our cat food contains tyrosine but I'll double check! Thank you!


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