Monday, July 24, 2017

Day of Rest

my morning coffee

I took the whole idea of Sunday being a day of rest to
a whole new level today.  I slept late, sat in bed with my
coffee, iPad, cell (and 3 cats) until around 10:00.
Got dressed and moved myself to the couch where I've
been all day long with the exception of making lunch.
And yes, it's been nice!  Kind of a weird, crazy week last week
 with this week promising to be kicked up a notch.  I'm taking
all the boys to the doctor tomorrow for their annual check
ups.  I'm guessing there will be blood work involved. :(
Friday I'm taking them all to the dentist .... so I think I better
give them all haircuts tonight or the doctor won't be 
able to find their eyes or ears tomorrow. haha.....(she says
 as she straightens her Wonder Woman crown).  haha.


  1. That was the perfect day of rest...just what the doctor ordered. Looks like no rest next week. We had a rather busy Sunday, as my dearest was ask to preach today at the church we attended before moving to Villa Ramona. Two of our daughters, a son in law, and a granddaughter went with us. Like old times hearing Dad preach again...I felt like a Pastor's wife again. Good feelings. Sending Hugs and blessings for a good week ahead for you and boys....

    1. Busy Sunday for you but it sounds like you enjoyed it a lot. Glad some of your kids could be there, too...makes it even better!

  2. A wonderful day...after a hectic week...and another one coming up.
    Hope things go well with the boys...
    I finally did a post...after a very long absence...
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

    1. Good thing we have Instagram, huh! Easier to post and stay in touch that way. :)

  3. You work so hard you need a rest on Sunday.
    Hope it all goes well with the boys.
    I am having a root filling tomorrow . . . . . They've doe the drilling and they now have to do the filling. . . so I will probably have a numb gum again . . . :)
    Talking of haircuts . . . a joke.
    A barber asked a gent how he wanted his haircut.
    He said, "Square at the back right side, natural left side, side burn left on the right but cut off on the left, layered on right, spiky on left, one eyebrow done and one not done, right ear clipped and bleeding and left one not."
    The barber said, "Why on earth have it like that?"
    The gent said, "That's the way you did it last time!" . . . lol

    1. Your mouth numbness and my blog don't get along if I remember correctly! Be kind, ok? :)
      Hope your filling goes well.

      you and your

    2. Not sure what you mean first sentence but I always intend to be kind. Dentist visit went ok and managed to get over to Selina's to do a bit more building work. Will take photos as I go and do a post . . . nice interesting project.

      I could tell a few more . . . lol
      Have a lovely evening . . . :)

    3. Glad your appointment went well today :)

  4. How lovely to rest from spot to spot. And you have lovely kitties to keep you cosy.
    The doctor and dentist back-to-back? Are you mad? :-)
    Good luck!

    1. Yes, I do believe I am. What on earth was I thinking? haha. At least we have three days
      in the middle to recover. lol.

  5. You need these kind of days now and again. Good luck with the upcoming week.

    1. Thank you! I'm sure it will be fine...we'll just roll with it. haha.

  6. Good luck wonder woman! Hope the week goes well.

  7. Sometimes you need a day like that. And with your upcoming week - I think you were smart to take a day off!

  8. Hi Betsy - well I'm glad you're starting off well rested. Do you do their hair in different order, or do they just accept and one steps up for the pudding bowl look? and gets it over with ... then the blood - oh dear ... still I guess they sort of know what will be happening - just hope all goes as smoothly as is possible. Have a good week! Cheers Hilary

    1. pudding bowl
      They don't care about the order. It seems to be different every time. Harry is the most
      happy to have his cut, though...he hates it long and has been asking for it to be cut for about
      a month now!

  9. Well done for having a properly restful day. I am off work today because I had sedation for my tests. The very nice doctor could find nothing wrong but took samples for testing anyway. So that's good news. In quite other news, autumn has arrived with a rush. Actually I think it was already here last Thursday. It is cool, rainy, windy and dark. Hang about... That was the whole of last summer! Good luck with your week.

    1. It always feels good to have tests come back looking good!
      I'll trade you some heat for some of that coolness! I love autumn.
      I'd rather go from spring to autumn and just skip summer. haha.

  10. haha sure the calm before the storm
    Resting up like in a dorm
    Then ready to tackle the week
    Blood work and dentist...eek

    1. Might need extra caffeine
      or other stronger drink
      come next weekend
      after we've rounded the bend. ha.

  11. Glad you gave yourself some time to relax for a change.

    Hope the boys' appointments go well.

    1. They did great today, thanks. Now on to Friday. haha.

  12. Oh dear, you must be getting ready for school time again, dr. visits and all that. Bummer. Can't they just let us have fun during the summer?

    1. No, the guys go year round to their day care.

  13. I'm a bit late making it here today, but I am glad you had a day of rest on Sunday. We did go out for church, but in the afternoon it was all about resting in the recliner or on the couch. We both took naps. Rest does a body good. ;)

    1. It's always good to put your feet up on Sunday. I never nap, but I do flop on the couch. haha.

  14. Wonder Woman knows NOTHING, Jon Snow! Wait til you see Betsy Brock!

  15. Hope all goes well. Glad you had a day of calm before the storm. You are wonder woman.

    1. It went very well, thank you! Alex was a little tense but he did just great.

  16. Just found a lot of messages and this is one of several from you.

  17. You deserve that Wonder Woman crown. Wear it proudly

  18. That is called a perfect weekend..!!


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